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Introduce Yourself, Youth!

Discussion in 'Youth Forum' started by Margie Kritzer, Nov 26, 2003.

  1. lindz

    lindz New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    howdy form indy. my parents won't let me tell yall my name but i bet you can just guess by my login name anyways! Well I love to sing, joke and goof around, talk to my friends, learn new things, debate (even though i'm not on a team!), evangelize, listen to Bro. Morris Gleiser preach! WOW!!! He can preach. have any of yall ever heard him preach? I love to go to my youth group. My special abilities are to make people laugh, think, and have fun. I am pretty comfy infront of people which can get me into trouble!!! Uh Oh! I hope to help myself and others grow in the Lord thru BB and have lots of fun!!!
  2. uhdum

    uhdum New Member

    Jul 12, 2001
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    Well, my name is Adam...

    Since there isn't a college-age forum, I figured this is the closest there is (Don't kick me out lol).

    I am 21 and am enrolled at my local Christian college, majoring in Biblical Studies and Elementary Teacher Education. I feel it is God's will for me to preach (I surrendered to the ministry in 2000), as well as teach children. I also love music and play piano/keyboard and bass guitar. I would also enjoy being a music minister later on. I also enjoy basketball, golf, bowling, and baseball.

    It is my belief that God's call on our lives is multi-faceted and not narrowed down to one thing. God has given me several gifts, abilities, and passions, and it my duty as a steward to fulfill them all.

    Currently, I play in our church's worship band and teach 6th grade in our TeamKids program. I also do pulpit supply work, as well as speak at youth group meetings and such. I have even led worship at revival services as a guest music leader.

    God's much better to me than I deserve... the hardest thing for me to do is wait on God and let Him guide me where HE chooses. My biggest desire in life (in relation to ministry) is to pastor; however, I must be patient to be faithful in the opportunities He has given me now. I need to let Him guide me to His will, not my own.

    God bless!
  3. Constantine

    Constantine New Member

    Mar 9, 2004
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    Greetings in the Name of the Lord!

    My name is Ben, and I am a Byzantine Christian, and I like to discuss issues with people of and not of my Faith. I always love to learn!

    My interests are learning, journalism (and other writing), outdoors activities, track and field, soccer, serving the Lord @ church and abroad, helping people who are in need, and a few other minute details.

    God bless.
  4. extremebiblereader

    extremebiblereader New Member

    Jan 12, 2001
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    My name is Rachel, I have been a member for awhile, just never have time anymore to post. I frequent back every now and again to see what is happening.
    Spare time? what is that? I listen to music, read,watch tv ( that isn't good),I like to go on trips when i am driving.
    I am just looking for fellowship. I was baptist, then switched to Apostolic, now I am switching back to Baptist. A very ackward point for me right now.
    I like to play the piano, i want to start up lessons again. I want to learn the violin and drums. I am 19yrs old, i think that is basically all about me if anything else just ask.
    my screen name is Legacyfive2002, or Bibletruth4me whatever is on.
  5. savedgirl63026

    savedgirl63026 New Member

    Feb 9, 2002
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    Tell us who you are...

    Well, I am Jamie. Jamie Marie. Jamerz. Whatever ya want to call me works. I am a junior in High school (that will make me 17) and I live in the suburbs of St. Louis.
    what your interests are...(what you do in your spare time)...

    Piano! God! Reading My Bible!(not in that order)
    I love the piano. not too brag,I am advanced at it. It is one of my passions. I love to read and I am a very outgoing person. I will talk to anyone. I love people!!

    what you're looking for on the BB...

    I love talking to people. Talk to more people who believe the stuff I do.

    what your special abilities are...

    Piano, singing ( I sing soprano or alto), and I love to shhh... have fuN!!
    ...and anything else that might help others to know what you're like.

    I'm just ME!!! My messenger names are:
    AIM: jamerzz2000n5 or HisSrvnt7
    MSN: jamerz2000n5@hotmail.com
    YAHOO: jamerzz2000n5 or jamerz2000n5@swbell.net

    See yas..... [​IMG]

    [​IMG] Jamie [​IMG]
  6. KeithKorg19

    KeithKorg19 New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Hello, this is my first post on this board.
    My name is not really Keith, it is actually Michael.

    My interests... I am interested in so many things. My true love has to be traveling. I have traveled over most of the US and a couple countries in Asia.
    Another hobby of mine is photography. Actually I enjoying going to interesting places to take pictures more that I like actually taking and developing the pictures.
    Music is another interest. I mostly listen to hip hop and rap, but enjoy original rock music when I can find it.

    What I am looking for..
    I was saved a long time ago, but recenty I have been having difficulties. Mostly I need support and advice.

    My special abilities? well... I consider my self to be brave. I am not afraid to try new things. This isn't really an ability though. I also have the fortunate/unfortunate abilty to rarely feel regret. I guess that I realize that God forgives your sins when you confess.

