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Suggested Reading

Discussion in 'Books & Publications Forum' started by Bob Krajcik, Mar 14, 2005.

  1. Bob Krajcik

    Bob Krajcik New Member

    Jun 26, 2000
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    Not long ago I found and read a copy of a book written by William E. Nicholson. The views expressed in the book were very similar to long held beliefs of mine, so it was especially interesting to me to find the topic covered as it was. My views on marriage, divorce and marriage again is not something I have just recently embraced. Many years I have held the basic views. The book is a real blessing to read. The author graciously addresses the subject matter.

    I hope those reading this post will consider and buy a copy of this important book, and use the information to help other Christians, by telling others about the book. The title is, Making A Difference. There are some that would be greatly helped by reading this. Please, order this book and read it. Use it to encourage others. The book is found and can be ordered from this link:

  2. Journeyman1

    Journeyman1 New Member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    Sorry, but I don't agree with the content of this book and I would only recommend it only in certain cases.

  3. shodan

    shodan Member
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    Mar 19, 2005
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    The best book that I have seen on the subject is The Divorce Myth, by Carl Laney (of Western Cons. Bapt. Sem).
  4. Bob Krajcik

    Bob Krajcik New Member

    Jun 26, 2000
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    Thank you for your comments. This is a very important matter, and one that divides people.

    The book “Making A Difference” by William E. Nicholson, shows divorce to be dissolution and not simply separation and shows from Scripture how marriage after divorce is lawful. In total opposition to that, “The Divorce Myth” by Carl Laney, teaches no divorce and no marriage after divorce.

    “Making A Difference” does not line up with the Gnosticism of the Fathers, does not see the marriage bed as sinful, does not show celibacy to be favorable to marriage, and does not lean toward the asceticism that motivates the thought and teaching of the no divorce and no marriage after divorce. There is much evidence to show why there are those that agree the Church Fathers and the Roman Catholic Church have imbedded the no divorce and no marriage after divorce teaching

    It should be noted, not all Baptists agree the Church Fathers should be looked at as if they had anything to do with Baptist churches. Also, it should be noted the Reformers for the most part did not agree with the no divorce and no marriage after divorce of the Roman Catholic Church.

    The one that has been a victim of divorce could read “Making A Difference” and see their is hope for them. The one that has been deserted and divorced need not live a celibate, ascetic monastic life after they have been deserted, and need not be in bondage to those that forbid marriage (1Tim 4:1-3).

    Deuteronomy 24:2 . . . she may go and be another man's wife.

    Making A Difference available here:


    By grace,
    Bob Krajcik
  5. El_Guero

    El_Guero New Member

    Jul 4, 2004
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    Maybe you could give us a critique of: The Divorce Myth, by Carl Laney (of Western Cons. Bapt. Sem).

  6. Bob Krajcik

    Bob Krajcik New Member

    Jun 26, 2000
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    Thanks for the post.

    I am presently not able to give time to review Laney's book "The Divorce Myth" but if any were interested in what some people have to say about the book, they could visit http://www.Amazon.com and read customer reviews listed for the book, or buy the book there. Here is a link to see reviews of the book:


    The "Making A Difference" book by William E. Nicholson is not presently available at Amazon.com but is available through this web site:

  7. Bob Krajcik

    Bob Krajcik New Member

    Jun 26, 2000
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    Bump. . .

    Myself, I understand the Bible does not make divorce an option for the believer, except in a very limited scope. Also, if a believer is married to an unbeliever, that is not reason for the believer to divorce their spouse, and at the same time, if the unbeliever would abandon and divorce their believing spouse, that is not reason for a church to stigmatize the believer that was abandoned and divorced by the unbelieving spouse. On the subject of divorce and marriage, a believer is not to use divorce except in the case of open and clear gross sin on the part of their spouse, as shown by Scripture. Also, a believer that has been abandoned by the unbeliever is not forced to live a life of celibacy and loneliness. If any were to abide by the Scriptures, they would not be unjustly partaking in a second or third or forth marriage. Divorce for any reason other than allowed by Scripture is wicked, and the reasons allowed by Scripture should be clearly seen, the church being permitted previously to be involved before that would be accomplished. There is gravity placed on divorce in the Bible. Let the Bible, and not tradition and superstition, guide the church. In Malachi, the reason for the divorce is shown as being treacherous and abominable, the cause for the divorce being unjust. It should be considered, Ezra and Nehemiah demanded divorce under certain situations. Divorce for just cause is not hated. God divorced Israel, but unjust cause is to be abhorred and is wicked. It was not divorce for just cause, but instead treacherous and abominable putting away of a spouse that is said to be hated, in Malachi (Malachi 2:11-16). It does seem right that some things, such as adultery, divorce, and murder should be considered above others, and with that said, recall that God divorced Israel, and Ezra and Nehemiah demanded divorce. Also consider the actions of David, as he committed adultery with Bathsheba, then murdered her husband. It should be hoped that God, and a man after God’s own heart, would be accepted in the contemporary church.

