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On the Closing of Topics

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joy, Oct 23, 2001.

  1. Joy

    Joy New Member

    Mar 24, 2001
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    Just a little matter of politeness from our posters- if a thread is closed or deleted, please help our moderators and administrators by refraining from starting a new one immediately on the same topic.

    If a thread has been moved, usually notice of it is made before or during the move. If it is deleted, most often it is because of a unanimous decision by the moderators, administrators, and the webmaster.

    Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Joy ;)
  2. Mike McK

    Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    My problem isn't the deletion of posts. I understand that they sometimes degenerate to the point that there is no point in going on or that they sometimes take on a hostile tone.

    My problem is with the issue of censorship.

    One person here was accused of "attacking" a moderator and the "offending" post censored so that other readers could not see that there was no attack at all, rather a comment on the segregation of those not seen as fitting into a cookie cutter mold of what Christianity should be.

    When I tried to stick up for him, having seen his original post, I was censored.

    BaptistBoard is a private entity and, as such, I respect it's right to determine it's own policies and treat people like dirt if it wants to.

    However, I do not understand why BaptistBoard would say on it's opening page that they believe that the "open and honest exchange of ideas can be beneficial for all participants" and then try to stop people from openly and honestly exchanging ideas.

    This seems misleading to me and I don't think that Jesus would do this.

    Why are they so afraid to let us talk to one another?

    [ October 23, 2001: Message edited by: Smoke_Eater ]
  3. Clint Kritzer

    Clint Kritzer Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 10, 2001
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    I followed and posted on the subject at hand and was actually awaiting a reply/retort from the gentleman but the topic was closed. I made a new posting today in Baptist history and if the moderators will allow, I invite him to pick up the subject of "How we know if someone is Christian." This man may very well be looking for real answers and I think he was getting some. Even if he is a rabble rouser, suppose one of us may say the ONE thing that chinks his armor? I really would like to have the opportunity to further our discussion. If nothing else, it has ME thumbing rapidly through the Bible looking for my references.That CAN'T be bad! I do not fear those who may try to put down my faith:

    Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
    And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
    Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
    And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:14 - 17(KJV)

    and also

    For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12(KJV)

    - Clint

    [ October 23, 2001: Message edited by: Clint Kritzer ]
  4. Danette

    Danette New Member

    Oct 19, 2001
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    I'm with the moderators on this. The front page says the purpose is an open and honest exchange of ideas and then goes on to list three rules. Two of them are...

    Rule One: Be Nice and Respectful at all times.
    Rule Two: No Personal Flames and No Offensive Language <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Personal comments, character assassinations, name-calling and anger in writing are violations of both. James 1:20 says, "For the wrath of man worketh not the
    righteousness of God." Even when we're right, if we're speaking or writing in anger we're wrong. (And alot of the time we're not honest with ourselves about our anger. We think it's righteous indignation when it's personal pride!) An open and honest exchange that follows the three rules necessitates speaking our beliefs while refraining from allowing our emotions to take over and making personal comments.

    Something that it's easy to lose sight of when our strongly held beliefs are challenged is that none of us can change the way another believes. Only God can change a heart. If I could change the way someone else believes, I would be encouraging idolatry. So, when I engage in a discussion on the BB, I can present my beliefs and my reasons for them, but I cannot demand that others change their beliefs accordingly. God loves me where I don't get it yet. And He loves others the same way.

    Here's another appropriate Scripture -- Rom. 14:4 says, "Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand." No matter how strongly I disagree with someone else who claims to wear Christ's name, when I engage in negative personal comments I am judging another man's (God's) servant. Even in a case so extreme where Scripture would require that I withdraw fellowship, it is still wrong for me to stoop to personal attacks. When Paul rebuked Peter in the Word he didn't do it with personal attacks. He rebuked with truth (the truth of the Word, not his personal opinion), but without lack of love or calling him dumb, ******, arrogant, etc. (Gal. 2:11-21)

    -- Danette
  5. Squire Robertsson

    Squire Robertsson Administrator

    Jul 4, 2000
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    Just so there is no confusion on the matter this is my basic policy on thread closing: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Threads will be closed when they go to a third (3rd) page. I try to give a six (6) hour warning before closing a thread to give the posters involved a chance to clean up any unfinished business. I also try to give a fair warning on the second page.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  6. Joey M

    Joey M New Member

    Sep 22, 2001
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    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I do not fear those who may try to put down my faith: <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I do not fear that either, but it should be done in the proper forum. If anyone can post anywhere, we who are seek answers from those of like faith, would have to weed through the many attacks and defends of the fundementals of our faith to get to the answer we were asking about.
    I'm all for the other denomination forum, but those of other denominations should respect that this is a baptist board and respect the rules of such.

    God speed.
  7. Squire Robertsson

    Squire Robertsson Administrator

    Jul 4, 2000
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  8. Jamal5000

    Jamal5000 New Member

    Oct 8, 2001
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    Moderators and Administrators,

    I appreciate your continual reminders about the rules of the BB. My memory looks like swiss cheese. Please forgive me if I forget the groundrules now and then. Its done by accident.

  9. Karen

    Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    This is a great place that gets better all the time, and I know I do not realize all of the work that goes on behind the scenes. Thank you!!

    HOWEVER,like any organization, there are the rules and then there are the REAL rules.
    The REAL rules are stated here kind of patchwork every now and then and include things like, "Do not start a topic too soon after it has already been discussed". "Use that search feature before posting to see if people have already talked about it." And others. A lot of the REAL rules are understandable in their way, yet I think they prevent a lot of people from participating much or at all. It is HARD for an occasional visitor to discern all these rules, and they can be afraid of breaking them unintentionally.

