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So...is this 18 y-o really a christian?

Discussion in 'Youth Forum' started by CBCSLTechDude, Nov 15, 2005.

  1. CBCSLTechDude

    CBCSLTechDude New Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    I been watching the news about that 18 year that killed his GF's mom and dad, and they had all over the news on how they were all 'Christians' and homeschooled and bla bla bla, you know how the media is.

    From my understanding I thought 'christian' meant 'little Christ' and the title of 'christian' was something that could only be given to you by somebody else, not something you can call yourself; and I wouldn't call him a christian.
    I mean come on, the way the media portrays it, I would be ashamed to be called a 'christian' now days, the meaning has been broadend and watered-down way to much.

    I guess I'm just ticked off because people now are going to sterio-type more and more, people like me (Considered by people to be christian, and homeschooled), with the kind of people that murder their GF's parents and family
    (I'm refering to another case in Arizona in which a father killed his entire family and set his house on fire, he was supposedly a steady church-goer)

    So maybe the people who actually follow Christ need to start calling themselfs a differnt name.
  2. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    I understand your frustration.

    You know how our world is these days....many people call themselves Christian but really have no idea what it means or no interest in living like one should.

    I wouldn't abandon the name.....Id redefine it for people who ask you. You know, if someone says "are you a Christian", you can then tell them something along the line of "I believe in Jesus Christ as my personal saviour, yes."

    You know, get the gospel started in there! [​IMG]
  3. CBCSLTechDude

    CBCSLTechDude New Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    The only problem I see with this is, I live in a BIG time mormon community, and I know that they could use this same statement.
    So, LOL, I would have to first say "Well, I'm not mormon", which I have done before.
  4. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    yes, I can see why you'd have to get even more specific. lol

    You'd have this big old response to what they think is a simple question...

    How is your church doing there in Mormon country?
  5. chipsgirl

    chipsgirl New Member

    Dec 8, 2004
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    It is frustrating when it's abused. We just need to stand firm and let all know what it means to really be Christian.

    Pray not only for that girl and her family but the killer and his family too.
  6. CBCSLTechDude

    CBCSLTechDude New Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    IMO we are actually doing really well, one of the best baptist churches around, and we do alot of outreach. Our Pastor is respected by alot of people, including those that are respected mormons. We keep in touch with Marv & Jan Cowan
    They are ex-mormons(if you couldn't tell), and have helped us alot. There are also a few ex-mormons who come to our church and love it.

    We do well, considering we are surrounded by two mormon churches less than 5 miles away, and then a mormon temple and more than a dozen other mormon churches in the area.

    We also have a baptist mayor, which helps.
  7. gekko

    gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    hmmm... i like this thread. it's kind of what i've been, along with a good friend of mine, thinking of lately. since the world stereotypes the title "christian" so much, what would happen if we changed the title? first i think those who do call themselves christians would definitaly question the title change (considering it is in the book of Acts) so i will call myself a christian. but we've also thought of the title "disciple of Jesus" i've got this poster up on my wall, here's what it says:


    the choice has been made.
    there is no looking back.
    I have stepped over the line.
    I won't let up, back up,
    give up, or shut up.
    My focus is clear,
    my path straight,
    my God reliable.
    (Luke 9:23 & 1John 2:6)

    hmm... just a thought.
  8. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    Id hate to abandon it totally, though, gekko. Wouldnt you? I mean its been around for 2000 years, and its true meaning is profound.

    I think Id try educating people again as to who it ought to refer to.

    At least I think we shouldnt deny the term outright...ya know?
  9. bapmom

    bapmom New Member

    Sep 3, 2005
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    Im so glad to hear your church is doing so well!
  10. gekko

    gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    ya ya. i didn't mean to say that i would abandon it totally. sorry if i meant that. but i sure like that poster... i like your idea of re-educating the people what the title "christian" means... reminds me of a part of a song by the band Skillet. where the singer says "we need to redefine our deophobic minds" the writer made that word up. "deophobic" means something like "God fearing" or "fear of God" something like that. i'm not totally sure. but redefining that mindset. gets me thinking...
  11. nate

    nate New Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    I think it's unfortunate when extremists or wackos of any group,race, or culture give their entity a bad name. But when this happens those within that particular group must rise to the occasion!
  12. ckm49er

    ckm49er New Member

    Oct 24, 2004
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    I like what Bapmom said. about telling them that Jesus is your Lord and Savior. The sad part is that Christian no longer means (to the secular world) A follower of Christ. Instead of it being used as a noun its being used as an adjective if you look it up in websters one of its meanings in "commendably decent or generous". So people who think that they are decent label themselves as Christians and others who see them as being good people may also label them a Christian. when in fact they arent. When someone tells me that they are a Christian I ask them, well how does one come to salvation and most of the time I get the response Well if you live a good life you will go to heaven... we all (followers of Jesus Christ that is) know that this is not true. It is up to us to spread this to others so that they know that to be a Christian they must accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

    I also like what gekko said about calling yourself a Disiple of Jesus that is a good way to look at it.
  13. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    When Paul wrote, "I am writing this with my own hand," he encountered imposters.

    A counterfeit is not the real thing, so why should we be threatened by the counterfeit? The problem arises when those who attend churches but don't live for Christ and call themselves Christians.
  14. DesiderioDomini

    DesiderioDomini New Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    refreshing to hear of churches doing so well in such a powerfully evil place. I have worked with mormons quite a bit, and the evil that has taken over them is powerful beyond belief! They are so brainwashed!

    We have a church in salt lake city, and the pastor has told us how hard it is there to be saved, cuz if you own a business, the mormons will boycott your business, or your job is seriously in danger. I have heard of letters that some have sent saying that they would love to leave the church, but they know they cant. Its scary, and sad.

    Keep up the good work, those people need Jesus!