    As Jay E. Adams says: “It was relatively easy for a pastor in past days to say, "Sorry, I don't marry any divorced persons," and for congregations to state in their by-laws that "No divorced person may teach, sing in the choir or hold office." That is how it was. And, in some congregations, perhaps in a considerable number of them, that is still how it is today. But where those positions still prevail, there is a difference - they are held more and more with an uneasy conscience.” (Marriage, Divorce, And Remarriage In The Bible, Jay E. Adams)

    To understand better about these things, the book available at this URL is a great help:

  8. shodan

    shodan Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 19, 2005
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    Bob, I agree with your summation here. I myself was divorced by an adulterous wife and after 13 years, just remarried this summer.

    I recommend Carl Laney's book because it is the best one with which I am familiar that gives a solid biblical expositon re: divorce. The problem with it is that in his application, he goes beyond what the Bible says. But Christians need to understand what the Bible says.

    I would ask Carl Laney, "If in the OT the spouse of an adulterous partner was allowed to remarry, why not in the NT?"

    I am interested in reading the book you recommend.

    I would also like to mention a new book that, deals with some key topics in the church, including divorce:

    (it too can be found on amazon or other sources)

    LOVE, PRAYER and FORGIVENESS: When Basics Become Heresies

    I think many Christians would be surprised to see how far they have strayed from the Bibles's use of these key basics.
  9. David Michael Harris

    David Michael Harris Active Member

    Apr 12, 2005
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    I am still recovering from a unwanted divorce, which I don't mind telling people but I do not wish to talk about it just yet.

  10. shodan

    shodan Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 19, 2005
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    Just checked to see if the info i gave was correct...on amazon search "Love, Prayer and Forgiveness" dont include the subtitle

    May our God truly bless, comfort and strengthen you David Michael. I too went through an very unwanted divorce. I really believe you might find a surprise and true comfort in the book i mentioned here.
  11. Bob Krajcik

    Bob Krajcik New Member

    Jun 26, 2000
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    I hope the very best for you in your marriage. Praise God.
  12. Bob Krajcik

    Bob Krajcik New Member

    Jun 26, 2000
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    May God grant you healing and strength for the future. Through it all, the Christian has as their defense, the Lord.

    Psalms 5:11 (KJV) But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee.
  13. Bob Krajcik

    Bob Krajcik New Member

    Jun 26, 2000
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    Myself, I am convinced that no matter what the deatils of ones divorce, if they would draw near to God, they will be accepted.

    Psalms 51:17 (KJV) The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.
  14. Bob Krajcik

    Bob Krajcik New Member

    Jun 26, 2000
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    Psalms 59:9 (KJV) Because of his strength will I wait upon thee: for God is my defence.

    Psalms 59:16 (KJV) But I will sing of thy power; yea, I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning: for thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble.

    17 Unto thee, O my strength, will I sing: for God is my defence, and the God of my mercy.

    Psalms 62:2 (KJV) He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved.

    Psalms 62:6 (KJV) He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved.

    Psalms 89:18 (KJV) For the LORD is our defence; and the Holy One of Israel is our king.

    Because they sounded so good, I posted these

    Ps 89:15 [​IMG]
  15. Journeyman1

    Journeyman1 New Member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    God loves the divorced also.

  16. Bob Krajcik

    Bob Krajcik New Member

    Jun 26, 2000
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  17. David Michael Harris

    David Michael Harris Active Member

    Apr 12, 2005
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    Its a tuff one. I dont take of the bread and wine.
