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Leaving IFB to become SBC

Discussion in 'Pastoral Ministries' started by abcgrad94, May 27, 2011.

  1. abcgrad94

    abcgrad94 Active Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    Dh and I are really fed up with the whole IFB crowd, in real life and on the internet. So much so, that we're ready to change to Southern Baptist. Many SBC churches looking for pastors want a man who graduated from an SBC college.

    Anybody have experience with changing over from another denomination of Baptist to SBC? Was your experience better in SBC churches? How would an IFB (GARBC) pastor go about finding an SBC church? Also, we are NOT 5-point Calvinist and some of our SBC friends say that their association is swaying that direction. Have you seen evidence of this? Also have heard SBC's are letting in women pastors and homosexuals, so is there any truth to that?

    I don't think American Baptist is the right fit for us, neither is Freewill Baptist. It seems SBC is more in line with what we believe.

    Any tips would be appreciated. Also please remember this is a fellowship forum for pastors and I'm not here to debate Calvinism or IFB's in this post.
  2. Salty

    Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    First, let me mention that I grew up in a GARBC background. I have found I fit right into the SBC! :thumbs:

    During the past 40 years, I have been members of GARBC, SBC, IFB, and Freewill:1_grouphug:

    As far as connecting with the SBC, I would recommend contacting the Director of Missions (mind you, he is more of an adviser - not "the guy in charge") for the Association in your area.
    He can inform you of churches looking for a pastor.
    If I remember correctly you are from WV. If so, here is the link for the Sou Bap of WV local associations

    When I was in VA, my DOM was very conservative.

    If you live close to the VA border, there are two SBC state conventions - the SBCV is the more Conservative one.

    Let us know what you find out.
  3. webdog

    webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    A GARB background may be more difficult in going to SBC. My pastor is from a GARB background, and when our church associated with the SBC, our former pastor left to plant another church as the SBC was not keen on our current pastor planting the church.

    My former pastor is now director of PlantOhio who works closely with the SBC. PM me if you would like his contact information, he might have some good contacts within the SBC
  4. abcgrad94

    abcgrad94 Active Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    Thanks for the links, Salty. Could you elaborate on your time with the Freewill Baptists? I might be misinformed, but I thought they didn't believe in eternal security?

    Webdog, thanks for your info and I will pm you.

    Here's part of what we've faced--all the IFB's needing pastors want the same thing, a young pastor to do all the work (and his wife is expected to help him earn his meager salary) and none of them want to pay a living wage. Many of them also expect the pastor to live in a run-down parsonage that rarely sees upkeep. We are so burned out right now. All the other profiles of churches we get are the same, small churches (under 50 people), older congregation firmly set in their ways even those those ways aren't working anymore. There's very few men, but what men are there want to run things and make the pastor nothing more than pulpit supply. I'm tired of my kids not having any other kids to socialize with at church. We need to be in a church where other people are willing to work, where dh doesn't have to be bi-vo just so we can survive, where people realize the pastor needs family time, where people don't judge others based on outward appearance or music preferences!

    From what we've seen, American Baptists are better in these areas, but they let women become ordained pastors and we disagree with that. I don't know much about other Baptist denominations except Reformed, but as I said earlier, we're not Calvinists. Just not sure where we fit.
  5. Alive in Christ

    Alive in Christ New Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Good move, leaving the IFB for the SBC, in my opinion.

    I believe you all will encounter a MUCH more healthy, balanced, and scripturaly sound fellowship experience with the SBC.

    God Bless
  6. matt wade

    matt wade Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2009
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    Bad move, leaving the IFB for the SBC, in my opinion.

    I believe you all will encounter a MUCH more healthy, balanced, and scripturaly sound fellowship experience with the IFB.

    God Bless
  7. webdog

    webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    Good move, leaving the IFB for the SBC, in my opinion.

    I believe you all will encounter a MUCH more healthy, balanced, and scripturaly sound fellowship experience with the SBC.

    God Bless

  8. Salty

    Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    Your are correct - since they believe in Free will - you are free to loose your salvation.
    Actually, the time I was with them, I was only (officially) the interim pastor- but I in essence was the pastor. When I talked to the church, I explained I was eternal security - we agreed we would not make an issue of it, since I was only the interim. As time went one, of of the members told me they could sense my doctrine of eternal security (this was not done in a malicious manner - but rather a info talk) I told them - how can I preach salvation without eternal security. About that time, they did get a full time preacher.
    However, I value the time I spent there.

    Again you are correct. When I was in WV, I found that the ABC tended to be more conservative down South than up north.
    I too would have an issue with other ABC churches with a female pastor - but it really boils down to what your specific church accepts.

    One option some churches come up with is dual alignment - SBC & ABC.

    Drop TinyTim an email - he is ABC and from WV

    I would consider pastoring an ABC church - but...
  9. Tom Bryant

    Tom Bryant Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    In 1989, I left a IFB church to pastor a SBC church. There are some differences, but much the same. You will find that much of what some IFB people say about the SBC will be wrong

    A church with a woman pastor will be dropped from the convention. The same is open membership of homosexuals. So there is no truth to that idea. If there are churches that have either, they won't be around long in the convention.

