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Re: Recording your visits


I have always kept track of my visits that I make with the people in the church where I pastor. I have been thinking of upgrading to a software that would have each member's name; address, phone, etc. Along with a section to record our visit, the date, what was discussed, etc...
Can anyone help me by suggesting a softward that would work for this kind of situation. I don't want anything too expensive.
Thanks for the help, and "PREACH THE WORD!"


New Member
I can suggestion two things, both are similar in nature, and probably overkill for what you're looking for, but the "tabs"/"modules" that you won't/don't use can be turned off.

It's a CRM (Customer Relationship Management)program, it's opensource (free to use) and it's made for tracking and keeping up with customers/accounts.

One of them is www.vtiger.com and the other is www.sugarcrm.com

I forgot to mention that they both can be ran under a website (for access by you from anywhere with internet access) or they can be ran from a Windows machine.

They have online demos, and as long as you know that you don't have to use everything, and it's overkill, but the perfect thing to keeping track of people. I think it would work nicely.



Thanks Jamie. I looked into both sites and they seem very good. You're right however, there's a lot there I don't need

Thanks for the help.


New Member
Use something you probably already have...Microsoft Access. When you open a new file, you can tell the "wizard" what you need. It's really pretty easy.


New Member
I keep a planner and i record the number of visits i make as well as the names...but that doesn't really help keep track of the addresses and other info though, which i think is what you are looking for.

If all else fails, make a data base on MS Word or Works.