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I Corinthians 1:7 shows that gifts continue

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by Link, May 2, 2006.

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  1. Link

    Link New Member

    May 30, 2004
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    I concede that my use of 'expecting' was a bit inconcise, but the translations you are using do not back up your interpretation very well either.

    The KJV says 'so that ye come behind in no gift...' If we look at the previous verses, this could be interpreted to mean that Paul told the Corinthians that they were 'enriched by Him'...'so that ye come behind in no gift.'

    Or that 'the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you...so that ye come behind in no gift.'

    If these translations are accurate, then are you starting a cult or a heresy?

    The NIV does go with your interpretation here, by saying 'Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift....'

    'Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled' can also be interpreted to mean 'let the bed be undefiled.' A statement of fact could also be a command in Greek. I would have to ask an expert whether I Corinthians 1:7 is conclusive as to whether the Corinthians come behind in no gift, or if Paul is giving them instructions so that they come behind in no gift.

    You do overlook the most relevant issue here to the conversation at hand. Let us look at the NIV version, which agrees with your interpretation.

    I Corinthians 1:7
    "Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed." [NIV}

    You are not dealing with a key fact. Apparently, Paul believed in the imminency of the Lord's return. At least, he believed the Lord could come back in the lifetime of his readers, even if he may have believed some things had to happen first.

    While they were waiting for the Lord's return, the Corinthians lacked no spiritual gift. Jesus could have come back during this time when they lacked no spiritual gift. Read the verse. They did not lack tongues, or prophecy. This verse does not reconcile with the idea that Paul held to the notion that there would be a gap of time before the Lord's return when the saints WOULD LACK spiritual gifts like tongues and prophecy.

    Furthermore, this fits very well with the idea that 'the perfect' refers to the time when the resurrection will occur, described in chapter 15, at the Lord's return, and that the perfect will come at that time.

    So if we wish to understand what 'the perfect' is from the context of the epistle, we need to realize that Paul said the Corinthians lacked (or hoped they would not lack) any spiritual gift while they waited for the Lord's return.
  2. Link

    Link New Member

    May 30, 2004
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    The 70 AD argument is rather convoluted. Those I have seen argue it have tried to squeeze it out of that verse from Isaiah that Paul quotes saying with men of other tongues and other lips I will speak unto this people. Then they go off on some tangent not supported by the context that tongues were a sign of what would happen in 70 AD. That's really out on a limb with an interpretation.
  3. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Couldn't have said it any better. So why try to read anything else into it otner than what you just stated right here.
    While I am waiting for Christ's return, I pray.
    While I am waiting for Christ's return, I carry out the Great Commission.
    I do not lack in any of the armour of Christ while I am waiting for the return of Christ.
    I am in the battle fighting the good fight of faith, while I am waiting for the coming of Christ.

    There is no connection here between the spiritual gifts continuing until the coming of Christ. There is only a statement that the members of the Corinthian church possessed all the gifts of the Spirit; not that any other church in the New Testament did, or ever would. It was a letter written to the Corinthian, and you are still reading the introduction to it.
  4. music4Him

    music4Him New Member

    Feb 7, 2004
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    Thats probley why no one is comming back to my question? Maybe they studied it out and figured it out on their own?
  5. Hope of Glory

    Hope of Glory New Member

    Nov 29, 2005
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    I don't think anyone here has stated 70 AD, except perhaps as one possibility. Maybe that's why they didn't come back to your question.
  6. Sister Robin

    Sister Robin New Member

    May 17, 2006
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    I get dizzy trying to sort through all these posts. [​IMG]

    I have a sincere question, and this is no debate either way on my part, I'm still trying (and praying) about where I stand on the issue. But my question is this, to those who believe the modern tongues (prayer language) is not the Holy Spirit today:

    If not the Holy Spirit, then what is it? I know a lot of people make it up to fit in, but most do not (not consciously, anyway). So, is it demonic? Is is psychosematic? What is it?
  7. standingfirminChrist

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Sister Robin,

    In many cases it is the flesh... a feel good thing. In many, it is instilled that this is how it is supposed to happen, programmed in if you will.

    It was pointed out earlier that verse 2 plainly shows that the unknown tongue is something spoken to God, not to man. If the interpretation given by man is to man, then it is misinterpreted.

    I cannot say the tongue spoken loud in the church is not that unknown tongue. I certainly do not know how to talk in such a way consistantly.

    For the answer to your question, 'What is it?' Read the last verse... Paul admonishes the church at Corinth that all things are to be done decently and in order.

