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Joel Osteen on the Today Show

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by dh1948, May 9, 2006.

  1. dh1948

    dh1948 Member
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    Oct 11, 2003
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    Did anyone see Katie Couric's interview with Joel Osteen this morning? You may not like his style, but you have to admit his communication skills are excellent. He "held his own" with Katie. She especially focused on his wealth. I thought that was a cheap shot and the pot calling the kettle black. For the few minutes he was being interviewed, I was definitely in his corner. [​IMG]
  2. J.D.

    J.D. Active Member
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    Feb 21, 2006
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    I didn't see it but I hope it was better than his appearences on Larry King and "The View" where he refused to "judge" people when asked if Jesus is the only way to be saved.
  3. Marcia

    Marcia Active Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Joel Osteen majored in marketing and he's an expert at it. Unfortunately, he does not use these skills to promote the gospel that can save people, but rather preaches a feel-good be happy New Thought type philosophy mixed in with some Word Faith stuff. It's very sad.
  4. Rippon

    Rippon Well-Known Member
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    Dec 12, 2005
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    He is so personable ,yet so wrong . There will always be folks with itching ears -- and babies tossed to and fro on the turbulent seas of doctrinal confusion gobbling up his kind of feel-goodism messages .

    SOGOSINGER New Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    I have actually only seen his "show" twice. On both occasions he gave a clear invitation for people to ask Jesus to forgive them of their sins and come into their lives as Saviour. I know, stone me, bash me ....although it is only a "Feel Good" type of sermon, sometimes we need a few of those after being raked over the coals week after week and told what we are doing wrong week in and week out usually at the top of the Pastor's lungs in a whole lotta of IFB churches...Before the bashing begins, I am not agreeing with every thing that Joel Osteen says or does.....just stating an opinion that it's not all bad....I sure don't want to be standing in line behind him when he gets to lay the crowns at Jesus's feet for the many, many souls that have been saved through his ministry.
    Just one man's opinion.
  6. Rippon

    Rippon Well-Known Member
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    Dec 12, 2005
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    I am sure that an element of truth surfaces at times in Osteen's ministry . All error-prone " ministries " are not espousing error all the time . Even Billy G. hits the target once in a while ( Franklin is more biblical ) .
  7. genesis12

    genesis12 Member

    Dec 26, 2005
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    I'm wondering how many come forward to profess faith in what Osteen is doing, rather than faith in Christ. How many want to get on the Osteen bandwagon, so to speak? He certainly has taken "The Purpose-Driven Life" and "The Purpose-Driven Church" to a new level. I pray that those who come forward in an "altar call" genuinely understand what they are doing.

    Just think ~~ a congregation of 30,000. If each one gives one dollar every Sunday, that's $30,000 into supporting the ministry, the lights, gas, and water, support staff, etc., times 52 weeks, times 30 years or more with Osteen as pastor. Now do the math with $5, then $10, then $25 each Sunday. Wow.

    If he hasn't caught up with Benny Hinn, Kenneth & Gloria Copeland, Paul & Jan, as millionaires, yet, he's coming on strong.
  8. Marcia

    Marcia Active Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Osteen said that Jesus had to fight Satan in hell after the crucifixion. This is a Word Faith heresy that denies the completed work of Christ on the cross. If this is the kind of Jesus people are responding to, it's not the gospel.
  9. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    The only problem here is that Joel Osteen doesn't rake anyone over the coals on any week of the year. He doesn't present the Gospel in a clear manner, and though he may sometimes give an invitation clearly to accept Christ, that IS NOT preaching the whole counsel of the Word of God. His feel-good, name it claim it way of preaching is not only unscriptural, it is leading thousands into a false Gospel and way of life, leaving them unsaved, or not knowing if they are truly saved.
    Though I believe he is saved, I believe he is weak. Wealth doesn't equate to success, especially not in this case. IMHO
  10. J.D.

    J.D. Active Member
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    Feb 21, 2006
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    SOGOSINGER, believe it or not (some folks thinks I hate everything) I actually sympathize with you. I went through a phase a few years ago where for some time I loved positive, love-based preaching on t.v. because I was getting nothing but hate and anger from my pastor's preaching.

    That eventually changed but I know how you feel. Just remember that anyone that presents God as one-sided, either hate only, or love only, is not preaching the whole counsel of God, and has a personal agenda he is "marketing".

    Just stay in the scripture and pray for the Lord to lead you into all truth.

    God Bless


    SOGOSINGER New Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    If the Gospel is given of Salvation by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ...Then these people are just as saved as you and I...I do not agree with Joel Osteen on a whole lot of things but I have only seen his Servie twice and on both times the message was positive and a Crystal Clear Invitation was given...My only point was "He's not all bad" I don't stay home from my Baptist church to watch him, but I guarantee you that there are more people saved through his church than lives I or most Christians will ever come in contact with...Yes I know, not every one that comes forward truly gets saved...but that can be said in IFB churches as well..Asst Pastor's son and daughter at my former church both have been saved and baptizes 5-7 times.... I AM NOT A JOEL OSTEEN DISCIPLE... Thanks
  12. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Sogo, it's sad to think that you think someone who is leading others down a path of easy believism into another doctrine is "not all bad". There may indeed be some who get saved through his ministry, but, as I've stated before, his ministry is based on distorted doctrine and a "feel good" "name it, claim it" mentality. That's not Scripture, that's Joel Osteen and many of these other TV preachers of today.
  13. pinoybaptist

    pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    sogo sez:

    One radio preacher I happened to listen to by accident at 1220 am Fairfax VA prays everytime:

    wow ! I thought Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross to save his people from their sin. I thought the writer of Hebrews said he entered once into the holy of holies bearing his own blood for the eternal redemption of us all.

