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Introduce Yourself, Youth!

Discussion in 'Youth Forum' started by Margie Kritzer, Nov 26, 2003.

  1. Margie Kritzer

    Margie Kritzer <img src =/Margie.gif>

    Oct 21, 2001
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    This might be a good way for new members to find out who some of you are...and for some of you to find out who some of the new members are.

    Tell us who you are...
    what your interests are...(what you do in your spare time)...
    what you're looking for on the BB...
    what your special abilities are...

    ...and anything else that might help others to know what you're like.

    I'll try to make this a feature topic, like a WELCOME forum just for you!

    [ December 14, 2003, 08:51 PM: Message edited by: Margie Kritzer ]
  2. Kayla

    Kayla New Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    This is Kayla! I enjoy reading and doing stuff with computer. I dislike English Class. And anyone who wants to we have an on going list of people who have messengers. I do these are my ids: Aim: jesusgeek88
    Yahoo: kaytay2288
  3. TeenforChrist

    TeenforChrist New Member

    Jun 10, 2003
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    My name is Sarrah :D (yes 2 r's)

    My interests are- art,I love drama,signing to song's,writing, and reading my bible [​IMG] .

    I'm looking for friends to talk to
    on here. [​IMG]

    Art,drama,and writing are my abilities. [​IMG]

    [​IMG] TFC [​IMG]

    Oh, my aim is Sarisoccergirl

    [ December 01, 2003, 08:45 PM: Message edited by: TeenforChrist ]
  4. MissAbbyIFBaptist

    MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    Who am I? I'm Abby, or Abby Louise, whichever ya want to call me, because I'm both to people. DO NOT: Call me Abigail! LOL I'm dogmatic about that. It's a beautiful name, but it isn't mine! There is one woman, and one only who I allow to call me Abby Gail, and that's actualy how she says it!

    Interests? Uh, you mean stuff I'm good at, or stuff I'm learning?
    Well I supose I'm good at singing and piano, LOL though I can't read music to save mylife! I like to read. Usualy Christian fiction, sermons, or books on biblical standards I hold. I also love Spanish. I'm wanting to learn it as a second language, and some people think it's a little odd, but I want to because there are many spanish speakers I meet on visitation that I can't comunicate with. By the time I finish college I will have taken Spanish for ten years, Lord willing, and I figure after ten years of it, if I don't know it, I might be hopeless!
    I love to talk and that carries into my posts I'm afraid. However I'm trying really hard not to talk as much because I have friends who make jokes about it often.
    Ok some things I'm learning: would be cooking. Uh, I've done some "interesting" things in the kitchen and if I'm IN the kitchen my family jokes about calling the fire department and poisen control! I am getting better though! Things actualy come out right now, but if I make anything for a church gathering I let everyone think my grandma made it because some of the youth make a scene about it being deadly!
    I'm learning to drive, and that will be a miracle if I ever do it right. Unfortunatly even with new glasses (I've never seen this good before!) I still don't see well. I nearly hit a post Wenesday night in the church parking lot, so I've given up driving at night. Don't ask how I passed my permitt test...I'll never tell!
    I'm trying to learn to clean...uh that too had some interesting results...such as our septic tank needing to be fixed after I used an entire bottle of clorox cleanser (refill size) in our bathrooms at church...they said I killed the bacteria! I've broken a copier at church, and messed up four vaccums, one that we could never get fixed, and when I wash dishes I usualy end up spraying myself in the face a few times. I'm trying though! It's not without it's problems but God gives grace does He not?
    What do I expect from the BB? To fellowship with those of like belief, and to grow in the Lord.
    Special abilities? I probably don't have many of those! I do have a unique ability to break things, but I think that's called clumsiness. I can make people laugh sometimes, but it isn't always intentional! :D
    Anything else? Uh, been saved just over four years, have a wonderful church family who are more like family, and I love people...most of the time! ;)
    Ok I guess that's me!
    ~Miss Abby
    Proverbs 31:30 KJB [​IMG]
  5. InTheNameOfLove

    InTheNameOfLove New Member

    Jul 13, 2003
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    Hidy-oh! My name is Layne, I'm 15, and I'm one of the most dedicated band dorks to walk the earth. ;) I march flute during the marching band season, and I'm in winterguard (flag and rifle line) during the colder months. This is not what i do in my spare time; everything else is. (besides Bible and prayer; that's just a whole other category.)

    I really want to learn more about different doctrines, interpretations and such on BB. I want to become very educated in every aspect of Christianity, from earliest Jewish history to eschatology. I hope this board will help. I also enjoy fellowshipping with my Christian brothers and sisters.