    Go talk to a state convention person. Tell them what you are thinking and praying about.

    I'll be honest, it might not be easy to get a pastorate in the SBC. But there are listing for SBC's churches that are searching right here. The state convention would have a website that contains church openings.

    You can send me a private message or whatever we can do to help.
  10. Jerome

    Jerome Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2006
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    Straight from the official website of the Southern Baptist Convention:

    She's been there since 2007.
  11. Tom Bryant

    Tom Bryant Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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  12. TomVols

    TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    I used to be IFB and became a SB after reading and studying the Bible on my own. I found SBC churches to be more Biblical than IFBism.
    Very much so, though many SBC churches are IFB churches in 99% of the ways. So in those churches, no.

    Same way you did before, essentially. SB churches are autonomous. They call whom they want. You can distribute resumes, and folks at the state convention and local associations can help, but that's all they do. It's up to the churches.
    Reformed theology is growing in many areas, but I wouldn't say associations are becoming more reformed. In the association closest to my house, I can only think of one SBC pastor who is Reformed. There are far more anti-Reformed types (you know...the ones who seem to work a "Reformed people need to repent" line into every sermon) than Reformed in my area.
    None whatsoever. Some churches have stopped sending messengers to the SBC and have become CBF or Alliance churches over women pastors. I don't know of a single SB church that would permit a homosexual as a member. I do know of a couple of IFB churches that have though.

    I have actually found many evangelical churches in the ABC/USA. I had the opportunity to preach and be an interim pastor in three in southern Indiana. Several extended calls to be pastor, but I refused. That was when I was younger, and if it happened today, I'd probably accept all else equal.
  13. TomVols

    TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    This is something that is often ignored by folks or some just aren't aware. No church is part of the SBC or part of the state convention. The SBC doesn't work that way. So like you said, if they are giving one dollar per year to the CP, they are listed at SBC.net or a state conv website. However, the conventions aren't comprised of churches. The SBC is not like other denoms and most people just can't understand it or ignore it to make a point.
  14. idonthavetimeforthis

    Dec 7, 2010
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    I came to the SBC from a Free Will background that was IFB minded in their philosphies of separation & standards. I'm EXTREMELY thankful that I was able to make the transition! Not just for doctrinal reasons, but also philosophical! I am out of "that circle" & now able to follow the Lord as He leads me through His Word & by His Spirit & no longer have to worry about what everyone else in "that circle" thinks. It has been very liberating. I had been told that the SBC was liberal, compromisers, etc. but have found that this is not true. I am thankful to be a Southern Baptist!
  15. Salty

    Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    Years ago, there was a lot of liberalism in the SBC- but that all changed. A good book to read would "On A Hill To Die For" By Judge Paul Pressler
    Wikipedia has a recap of the Conservative resurgence
  16. glfredrick

    glfredrick New Member

    Aug 5, 2010
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    Each SBC congregation is autonomous, and they choose to cooperate with the local association, state convention, and SBC. There is no top-down hierarchy that dictates what any given church must believe, do, not do, etc. That is up to the leadership of the Holy Spirit and the person (man, typically -- numbers are hard to find, but there are probably less than 100 of the 43,000 SBC churches that have active women lead pastors, and most of those co-cooperate with the CBF as well as the SBC for obvious political reasons.

    There may be gay pastors in the SBC, but it would be difficult for an openly gay pastor to survive for long unless that particular church was amongst the most radical and liberal of the entire SBC. I'm sure it is possible, but even more rare than women pastors. Other denominations, including American Baptists are not so discerning and either allow or openly court gay clergy. I note that the denominations where this is happening also show seriously dwindling numbers.

    About the switch? Why not? You will probably discover that long-held stereotypes are not correct, but in any given random SBC church, the opposite could be true as well.
  17. Jerome

    Jerome Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2006
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    So were they or weren't they "part of the state Convention" before the state Convention "dropped" them?

    And why did the state Convention need to "drop" them if they never were "part of the state Convention"?
    #17 Jerome, May 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2011
  18. TomVols

    TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    If "dropped" means the GBC won't seat messengers to the GBC, then that's accurate. But you can't be dropped from something you were never part of. Maybe Tom meant they were dropped from the website or something. I'll let Tom explain what Tom meant.

    Read the article:

    Pretty clear. No money=no messengers. Again, it's helpful to understand SBC polity and structure here.
  19. Tom Bryant

    Tom Bryant Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    In the words of the article, they were a part ( a cooperating church) of the Georgia Baptist Convention prior to her being called as the pastor. The GBC ended the relationship because of her becoming the pastor. That's all I meant.
  20. dcorbett

    dcorbett Active Member
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    Jun 3, 2003
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    Alert: Don't read this if you are SBC.

    I left the SBC because the churches were getting way too commercially oriented and liberal about certain biblical truths.

    My preferences next: I want traditional hymns and an invitation after a stirring sermon. I also love the fact that IFB churches individually pick their own missionaries instead of sending our money to whoever and them sending it to who knows who and where.