    Or, maybe those stupid King James translators forgot to add 'possible eternal redemption of us all' ?

    Maybe Jesus Christ on the cross cried, 'it is finished', and those evil translators did not add
    'I've done my part, now you do yours', because they wanted Christ alone to have the glory ?
  14. Marcia

    Marcia Active Member

    May 12, 2004
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    If the Gospel is given of Salvation by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ...Then these people are just as saved as you and I...I do not agree with Joel Osteen on a whole lot of things but I have only seen his Servie twice and on both times the message was positive and a Crystal Clear Invitation was given...My only point was "He's not all bad" I don't stay home from my Baptist church to watch him, but I guarantee you that there are more people saved through his church than lives I or most Christians will ever come in contact with...</font>[/QUOTE]To deny Jesus' finished work on the cross is to say that his death was not sufficient for the forgiveness of sins. It also makes a liar out of Jesus who said, "It is finished." It is actually a heresy to deny Christ's finished work on the cross.

    People who might be saved in Osteen's church are saved despite his preaching, not because of it. We can't endorse false teachers or preachers who teach error just because through God's grace some might be saved while they preach.
  15. Boanerges

    Boanerges New Member

    Jan 3, 2005
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    Now if he could only learn to communicate the name of "Jesus" once in a while. It seems like he has a hard time saying that one. BTW, the dali lama is a good communicator as well. He actually at times has said the name Jesus.(while preaching a zen new age "gospel".

    SOGOSINGER New Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    Sorry but this may be for a different topic...but It was the easiest thing I ever did with the greatest reward when I asked Jesus to save my soul...easy believism...yep it sure is ....does anyone ever read the entire post or do we just pick out hot spots and go "attack"... I do not support Joel Osteen...but I repeat with the greatest deal of respect to all posters... he is not all bad.... If a person is not going to go to any church lets say some IFB'er has condemned them for wearing pants (woman) or shorts (man)and have vowed that they do not want that kind of Christianity...and we all know that has happened...Next they hear Joel Osteen preaching one of his "Feel Good" messages and I know , Iknow, I know that he is not teaching the whole gospel, but lets say that person becomes interested and when the "clear salvation invitation is given at the end, bows his/her head and asks Jesus to forgive them of their sins and to come into their heart and be their saviour....how can that be "ALL BAD" person goes to Hell or goes to Heaven because of some unscriptural "preacher/teacher who kinda messes it up up to the point of the invitation...Which do you think Jesus is most happy with?
    Can I state one more time before I become todays meal of choice....I do not support Joel Osteen..I do not believe he is doctrinally correct...I do not support Joel Osteen... Let me state that I have been a member of an IFB church since salvation, believe in that doctrine but I have the wierd notion, that its about seeing souls saved...that is the most important thing
  17. JamesBell

    JamesBell New Member

    May 24, 2005
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    Sogosinger, I agree with you totally. At the end of every "sermon" Osteen does the "sinners prayer" which is nice. Better yet, he also tells people that prayed the prayer to find a good Bible based church to attend.

    My most used comment about the man is that he isn't much of a preacher, but is one heck of a motivational speaker. If he can use that ability to get more people saved, and then in the pews at Bible teaching churches, I will say I am glad he is doing what he is doing. I may not agree with how he preaches, but that doesn't mean it is all wrong.

    I suppose that means I am next in line to be bashed by the "loving souls" here. If so, that is OK with me. I am quite comfortable with what I think and believe.
  18. J.D.

    J.D. Active Member
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    Feb 21, 2006
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    Hello JamesBell and hello again sosinger, I'm not bashing you, I'm would just like to encourage you to grow in your discernment. As time goes, you should become more and more sensitive to non-scriptural teaching, such as the Peal/Schuler positive thinking and Hagin/Osteen/Copelan word-faith movement is, so that their errors will stand out so glaringly that the 50 percent or 1 percent of whatever percent of truth you're getting from it will no longer satisfy you. You need the pure gospel, not a mixed one.

    The problem with his little invitation at the end of his program to receive Christ is that it is implied that one should make a profession in order to receive a blessing. This is deceptive. The Christian life is to be lived in SPRIRITUAL blessings as we obey the Lord's commands. If anything on this earth, we are promised that our faith will be TRIED and we will be PERSECUTED if we live godly. This is the means by which God receives glory. Neither you nor Mr. Osteen can serve God and mammon.
  19. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Paul "Bear" Bryant was one heck of a motivational speaker---he spoke and his team scored touchdowns---prevented other teams from crossing their own goal line---and won national championships

    Tom Osborne--with the Nebraska Cornhuskers and Bobby Bowden with the Florida State Semionoles are good motivational speakers.

    But we don't need Olstein to motivate us---we need him to tell us the truth.

    For all that matters---the devil motivated Judas and Judas went out and kissed Jesus---but yet Judas at the end---put a rope around his neck and swung out into a Christless eternity in Hell!! How many others--listening to WOF "motivational speakers" will also--at the end of their lives---swing out into a Christless eternity in Hell??
  20. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Pretty much my point, JD. Sogo just doesn't think anyone is able to read his posts thoroughly and comprehensively, and that's just not the case. :rolleyes:

    Sogo, I know where you stand and yes I did read your posts all the way through and comprehended very well. I nowhere stated that you were an Osteen supporter, now, did I? I don't appreciate your implication that I or anyone else here has done that. We've simply pointed out that giving an allegedly "clear" invitation for salvation at the end doesn't negate all the manure one had to wade through to get to it. Once one wades through it, it's pretty clear that something stinks! :eek: