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helping people

Discussion in 'Pastoral Ministries' started by steveo, Dec 27, 2004.

  1. steveo

    steveo New Member

    Dec 22, 2003
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    How does your church respond to people calling asking for money, help with their lawns, shoveling snow, food, etc...
  2. MaryKay

    MaryKay New Member

    Mar 18, 2002
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    We help them. I know you have a lot of snow in Dayton....I'm not much good at shoveling snow :D
  3. TaterTot

    TaterTot Guest

    We dont give out money, but the deacons check them out and if they seem legitimate, we'll pay the bill or fill the gas tank. There is one lady that calls about every other month and we have had to stop "helping" her. She has enough for her cigarettes, and all the area churches kinda warn each other when folks like that make the rounds.
    I'd like to think people wouldnt take advantage of a church, but they do.
  4. Scarlett O.

    Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    We have a benevolence fund for people of our church and non-members alike who are in need. Every time we have the Lord's Supper, we take up money for this fund during the regular offertory. We also have a regular line-item in the budget for it. The pastor and staff, sometimes a few deacons, make the decision as to the legitimacy of the requests. This keeps from embarrassing people by bringing it to the church body.

    If the need is not necessarily for money, then a notice is sent to the various Sunday School classes for help with clothes, groceries, used cars, home repairs, etc....and they respond overwhelmingly.


    Scarlett O.
  5. steveo

    steveo New Member

    Dec 22, 2003
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    It is hard to know if they are legite.
    My cousin said his mom would call down the list of churchs to get money, etc...
    As a newer pastor, was just seeing what you guys were doing to weed these out, as much as possible.
  6. Pastor J

    Pastor J New Member

    Jan 9, 2004
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    We will go and visit the home prior to helping. We take this opportunity to give the gospel and any other counseling necessary. We also use this as a way to verify the need. I have had people call and tell me they had no food. When we arrive, we find their cupboards loaded. Most of the time, once we mention that we need to stop by and visit, we are told to never mind.
  7. FBCPastorsWife

    FBCPastorsWife New Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    Our church is very new (1 yr. old January 31st, 2005), but that doesn't keep away the freeloaders. More than once a month, we have people calling wanting money. Most of them say their name and say, "We have been to your church several times and we just love it." Of course, they can't remember anything about the building or the fact that we are in a storefront.
    We had one guy stop by and say he was from out of town, almost out of gas, he had been attacked and robbed. He went as far as showing a gash on his head (not fresh). Two weeks later we see them shopping in Wal-Mart. They gave us a dirty look and commenced to shopping. We talked to a pastor friend of ours from a neighboring city and sure enough they had been to his church a few days prior. Same story and everything!!
    If you decide to give money to people. BE CAREFUL and PRAYERFUL about the situation. It's awful to say but there are people who are professional bums and they make a good living by taking advantage of those who want to help people in need!
  8. Circuitrider

    Circuitrider <img src=/circuitrider2.JPG>
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    Aug 22, 2000
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    In the last church I pastored we had a deacon's fund, but by church policy it was limited to members or attenders of our church. If people came looking for money, etc. we just sent them over to St. Vincent de Paul where they could get food and gas vouchers. Some of their money came from public funds, so we considered that a right way to deal with them.

    If you choose to give them a job, you better be careful. Some of these people are professional beggers and they may cause you problems with your insurance liability. It is usually just easier to give them gas, food (no cash) and keep track of their names and addresses in case they return.

    In one city I pastored the police took care of these needs through public funds. All the church had to do was call the police and they would check out the people and dispense the vouchers.

    A final thought...if you are going to help those who are really in need, sometimes you are going to be taken advantage of by others. [​IMG]