  7. 4-christ

    4-christ New Member

    Mar 20, 2004
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    HI MY NAME ON HERE IS 4- CHRIST. I like reading the bible and talking to the master above. I also like swimming and fishing. I am a 12 grader. And planning on going to college I love this web site it helps to get answers. Another thing i love cats I have seven of them. There names are pooh, star, fras, milo, bluetoe, freckles, tiger. And 2 dogs spike and lady.
  8. 4ever4u

    4ever4u New Member

    Apr 1, 2004
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    Hello, My name is Cara, and I'm 13. I like too play softball, bowl, and dance. I like too write, and the reason I joined is I love to debate things with other people, hear other people's side of things. I I think that that is just FUN.
  9. 4ever4u

    4ever4u New Member

    Apr 1, 2004
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    4-Christ said: There names are pooh, star, fras, milo, bluetoe, freckles, tiger.

    Cute names, yo
  10. heaven

    heaven New Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Hey my name is jenny im form Australia and im of course a chrsitian i would love to meet more popel throught this board so feel free to pm me.

    chat soon jenny
  11. MissAbbyIFBaptist

    MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    Welcome to all the new members of the youth! It's great seeing ya'll!
  12. IdahoLabs

    IdahoLabs New Member

    Mar 7, 2004
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    My name is Claire and I'm 16 y/o.

    Riding horses - I'm a C1 in Pony Club, if that means anything to anyone. =)
    Training dogs (I have Labradors - that explains my screen name LOL); see my website for more about my dawgs.
    Piano - I've been taking lessons for almost 7 years now, and I do OK. I'm the church pianist here at Faith Baptist Church.
    I work at a dairy milking cows and - don't laugh, but I love it. *grin*
    I just finished driver's ed, so I have a little bit of time with a permit before I get my license, but I think I'm happier about it than my parents are. LOL!
    Like some of the others, I also like to write, do a little photography, draw...I like to run, swim, ski - both water and snow - and that's about it.
    Oh - and the important stuff. I am a PK, and I am a Fundemental Independent Baptist. :D

    A little bit of debate, a little bit of accountability in Bible reading, a few new friends - I don't have many Christian friends at my level of growth, and while it can be nice to help others along it's also wonderful to have someone else to help hold you up and encourage you when the going gets tough.

    Hmm...I would have thought that went under 'interests'. I can't say as there's anything I can do that's extremely special, or anything I can do better than average.
  13. jane

    jane New Member

    Jun 5, 2004
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    Hi Everyone! It's good to see this post! And i'm very much excited having fellowship with you.. By the way I'm Jane from Philippines and I'm working right now in a retail group, I love to meet my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ because it's just so happened that my work place is full of worldly things and people, I'll be glad to meet friends and my fellow believers like you.. By the way my interest are making poems, surfing the net,in fact I got an account also with friendster where I can also share the word of God with my new friends, soul winning, and also I love talking about encouragement and fellowship with my fellow believers.. [​IMG]

    By the way I'm a new comer here in BB and I'm glad to be here.. God Bless!! [​IMG]
  14. Su Wei

    Su Wei Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Hi Claire. Nice website! I love the little labbie puppy running!!! [​IMG] Soooooo koot.

    You are in charge of the breeding program?
  15. blah

    blah New Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    Hey all I am a new member and I love this site I am in deep love with God [​IMG] and he as already called me into the pastoral ministries! :D I am in the making of my website http://www.freewebs.com/baptistbelievers
    I have gotten alot of things added since I first started it! [​IMG]
  16. blah

    blah New Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    PLz sign the guestbook if you go their! :cool:
  17. J4KC35

    J4KC35 New Member

    Jul 6, 2004
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    My name is Jessica(Jessie), I'm from Glendale, CA, and I'm 17 years old. I do many things in my spare time, but music is the biggy. I enjoy all types of music, but Kelly Clarkson is my favorite. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. I'm also on the Yearbook staff at my school, and I dance. On BB I'm just looking for a place to learn and discuss everything will people of my same religion. Some of my "special abilities" are writing, graphic design, and dancing. I write a lot, mostly poems and songs. I also write short stories all the time.
  18. TeenforChrist

    TeenforChrist New Member

    Jun 10, 2003
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    Hi everyone! [​IMG]
    TFC [​IMG] ~
  19. GodsAmbassador

    GodsAmbassador New Member

    Jul 13, 2004
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    Hi everyone! My name is Naomi, I'm 16 yrs old, and fixin to start my senior year of school! whoohoo!!!! I've been homeschool all my life, and I LOVE it! I live in TN with my parents, and 3 brothers. I have another brother in CT in the Navy fixin to finish sub school and start electronics school. I like message boards,computers,reading, listening to sermons, etc. I am hoping to start Crown College next fall, as is one of my brothers.

    Well, that's pretty much "me" in a paragraph!

  20. Ben793

    Ben793 New Member

    Jun 4, 2004
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    Hey, my name is Ben, I'm 16 years old, and I'm going to be a senior the next school year. I've been homeschooling the last couple years. And I just can't wait to finsih. lol Well anyways, here's some of my hobbies&gt; music, tv, basketball(Love UK), watching baseball(The Yanks rule). I'm hoping to find some friends here, so PM me if you want to get to know me better.

    By The way I'm Fundamental Independent Baptist and I'm from Ky. [​IMG]