Mark Osgatharp
New Member
In 1887 J.R. Graves edited and published the book "The First Baptist Church In America Not Founded By Roger Williams" which contains an historical discussion of the question by Samuel Adlam, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Newport, Rhode Island from 1849 to 1864. Adlam's history of the Newport church gives it's covenant which was adopted in 1727 and it's articles of faith. It is not stated whether these articles of faith were adopted at the same time as the covenant or at some earlier or later date.
In any event, J.R. Graves gives this editorial note introducing the articles of faith:
"These will be interesting to all Baptists, and perhaps many of our churches and brethren about to organize would like to adopt them, and so hold the faith of the First Baptist Church organized on this continent. All can see there is not a scintilla of Calvinism in them. Baptists were sound, held and taught in all the faith once delivered to the saints, fifteen hundred years before Calvin was born. What he added to it is Calvinism, and that we most heartily repudiate."
Here is what the statement says on the subject of salvation. The bold print and italics are in the book and apparently were so highlighted by J.R. Graves.
"The only way of deliverance from the state of sin and condemnation is through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who is the Eternal Word in personal union with human nature. He freely offered himself as a substitute to suffer and die in behalf of all men. Thus he became a perfect savior by whom all who will may be saved. All men are invited to accept Him as the savior of their souls, and to all who do so accept Him, He is the actual ground of justification and eternal life."
"Those who truly obey the gospel were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world by Him who sees the end from the beginning, and in consequence of God's purpose and grace they are regenerated by the Holy Spirit, whithout whose influence none would ever repent and believe."
Mark Osgatharp
In any event, J.R. Graves gives this editorial note introducing the articles of faith:
"These will be interesting to all Baptists, and perhaps many of our churches and brethren about to organize would like to adopt them, and so hold the faith of the First Baptist Church organized on this continent. All can see there is not a scintilla of Calvinism in them. Baptists were sound, held and taught in all the faith once delivered to the saints, fifteen hundred years before Calvin was born. What he added to it is Calvinism, and that we most heartily repudiate."
Here is what the statement says on the subject of salvation. The bold print and italics are in the book and apparently were so highlighted by J.R. Graves.
"The only way of deliverance from the state of sin and condemnation is through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who is the Eternal Word in personal union with human nature. He freely offered himself as a substitute to suffer and die in behalf of all men. Thus he became a perfect savior by whom all who will may be saved. All men are invited to accept Him as the savior of their souls, and to all who do so accept Him, He is the actual ground of justification and eternal life."
"Those who truly obey the gospel were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world by Him who sees the end from the beginning, and in consequence of God's purpose and grace they are regenerated by the Holy Spirit, whithout whose influence none would ever repent and believe."
Mark Osgatharp