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Public Highschools?

Discussion in 'Youth Forum' started by Bound4Glory, May 9, 2005.

  1. Bound4Glory

    Bound4Glory New Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I would like to know what yalls veiws are on public highschools? Are you going to send yalls kids to a public school, private school, or homeschool them?
    What are some of yalls experiences from the different types of schools, especially public?


    [ May 09, 2005, 05:44 PM: Message edited by: Bound4Glory ]
  2. Kayla

    Kayla New Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    I am not going to send my kids to public school unless they ask to go or unless my husband and I discuss it and believe the school is adaquette, I've had some personal bad experiences with public school if you cross reference with the Colleges topic you can see alot of them some of them are just too awful to repeat. I hope and pray my child will never have to experience what I have (all 6 of them [​IMG] Abby....jk.)
  3. AZfiddler_Oct1996

    AZfiddler_Oct1996 New Member

    Aug 21, 2004
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    Who ever said I'm gonna get married? lol If I ever do (become stupid enough to :rolleyes: ;) ), my kids are going to go to a christian school and if there isn't one, they'll be homeschooled. No public school! I have been blessed by always having the privilage of attending a christian school. Right now I go to our church school in Mex. (I'm in highschool)

  4. Ishouldbhappy

    Ishouldbhappy New Member

    Mar 21, 2005
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    I go to public school and I love it. If everyone home schooled their kids and sent them to Christian schools who would witness to the lost kids in public schools? My kids will go to public school. I feel it helps you learn how to relate to people who are different from you.
  5. StefanM

    StefanM Well-Known Member
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    Jul 4, 2004
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    Whenever I have children, I would send them to public school unless I had a compelling reason to do otherwise.

    If public school would not be an option, then Protestant schools, then Catholic schools.

    Only in the most extreme situations would I ever homeschool my children.
  6. Ishouldbhappy

    Ishouldbhappy New Member

    Mar 21, 2005
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    I went threw many things in school but I believe they made me stronger. I would not trade all that has happened for anything. I feel that public school is the place where I belong. People know where I stand and how I feel about different issues. I find that I am able to share my faith each day I come to school. I believe God put me here for a reason.
  7. Bound4Glory

    Bound4Glory New Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Kristen..I think thats great that you feel that way.
    I believe that if you are a Christian in a public school..than your kind of like a missionary. But not everyone is called to be a missionary..and not every missionary is called to the same place. My children will not go to public school..UNLESS they feel God is calling them to go there. Other wise..they will most likely be homeschooled. I want me children to be kept from the sin of this world, though i know its inevitable that they will be around it..I want me and my husband to be the ones with the infulence on them. To teach them through a godly perspective, and for them to be able to concentrate and learn without sinnful ditractions going on around them.
    I personally would like to transfer to a private school my senior year. I feel like it will better prepare me for the atmosphere of Bible College. But i know that its very unlikely to happen. So im content at doing the Lords work where i am.
  8. Kayla

    Kayla New Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    If my child desires to go to Public School I will let them, it's just when they are too young to decide I will have them in Christian School. When they get about 8,9,10ish I will let them decide for themselves. I was going to write that in my last response but my computer did something wierd.
  9. MissAbbyIFBaptist

    MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    I have been in public school since I was five. I did attend a private school when I was three and four. I hate public school. I've had some BAD experiances at highschool. I know it's part of being saved, but it seems kind of odd that in a society were everyone talks about tolerance I get so much opposition.
    I would homeschool my children. I doubt I'd ever have the money to send them to Christian school, and public school would only be an option for when they are older, saved, grounded in doctrine and faith, and if my husband and I spent a WHOLE lot time in prayer and felt God was for it.
    I literaly believe in training a child in the way he should go. To me, that means being my childs educator. There are also some things I just simply wouldn't want my kids to be exposed to.
    I can't keep them in a bubble, but I can raise them right. I know Christians in public school may turn out fine (God willing, I will!). But just because I had to endure something dosn't mean I want my children to.
  10. Ishouldbhappy

    Ishouldbhappy New Member

    Mar 21, 2005
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    I could not home school my children I feel that I would be denying them certain privileges. I know I would not be able to provide the best education for them and I want them to have the best. They would not be able to play football and they would miss out on many other opportunities. I feel that the best that I can do for my children would be public school. I feel that it prepares them for the real world because they have to learn how to deal with others.
  11. TexasSky

    TexasSky Guest

    I sent mine to Public School because I felt it was important that they learn how to deal with temptation while I was around to help guide them. However, I live in a city where even the worst public school isn't too bad. I would have a very different attitude in a different region.

