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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, May 11, 2006.

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  1. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Well, I was washing the donut thingies in my head which is where the dishwasher came from. :tongue3:

    Morning all!

    It's 5:30 on Saturday morning. You'd think I'd still be asleep, but here I sit just a sneezing away.

    Today I've got to finish my annotated bibliography for my current class. It had been due 6/2 -- yesterday. I had no idea how I'd get it done with the wedding last weekend. This is only a 5 week class. BUT the prof changed the date to 6/5. What a wonderful gift!

    So when you see me in the corner with my head in my laptop, you'll know why :smilewinkgrin:
  2. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    I am going to do absolutely nothing today!

    PTL! The new medicine has taken most of the swelling out of my legs and feet! I almost feel skinny. LOL

    It is going to be sunny and 83º here today and most of next week. It's time to stop and smell the roses...

    I believe I'll have a glazed Krispy Kreme from the sparkling, clean donut display case and a cup of coffee with Juan.

  3. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    I asked about that, and he stated that because of the nature of the degeneration and the trauma to my spine from several incidents over the years, it would not work. When Viv and I lived in MN, I had a unit for my back, but it got to where I was on the highest setting and it wasn't doing any good. I also had hydro therapy (hot water) and they ended up scalding my back...I've also done that with the heating pad. I've also used ice to help keep the swelling down, but, that seldom gives any real relief. But, God is good and I keep on ticking, just like a Timex watch! LOL
  4. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    Sue, glad to know the meds are starting to work. We're keeping you lifted in prayer.

    It's been REALLY foggy here today. Viv said it was really thick all the way up to the plant, too. Right now, I can't see anything but fog outside the window. It's really thick.
    We're supposed to have some really pleasant weather today...85 and little humidity! PTL!

    I talked to my youngest sister on my Mom's side, and she said that none of my other siblings, cousins or my aunt and uncle showed up for the reunion. Many of them were just too broke to travel or had major health problems. I was glad to know that I wasn't the only one who couldn't go. I know my middle sister on my Mom's side was disappointed, but, I'm glad to know that she is handling it well. She put a lot of time in on this, and she had to work overtime to get the cabins and mobile homes out at the marina rented, but, it just didn't work out.

    My youngest sis on my Moms side is going to be traveling to Quincy, Illinois once my ex BIL brings the girls back home. She was going to try and stop here, but it would be too early in the morning/too late at night for her to stop. So, she may do it on the way home next weekend. Please pray for her...her ex, an IFB preacher, is really giving her grief and destroying his own testimony and his relationship with is daughters. She's trying to be honest and fair, and he keeps showing up with the police. Please, pray for him also...he's very mentally unstable and fits a very dangerous psychological profile. which keeps my family worried about my sis and the girls all of the time. I know she's asked for a modification of the visitation order. She will probably get it, too, based on his recent behaviour. I know he loves his daughters, but, he truly needs to look to the Lord and get himself straightened around. We appreciate prayer for the whole situation.

    Well, the computer is going ape on me, so I'd better go.

    Have a WONDEFUL day! :)

  5. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    It is now half of eight in the evening, and nothing much to post about for an Anglican on the Baptist Board, I think I am due for a holiday.


  6. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    It's the weekend, Jim, and everyone is outside except for you and me. :tongue3:

    I am going to bed. Starting tomorrow it will be a busy week.

    Pleasant dreams all!
    §ue :sleeping_2:
  7. Keith_Hodges

    Keith_Hodges New Member

    May 29, 2006
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    It's 10:30 p.m. where I'm at. I know I need to get to bed and get some rest. I need to get up in the morning to start at a new Church (new to me, not new as far as being established). It's tough starting over at new places. Like changing jobs, moving to a new town, etc. I know everything will be fine, and the Lord will guide me. I hope it's a lot like the one I last attended in Brandon. I really loved that Church, the Pastor, and the people there. I was baptised there, along with my daughter, and my first wife. But, it's too far to drive back and forth.

    I searched and researched among a variety of Baptist Churches in the area, and this one appeals to me the most. I think I might be able to do the most good there, and it looks like a great, small, friendly place to worship God.

    I had asked my wife to join me. Her reply was no, not tomorrow. Then she asked me what kind of Church. When I mentioned Baptist, she lost all interest. She went to Methodist Church when she did attend. I've always went to Baptist Churches, except for a few times going to a Protestant Church as a kid, and a few times to a Holiness Church, also as a kid. It seems in my Wife's eyes, there are right denominations, and wrong denominations? I guess that argument might be made, but I doubt that being Baptist could possibly be a bad thing. John was a Baptist, right? Hence, John the Baptist? Never heard of Peter or Paul the Methodist? I know I have a lot to learn, and only a short time as a being in the flesh, in order to learn it. I have half heartedly tried in the past to give my life to God, and drifted away. This time, I'm going whole heartedly, and this time, it's permanent. And, I plan on studying the Bible as much as I can. I didn't do a lot of studying in the past. I managed to read a couple of the books in the Bible, like John and Mathew.