    Also, to some degree so what if a topic has been recently discussed? 2 or 30 people discussed it.
    The same topic could be discussed completely differently by a different group on the board.
    If you are an occasional visitor, something "exhausted" and locked 10 days ago is not necessarily apparent now.

    In summary, if something is a real expectation, post it clearly. And err in my opinion on the side of over-discussion rather than cutting things off before the "shy" ones join in.

  10. TomVols

    TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    In the forums I moderate, I'll allow for discussion to go on if it's germane to the topic. But when it degenerates and when we start going in circles, it's time to circle the wagons.

    As for personal attacks, I want to be as protective as possible but then again we have administrators and moderators who engage in these. So what do you do?
  11. Arrowman

    Arrowman Guest

    I can live with the decisions to close threads, most of the time, but I do have one request.

    - When a moderator closes a thread, or edits or deletes a post, may we please have a post from the moderator explaining the decision. Most of these instances are so documented, but sometimes there is no explanation. For example, a thread in which I was recently engaging in civil discussion with Mr Kritzer was closed, on its second page only, after Mr Kritzer's last post, without explanation. This can be very annoying and doesn't do the moderators' image much good.
  12. Clint Kritzer

    Clint Kritzer Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 10, 2001
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    Which thread was that, Arrowman? I thought you had meant the testimonies of former believers thread, but that remains open.

    Speaking for me, I have closed few threads so far. If I am going to, I give notice by page number or date and time.

    - Clint
  13. Arrowman

    Arrowman Guest

    Clint, 'twas Sam's "Am I Wrong?" thread, here:

    I didn't make a big fuss because the conversation was pretty much coming to an end anyway; it's just that I hate it when someone else has the last word :D . I didn't necessarily think there was anything sinister in the closing - more likely someone just decided the thread had served its purpose - it's just that it doesn't look good for you guys.
  14. Ernie Brazee

    Ernie Brazee <img src ="/ernie.JPG">

    Aug 17, 2001
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    Several of my posts have been deleted. This is fine, the mods have that option. Why is it so hard for the mod to e-mail the poster to explain why the post was deleted? This is called respect something that is lacking on this Baptist Debat Board. if one just proclaims the truth or tries to share what God has done in a church the subjubject is deleted.

    Recently I was accuse dof boasting and before I could draft a reply my subject was deleted. Thank you whoever was the mod.

    This is definetly a debate board not a board for sharing God's blessings. I was very insulted by the poster who accused me of boastin when I was testifying to what God has done in our church and can do in any church that is surrendered to his will.

    My days of wasting time on this board are over, enjoy your pettiness, apostacy, etc.

  15. Barnabas H.

    Barnabas H. <b>Oldtimer</b>

    Jul 1, 2000
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    Bro. Ernie, I am sending you an email on this subject. [​IMG]
  16. tyndale1946

    tyndale1946 Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Aug 30, 2001
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    I went to follow up a post and all that was there was the posters name and nothing else. What happened? The post wasn't deleted there was no post reply. BTW... You gentlemen and women are doing a fine job... Unless someone is here to grind an ax... We can do without that kind of attitude!... If I'm in error I'll take my medicine like a man!... No castrol oil please... Yuck... Keep up the good work!... Brother Glen [​IMG]
  17. Clint Kritzer

    Clint Kritzer Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 10, 2001
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    I've had the same thing happen Brother Glen. Try loading the page again and see if it is still invisible. I think it is just a momentary glitch. I had a post disappear and re appear earlier today. [​IMG]
  18. Arrowman

    Arrowman Guest

    Another request - can moderators please resist the temptation to introduce new material, or a "last word" into their closing post.
  19. Barnabas H.

    Barnabas H. <b>Oldtimer</b>

    Jul 1, 2000
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    Arroman, aren't you a little bit presumptuous? After all, this is a private Baptist forum. When a Moderator or Administrator (and I know you are referring to me personally) is closing a thread, it is his/her priviledge to deliver the closing words. If you feel that you failed to disclose something vital to the topic at hand, you can always open another thread (as you have already done). But since this is not a discussion forum, I'll let you answer my question on the thread you have already started below. [​IMG]


    [ March 11, 2002, 12:06 PM: Message edited by: Barnabas ]
  20. Arrowman

    Arrowman Guest

    Barnaba s, the thread to which you refer has been closed, without explanation :confused: so I will have to respond here. Anyway, I see no reason why we can't have a civil discussion here on the closing of threads, that is the subject of this thread after all.

    I don't know what you mean by "after all, this is a private Baptist forum". I would have thought that moderators should be subject to "good practice" guidelines on any forum; unless you mean that either (a) Baptist forums have lower standards ;) or (b) non-Baptist guests are subject to a different standard :(

    I disagree that the moderator should have the privilege of "delivering closing words" - at least, not when those words imply some favour to one side or other of the preceding discussion. That goes way beyond the neutral role that moderators should play, and does very bad things to the image of moderators and this forum.

    As you say, I can always open another thread, unfortunately the one I opened has been closed!

    [Edited to add:] BTW On further investigation I don't see Barnabas listed as a moderator on the forums in question so I am a bit in the dark here as to who closed what thread; but Barnabas' "last words" post certainly implied that he closed the thread and he's not denying it here - so I await enlightenment as to what actually happened.

    [ March 11, 2002, 06:15 PM: Message edited by: Arrowman ]