    I have a tremdenous respect for those who are Home Schooled though. Their children really do perform much better on standarized testing, and I can't say anything negative about them at all.
    I do think it depends on where you are though.

    We have a lot of home-schools here in town (the former head of Texas Home Schools lives in our city), and they work together to create opportunities for students with other home-schooled kids so that the kids don't miss out on things. They form their own little "Orchestra" groups, and "play groups" and enroll them in competitions like UIL. So the kids here DON'T miss out on things.
  12. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    Some of the Christian parents I knew from the years I was in Texas who had come from some other states said they would never send their kids to a Christian school because that is where the troublemakers from the public school end up. Each school is different. Some public schools try to hire Christian teachers.

    When I taught high school I saw Christian kids sharing their faith with those who were not believers. However, some Christian kids in the public school demonstrate judgmentalism and the others pick up on that while there are students who have changed the school climate because of their witness. A young lady I knew years ago changed a youth group and a high school because she started a small Bible study which blossomed and became many Bible studies. The youth group at church went from about 35 to about 150 in about two years.

    About six months ago I took some students down to a competition. On the ride down I heard three of the students who were Christians sharing with the two who were not.

    When I taught high school I had many opportunities to talk with students. On one ocassion I was substituting for another teacher and in that class was a pastor's daughter. I had never had her in class and asked if her dad was a pastor. She responded saying, "Yes." Then she asked, "Are you a Christian?" I told her that I was and then a student said, "I have been thinking about that." It was about the next 45 minutes of discussion of what it meant to be a Christian.

    The opportunities are endless. We are called to be salt and light wherever we are. With God's help we can.
  13. Karen

    Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    TexasSky made a number of my points. But amplifying on some of them: actually a homeschooled kid may have many more opportunities to do extra-curricular things. For example, I have 5 nieces and nephews in public school. My kids go (went) to private school. (One in college now.)
    Any home-schooled kid that desires can play on any team and be in any extra-curricular activity in my kids' private school.
    In the large public schools my other relatives attend, maybe 15 out of a couple thousand could be on any team.
    And it doesn't mean poor teams necessarily in the private situation. My kids' school won 1st place in the state of OK in basketball for two different teams in their division, just this year.

  14. MissAbbyIFBaptist

    MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    "they would never send their kids to a Christian school because that is where the troublemakers from the public school end up. "
    I really wish they'd take a few trouble makers from my school, lol! Seriously though, I know what you mean. We do have one private school in our area, and even though the church that runs it is straight doctrinly and have standards for the school, I've heard nothing but bad things about the students...and most of that from teachers who quit because it was so bad!
    However there are probably as many good ones as bad ones. There are some in other counties that I've heard very good things about.
    I don't think homeschooled children miss out. Like many have already said, they can play on private school teams, and other families that homeschool may have activities together.
    I know I've mentioned before that I'm going to college for a teaching degree. When and if God gives me a family I want the training to give them the best education. I know some Christian schools you don't have to have a college education, and to homeschool you don't either. And I suppose that's fine, and I know several kids in that circumstance who have turned out exceptionaly. I personaly, however, want any child I teach (school, or my own) to be taught in the best way that I can. I can't give my children much, but I can do my best, and prepare myself to do my best.
  15. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    That is a great attitude to have.

    When I was in seminary there was a man who sat next to me who was an executive in a very large company. I asked him if he planned to pastor when he got out of seminary. He told me he just wanted to be a better Sunday School teacher.
  16. Bound4Glory

    Bound4Glory New Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    One of my best friends goes to a IFB church ran Christian school. She will be graduating in a couple months. She decided she wanted to go there because the public school was too much for her. To much temptation and sin that she just needed to get a way from. This is a very small school..in fact she is the one and only graduate this year. She loves it there. Though she has mentioned 1 or 2 boys names that are a little bit troublemakers.. but over all it seems to be a wonderful school. she is one of the smartest people I know, And certainly one of the most sound doctrinally, of the girls and for her age.