    I would say that they are out of order for sure... being as the interpretation is always a message from God to man, not man to God as was the original tongue.
  8. Balion

    Balion New Member

    May 12, 2006
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    From what I have seen from your posts, you carry yourself very well. You never cast others out of fellowship or seem argumentive, and your points always seem genuine and of love. You are a true Christian and an example for others to follow on theese boards, including myself.
  9. Link

    Link New Member

    May 30, 2004
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  10. Link

    Link New Member

    May 30, 2004
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    I know some people who speak in tongues who would agree with you. Both types of interpretation are given.

    however, there is a verse which keeps me from going die-hard in favor of that idea:

    I Corinthians 14:6
    Now, brethren, if I come unto speaking with otngues, what shall I profit you, except I shall speak to you either by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophesying, or by doctrine?

    It is clear in the verse Paul is talking about the scenario of speaking to the Corinthians in tongues. I can see two ways to interpret it.

    1. The content of the tongue is revelation, knowledge, prophesying, or doctrine. (Which would presumably be interpreted.)

    2. Paul is talking about coming to the Corinthians speaking with tongues, but also shares revelation, knowledge, prophesying, or doctrine in the common language.

    If Paul means number 1, then tongues could be something other than prayer.

    If tongues are always prayer, but are not always interpreted that way in Pentecostal or Charismatic churches, then some wrong interpreting is going on. Of course, it is conceivable that a prophet takes the chance to prophesy because the message in tongues gives him the only opportunity to share the message on his heart, and he does not discern that what he is giving is not the interpretation to the message. So we should be careful about 'despising' the content of an interpretation because it is not a prayer.

    That does not mean it is not from God. Even if the one who gives the prophecy instead of an interpretation is not technically in order, perhaps, in this case, that does not mean what he says is not genuine, since the Corinthians were using genuine gifts out of order in the passage as well. Prophets can keep on talking when they can share the floor, for example.

    One thing to note about tongues and interpretation, and prophecy for that matter, is that it does not make sense to write it all off as only human-generated gibberish. Many interpreters of tongues get will get the interpretation to a tongue, and then, before they give it, someone else in the congregation will give THE SAME INTERPRETATION. This happened to a friend of mine in middle school who was a teen-preacher. It also happened to a roomate in college.

    Sometimes people who receive prophecies experience the same thing, getting a prophecy, but before they share it, someone else gets the same message. Of course, we should expect this sort of thing with prophecy, since in the passage we see that the speaking prophet is supposed to yield the floor to another who receives a revelation, but could (wrongly) choose not to do so. Perhaps the case here is both get the same message and the speaking prophet has to differ to God's order and let the other guy continue sharing messages from God.

    Prophecies sometimes tell details the person giving the message could not know naturally. Also, prophecies sometimes say what someone is thinking. So there is something supernatural going on with some of these tongues and prophecies. It does not make sense to write all the gifts off as being of the flesh. Since the Bible teaches God gives these gifts, if there is evidence of God's grace and people are edified by these gifts, it would be extremely foolish to attribute these gifts categorically to the Devil. The Lord told warned some Pharisees about the unpardonable sin of speaking against the Holy Spirit when they called the work of the Holy Spirit the work of Beelzebub.

    My response to sister Robin is this: the Bible teaches that tongues, interpretation, and prophecy are gifts for the church. We need to believe what the Bible says. Of course there can be counterfeits. That does not make the gifts the Bible talks about false.
  11. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    I lace all of the spiritual gifts. They all ceased at the end of the first century. So you lack them all too. [​IMG]
    But you are right. Paul is talking about them, plural, as not coming behind in any gift. I have been trying to emphasize the same.
    True, they had those gifts at that time. Some of the other churches at that time may not have had them. But it is evident that we do not.
    The Bible teaches the imminent return of Christ. They were to expect the imminent return of Christ as we are. While they were waiting the spiritual gifts were in operation at that time, but they are not in operation in our time, and that verse gives no indication they would be.
    I believe all the gifts ceased at the end of the first century. So I really don't have to argue the point about some being signs and others not. However the Bible definitely speaks of a division. There were some gifts that were signs.
    They were signs of an Apostle, and the apostolic message (Heb.2:3,4; 2Cor.12:12)
    They were a sign to the unbelieving Jews (1Cor.14:21,22)
    The word sign is definitely used in connection with some of the gifts. It is never used in connection with gifts like "the gift of helps." That apparently was not one of the sign gifts.
    Signs and wonders followed the apostles (Mark 16:16ff). They authenticated both the apostles and their message, and they were a sign to the Jews to whom the message of the gospel first went.
  12. Link

    Link New Member

    May 30, 2004
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    DHK wrote
    {QUOTE]I lace all of the spiritual gifts. They all ceased at the end of the first century. So you lack them all too. [​IMG]
    But you are right. Paul is talking about them, plural, as not coming behind in any gift. I have been trying to emphasize the same.

