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  • He is a mess…I generally ignore m
    him. Same goes for Silver Hair an some of these bobo’s who are attempting to hold this board. It’s no wonder this place is on its last legs
    I would like to invite you all to the Blessed Hope Church we are having a Union Meeting this weekend with Elder Jonathan Blakely of the Old Line Primitive Baptist Lower Wetumpka Association, November 20th at 3pm Saturday and 10:30 A.M Sunday , I would like to see the Old School Primitive Baptist in Kentucky get together and start re-opening some of these Old Churches . my number 239-246-4196
    old regular
    old regular
    Blessed Hope Old Regular Baptist Church Old School or Primitive 108 Spruce Pine Road , Columbia , Kentucky 42728
    Do you know anything of the two Primitive Baptist churches in Richmond, KY area Little Bethel and Cane Springs?
    I have not been on here for awhile, but I was wondering if you of any old school Baptist around Jamestown , Kentucky members are folks interested in Primitive Baptist
    old regular
    old regular
    We are also looking at Danville, Ky or Liberty
    old regular
    old regular
    I was asking if anyone knew of any Old School Baptist living in South Central Kentucky are new to the area
    good to know that you will remain to be baptists that is so good we are also baptist in sierra leone,West africa.Please let us be friends and prayer partner.Keep us in your prayers thanks
    Will always be Primitive Baptist. My family and I have been blessed immensely through our involvement with the Church.
    My brother and brother in Christ, Hubert Baker, better known to BB members as OldRegular, has been unable to log on since this past Sunday!

    Baptist Board promises to send a note with instructions for a new password but it never arrives “OR"!

    Sometimes it states that it is over one hour old and no longer usable!”
    You remember that discussion that we had about all the elect hearing the gospel. According to Elder Sonny Pyles and I sent you a link to that sermon you and all the brethren that embace that doctrinal stance are in error. The funny thing is that his son and him have been trying to get the brethren that hold that view to prove it by scripture but he and his son who is also a preacher have had no response. He gave this sermon in November of 2010 and it seems to me that you brethren who believe that would defend it. No response!... Yet you contend that this is the truth!... I don't and neither do any of the Pyle preachers and Elder Sonny Has been preaching a long time. If you believe your position is so rock solid you need to contact Sonny. Before you do that listen to what he says... Brother Glen


    I am not really back. I got on the forum for the first time in months and saw a thread by "ituttut"; thought I would pull his chain a little. Found out too late that he was taking leave until after Thanksgiving.

    I left the forum primarily because of my wife's poor health. I also found that in some discussions, I got overheated.

    I can heartily agree that Apostate Judaism is representative of Babylon the harlot. The destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD was certainly included in the prophecy of the Olivet discourse. I suppose that makes me a partial preterist but I certainly reject full preterism. I simply believe that there are too many Scripture passages that can only be understood by the return of Jesus Christ at the last day.

    I certainly enjoy your insights on Scripture. I fully expect that we will meet some day. May GOD continue to bless you, your family, and your faith until HE either takes you home or returns.

    I've been trying to find a Lloyd's and a Goble hymnal. Do you know where I can find them. My daughter is a student at EKU. so I travel through Irvine occasionally. What weekend does your home church meet. We are on the second Saturday, saturday night, and Sunday.

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