    I asked my daughter to go with me. Her reply was no, that she didn't feel comfortable even discussing it. I guess I need to just continue with my life with Jesus, and let them watch and see. I need to set a good example. I'm praying that they will come around, and get saved. Tomorrow, I will be in Bible study and at Church Services without my family, against my wishes. But, I can't force them. Good night, and may God Bless you.
  8. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Good Mornin' All!!!
    BH wanted to see how long fore' anyone notices that we're finally back on-line!! She likes the new look of things here....though it'll take some gettin' used to. Be back sometime later in the day!!
  9. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Welcome Back Preacher!

    Today I could have slept late! figures doesn't it :tongue3:
  10. Dan Todd

    Dan Todd Active Member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Took A Trip

    Jan and I spent a long weekend in Vermont - with our two daughters and their families. Unfortunately, son Kelly and family were sick and could not get there.

    We had a good time - until our return trip home. The water pump in our van decided it was a good time to retire. Fortunately, we found some good people in Eastern Dorset - at a dealership - who took good care of us.

    Ain't grandchildren fun!!!:thumbs: :thumbs:
  11. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Hey Preacher! Welcome back. It's about time you got your priorities straight! :laugh:

    Hi Dan! Good to see you posting! :thumbsup:

    Well, Dale came home with a terrible cold Friday afternoon and guess who he shared it with? :rolleyes:

    I woke up this morning with a very deep cough. This is NOT the time for a hacking cough, or Bronchitis, with all the heart tests I have coming up.

    I think taking Lasix (to remove excess fluid) and coughing are going to keep me from going to church today. :eek:

    I sure hope this cold doesn't make me cancel my 'test' appointments. Now that I know I have a heart problem, I want to get it 'fixed' posthaste...

    Have a good day!

    P.S. I just found out we can only use 4 images in our posts (not counting our signature). We used to use 8...
  12. preacher

    preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Thanks! I'm still setting things up on this end, my puter got sick yesterday & had to redo everything before I could get on-line. still have some more bugs & downloads to take care of. BH & Agee are fine, & I'm actually working!!! Be back in after I visit the MS upgrade site!!
    Have a blessed day!!
  13. Keith_Hodges

    Keith_Hodges New Member

    May 29, 2006
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    Boy, I had a blast at Church this morning. The people and Pastor there are great. I've found my home Church, praise the Lord!
  14. Gwen

    Gwen Active Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Hello, everyone! We didn't go to church today because my hubby was called in to work last night because of a problem. He ended up staying til 4:30 a.m.!! But they fixed it, so all is well.

    Good to see some familiar faces here! Preacher, I thot I saw squirrel prints around the Coffee House!:smilewinkgrin:

    Keith, that's great that you have found a church you like. You sound really excited about it. That's great.

    Have a good day!
  15. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Wonderful news! Now come over to the game board and play a few rounds :thumbs:
  16. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    That's great Keith!

    Preacher......glad everything is finally working out!

    As I said earlier, hubby shared his cold with me and now I have a terrible cough and my glands are swollen. I can hardly swallow water. My colds immediately turn into Bronchitis.

    Think I should call and see if they can still do the Echocardiogram tomorrow with all this going on?
  17. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Just for Gayla!

    Bitsy in a hat :wavey:

    I hope you see it soon Gayla, cause it's not my favorite picture ;)

    Joe took it when we went out to see Brandon a couple of years ago at Thanksgiving. It was freezing!
  18. Gwen

    Gwen Active Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    Bitsy, you look cute in that hat!

    I just found out that the college I attended (Baptist University of America--way back in the 70's) is having a reunion next weekend. It's gonna be in Winston-Salem, NC (isn't that where you are, Bitsy?) and I really want to go! I just saw the list of those who are going to attend, and, wow! what a blast from the past!:laugh:

    Several professors, etc, as well as old friends will be there. I am going to try to go. But since I just heard about it, I am not sure I can. We'll see, I guess. I think I'll try to talk my sister into going with me.

    I'll check in later.:wavey:
  19. mcdirector

    mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Gwen -- that will be fun if you can make it. It's irritating to hear about stuff that late.

    BTW, I'll be in Atlanta several times this summer. Maybe we can get together for lunch or dinner one of those times. I'll PM you when Ron let's me know when he's going. We used to live in Marietta. I can't believe how long it gets between visits with old friends!
  20. Gwen

    Gwen Active Member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    I would love to have lunch or dinner with you! Just let me know when you'll be in town, and I'll put you on my calender.:thumbs:

    Yep, I wish they had let me know a little sooner. It would have been easier to plan. The way it is now, my hubby (Don) can't go--work schedule--so I'm hoping my sis can go. She is in Canada until tomorrow, so I'll have to wait to talk to her. I really don't want to go by myself.

    See ya!
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