    I feel the way Abby does conerning..i want to teach my kids..i want to homeschool..but i too want to get my degree in ed. to that 1)i can be a better teacher to them and 2) so that when they do graduate from homeschool, I can go teach at a private school and maybe be a blessing to those kids, whether they be "troublemakers" or faithful christians.
  17. God'sMusicGirl07

    God'sMusicGirl07 New Member

    Mar 29, 2005
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    Public School is not bad. Yes there are some bad things but there is also some bad in homeschool and private school. I love public school. There are temptations and trails but the Bible tells us that trails make us stronger and builds our faith. If I live in the same area that I live in now when I have children I will send them to public school. If not then I will look at the schools in the area and decide if I want to send them to public or private. I will not home school because I do not feel that I could teach them enough in everything. Like math I am very weak and I don't think I could teach them. I think that you and your husband should pray about it and decide on where God wants you to send your children.
  18. patrioticcamerican

    Dec 18, 2004
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    Wow, Bound4Glory, that's a good goal. It looks like you have things well thought out. I really like the idea of homeschooling. I graduated in 2003 with an education degree, and homeschooling is one of my main purposes in getting it. I think one of the main benefits of homeschooling is helping kids get a good foundation in their worldview and their thinking. I'm not saying that everyone who goes through public school is destroyed at all. But a lot of kids are easily influenced, and it might be better for those kids to be in a more secure environment.
  19. Guitar25

    Guitar25 New Member

    Jul 27, 2003
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    I went through alot of hard times in public school as well. I'm only 18 and I'm graduating from school soon. I always said that I was never going to let my kids go through what I went through as a kid cause I went through much more then anyone deserves to go through as a kid in a public school. But when I have children in the future I will probably send them to public school unless there isn't a good reason not to. Everyone goes through hardships and adversities in there life, it says we will right in the Bible. I dont know what my kids would end up going through, but it could only make them stronger to go through it if it comes to them, it did for me. But only cause i stayed with the Lord. I admit I've done things in and out of school that I'm not proud of but I know i've been forgiven and im trying to stay strong with him.
  20. ktn4eg

    ktn4eg New Member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    It's interesting that a topic such as this has been started in the Youth Forum.

    In a couple weeks the Southern Baptist Convention will open its annual meeting here in Nashville. One of the resolutions that will be introduced will be one that will urge the members of SBC churches who have school-age children to withdraw them from the government-sponsored schools and either homeschool them or place them in private, Christian schools.

    Of course such resolutions are not binding on any SBC church or any of its members, but there are good reasons why parents should heed its proponents rationale.

    Overall, the system of government schools has consistently failed to produce a "quality product," that is, a truly educated graduate. If the government school system were a business, it'd be on the auction block a long time ago.

    Moreover, the religion of secular humanism is the underlying philosophy of the government schools. This is a philosophy that is in total opposition to biblical Christianity and seeks at every turn to marginalize any contribution to society that biblical Christianity has ever made down through the years.

    When we leave God and His Word out of the picture, what is left is only a very incomplete and distorted view of life.

    Of course, individual exceptions to this overriding trend in US educational circles can be found, but they are just that--exceptions to the rule.

    On an average, a child will spend no more than about 250 to 300 hours a year at church-sponsored teaching opportunities compared to the average of a little over 1,000 hours at school during the average school year. Based on that statistic, who will probably have a better chance of influencing a child as he develops his own worldview?

    One's worldview cannot help but be molded by those whose philosophy will ingrained in a child's formative years. That is the basis of what both Proverbs 22:6 and 2 Timothy 3:15 is telling us. Do you wish your child's worldview to be molded by a secular humanist or a biblicist?

    While it is impossible in this depraved society to completely shield a child from absolutely all forms of sinfulness until he or she reaches adulthood, neither should Christian parents KNOWINGLY expose their child to the godless worldview of secular humanism that abounds in the system of our government schools.