    Besides playing flute and performing in winterguard, I also play piano,(10 years)draw, and write. I have a very random, out there sense of humor (think Homestar Runner, Happy Tree Friends, Monty Python without perversion, and Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey.) That's me!
  6. Joseph_Botwinick

    Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    Welcome from a Band Director in Arkansas. It sounds like you are very talented. I had a friend who did Winterguard for a long time when I was in college. He marched with the Blue Devils one of the years the won the DCI world championship. I hope you enjoy the BB.

    Joseph Botwinick
  7. Kim

    Kim New Member

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Hello, I'm new to the BB and excited to be here !
    I'm 17 and a missionarys daughter. No it isn't the easiest position to be in, but I count myself blessed to be in it, the Lord is good !!!!!
    Some of the things I like to do is bead, walk, beachcomb, camp, hike, kayak, read, write long letters, talk on the phone, and listen to preaching and music. Some of my favorite preachers ( and I know this could sink me, but I'm going to tell anyway!) are my pastor Bro. Sammy Allen, Bro. Phil Kidd, Bro. Rufus Edmunston, and Bro. Marion Atkinson, and Bro. Josh Jones. Do any of ya'll know or heard these great men of God ?
  8. Mission Man

    Mission Man New Member

    Nov 21, 2003
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    Well my name is Brad Bender. I am 13 and I love The Lord. I am really active in sports manley baseball and basketball are my favorite. I also like games like game systems. On here I am just looking for some information and to grow stronger in The Word and also to find a couple friends.
    My icq number is 176953940
  9. Margie Kritzer

    Margie Kritzer <img src =/Margie.gif>

    Oct 21, 2001
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    These are great replies! I'm learning a lot by reading this thread, and I hope that some of our other "old-timers" will jump on here like Abby has and share, too.

    Monty Python (without the perversion OF COURSE), eh? I'd have to concur on that one... [​IMG]
  10. MissAbbyIFBaptist

    MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    Ahhhhh!! Someone else who loves to hear Brother Phil Kidd preach on the BB! Praise be! My favorite of all his messeges I've heard so far is "A Glympse of Glory." I love to hear him preach because he is one who just tells it like it is and has NO fear of what anyone thinks.
    I've also heard a messege by Brother Sammy Allen just awhile back. It's the only one of his I've heard, but I really enjoyed it.
    Kim, if listening to men of God like these preach sinks ya, then I'll go down with you gladly.
    Welcome to the BaptistBoard sis!
    ~Miss Abby
    Proverbs 31:30 KJB [​IMG]
  11. nu thang

    nu thang New Member

    Oct 11, 2002
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    well here i go again... this is the third time i've tried to write this reply and da internet just keeps shuttin' down...
    Anyways, my name is Josh, i live in abbotsford B.C. Canada, and i'm at the age where you are in between ages 15 and 17. hmm... what my intrests are eh? well, i like to paintball, hackysack, those are my two main interests, besides reading da Word of God yo. I also love to hang out with my best friends, but they live far away, so it's a problem for me and them. hmm... what else do i like to do? i like to play tennis, i also love to listen to music, even tho' i'm not musical in anyway, but i'm trying to learn the geeter. talk on msn, uh, i can't think of anything else so i'll go on with tha next topic of BB stuff. what AM i looking for on da BB? all kinds of stuff, J.C. is my main interest, but, wel, anything really, just not the pointless stuff like 'should i vacuum my carpet today?' &lt;--- i mean, c'mon people... lol. i'm lookin' ta make new friends on BB. 'cuz that's coo'. Special Abilities eh? &lt;---- canadians say eh, and americans say huh, are we any diff.? i know i have special abilities, but i don't want to brag about them, it's just pointless stuff like that. i ain't no sportsminded person, i don't dance, no singin' either, and well, that's me... i know i've missed a lot, but if ya wanna know more just private msg me. that sounds a little odd in saying that i know. but i just don't want to ramble on like i usually do, like abby over there. [​IMG] but i shall talketh to ye latereth. if anyone has msn let me know... signin' out here. Josh a.k.a. Gekko.
  12. nu thang

    nu thang New Member

    Oct 11, 2002
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    umm... i knw this has nothing to do with this part of the board, but how do you change you avatar, and not those odd flags? how can i put a pic of somthin' else other than a flag? sorry for the inconvenience... josh a.k.a. gekko.
  13. MissAbbyIFBaptist

    MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    I think once you have so many posts you can send webmaster a pm with a picture,and he'll put it on, however I'm not sure how many posts you need to do that.
    Margie! Help! Do you know the answer to this one?
    ~Miss Abby
    Proverbs 31:30 KJB
  14. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Hi Guys, It's 100 posts but webmaster's computer died and isn't reincarnated yet so don't rush! LOL

  15. Singing4God8692

    Singing4God8692 New Member

    Jan 4, 2004
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    Hi all! [​IMG] I'm new here. Which sounds so strange to me, because it's been a LONG time since I've been new on a board. I've been active at two others for years, and am one of the original members! So bear with me as I get used to being new ;)

    My name is Bethany, I'm 17, I'm from Houston, TX, and I am very in love with Jesus. I'm a 2003 graduate, and was home schooled.

    I read, write (I LOVE English), sing (anything music related, really), web design [​IMG] , and love photography. And like it says in my profile, being weird ;)

    Being Southern Baptist, I find few other Baptists to chat with! I have no problems having friends of other denominations, but it's rare that I find someone who shares what I believe. So I was searching for a Baptist board. Ironically enough, it took me a while to find this one. lol.

    Good question ;) Everything I listed as my interests, I use as my "abilities." They're not just hobbies, I put them to good use.
    Writing: I write poems, lyrics and stories that I share with others to either lift their spirits, encourage them, or let them know I love them.
    Singing: I do that in church.
    Computers and web design: I work at an Elementary school as a computer lab teacher's aide, and also do the school web site.
    Photography: Also for the school.

    Tis all for now [​IMG]
  16. Kidz-4-HIM

    Kidz-4-HIM New Member

    May 13, 2003
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    Hi, I've been around for awhile but just now getting to introduce myself here.
    My name is Cline Priestley (Kidz-4-Him) I am 17 years old and am active in my church. I was saved when I was five and baptized the next day.
    I am an, old time, born agian, Independent Fundamental KJV Bible-Believing Baptist! AMEN!
    I was called to preach at a young age and have preached many times. As far as my interests are concerned, I enjoy playing the piano, and working with children at church (children's church, V.B.S. etc.) and preaching among other things. I am mainly just looking for things that will help me in my Christian life here on the board. Like I said a moment ago I play the piano, I also sing in the church choir.

    For the Kids,
    Cline [​IMG]
  17. Margie Kritzer

    Margie Kritzer <img src =/Margie.gif>

    Oct 21, 2001
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    I see that you have made your first post in here! Welcome!

    I know what you mean about having friends in many denominations. Because I had been to so many different kinds of churches, it was hard to be able to express just exactly WHAT I believed. It was when I began to attend a Baptist church that I worked that out.

    I hope that you are willing to share some of your writing talents here.

  18. Margie Kritzer

    Margie Kritzer <img src =/Margie.gif>

    Oct 21, 2001
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    So you've been around here for awhile! Thanks for sharing so much with the newer members. Since we're all so different it helps to know where each of us is coming from...

    See you around,

  19. Rach

    Rach New Member

    Feb 8, 2004
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    Hi!! My name's Rachel (Rach), and I'm an Independent Fundamental Baptist.

    I love talking online; reading my Bible and Christian fiction; writing (as long as it's not a writing assignment for class that is); playing with my nephew (who's adorable by the way!); and playing basketball, volleyball, street hockey, human foosball [​IMG] , soccer, foosball, pool, ping-pong (table-tennis), and games (like Catch Phrase, Sequence, 25 Words or Less... stuff like that).

    I guess I'm just looking to find some new Baptists to talk to. I also like reading about different subjects though.

    Well... I know I have some, but I haven't quite figured out what they are yet. I enjoy making people laugh, and I'm so clutzy that I make people laugh quite often... so maybe that's my special ability. ;)

    I think that was all taken care of in the interests part. [​IMG] Anyone who wants to talk on IM (instant messenger), go ahead and add me. My MSN is girl4God_04@yahoo.com, my Yahoo is girl4God_04, and my AIM is RaLyWo86.

  20. cdg

    cdg New Member

    Feb 11, 2004
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    Hello all. My name is Chris. I am kind of new. I was on this board before on an old computer a while back. It has been a while but I remember Abby and Margie. I am interested in my church, my family, and my friends. I need to be more interested in lost people(truthfully). I am here for spirited debate(bad reason I know), curiosity, and for fellowship with those of like faith(however few and far between they may be).
    I also enjoy listening to Sammy Allen, Phil Kidd, etc. Special Abilities? Still searching(probably in vain). [​IMG] ;) :D