    I don't lack all the gifts. I have a couple of them at least.

    Notice that Paul uses the same Greek word 'charismata' to refer to gifts like teaching and showing mercy in Romans 12. Do you really think you have no gifts?

    'Charismata' is closely related to the Greek word for grace. One interpreter wrote that spiritual gifts 'gracelets.' I Peter 4 says we are each to use the gift as good stewards of God's grace. By using gifts, we steward God's grace. Other passages mention grace in connection with the gifts.

    How any Christian could argue that God does not give gifts, manifestations of His grace for teaching, etc. I don't understand. Jesus said "Without me, you can do nothing." Do you teach without being empowered by God's grace, by the Spirit of grace? Who would want to do that?

    Speak for yourself. You don't speak for all the brethren I have known who have operated in these gifts.

    So, would you agree then, that the doctrine of imminency, as expressed in this verse, shows us that as far as had been revealed to Paul and his readers, Christ could have come back in their lifetime?

    That Christ could have come back in the life-time of people who operated in gifts of the Spirit like tongues and prophecy?

    This does not fit at all with the idea that Paul taught a gap of time between his lifetime and the coming of the Lord when the church would be without gifts.

    There goes your 'perfect' argument.

    Especially when you consider that Paul talks about the Corinthians coming behind in no gift _while they are waiting_ for the Lord's return.

    On 'sign gifts' one of the problems with the use of that phrase, beside the fact that the Bible does not divide up gifts this way, is that it makes it seem like the gift just functioned as a sign. It is clear from I Corinthians 12 that these gifts had a role besides being a sign-- to edify the church.
  13. music4Him

    music4Him New Member

    Feb 7, 2004
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  14. standingfirminChrist

    Dec 25, 2005
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    The tongues(plural) in 1 Corinthians chapter 14 is not the unknown tongue(singular) that is also found in chapter 14.

    When tongues is mentioned, it is a known dialect (i.e., Spanish, French, Latin, etc...).

    When the unknown tongue is mentioned, it is just that; unknown by man, known only by God.

    Verse 2 plainly affirms this. When a man speaketh in an unknown tongue, he speaketh not to man, but to God. It cannot be any simpler.
  15. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Yes, Christ may come at any time. That was true during their lifetime, as it is now.
    Yes, Christ could come back at any time, in their life time as well as in ours.
    Total nonsense. The imminent return of Christ has nothing to do with the return of Christ as I have posted here to you many times before. Tell me: What does the gift of healing (for example), have to do with the coming of Christ? We all know that the Biblical gift of healing has ceased. There is not a single person alive that has the gift of healing and can demonstrate as Peter did in Acts 5:16. You know it and I know it. You just prefer to deny it, and beat around the bush. The gift of healing has ceased. It has nothing to do with the imminent return of Christ. None of the gifts have any connection with the coming of Christ. Who said they did? And where do you get such an aberrant theology? It isn't from the Bible!
    1Cor.1:7 Has nothing to do with 1Cor.13:8-13. I don't have any idea of what you are thinking. Paul is simply saying that at the time that he is writing that letter (55 A.D.) they were blessed to have all the gifts present in their church. Maybe in 56 A.D. they would all disappear. But then in 55 they were there. He does not say how long they would last. He simply makes the statement that they came (at that time) behind in no gift. The gifts could have ceased in one year, five, or ten years. It doesn't say, and thus the passage has nothing to do with "that which is perfect or complete (the Bible).
    Are you adding to the Word of God. You are giving the impression that the gifts are to continue to the coming of Christ by saying "while" they are waiting. Christ's return is imminent. However Christ himself said and warned that "No man knew the hour, the time, or the season thereof. He warned of predicting His coming. Yet there is a definite promise of the cessation of the gifts of the Spirit in 1Cor.13:8, and many clues given as to when. "Signs" don't last forever. In fact the "signs" of the gifts were very temporary.
    Nevertheless they were a sign. For the time they were a sign they may have had a seondary role. For example tongues may have edified the church when used properly. But more often than not it brought confusion and was not used properly. Usually there was no need for. Prophecy accomplished the same purpose. Paul advocated them to use the gift of prophecy and not tongues, because there was no need for the Corinthians to use the gift of tongues. There was a place for tongues, but it wasn't in the Corinthian Church.
    The main reason for tongues and other sign gifts was to be a sign to the Jews that the message that the Apostles preached was from God.
    It was a sign for the Apostles to authenticate both them and their message, that they were the true apostles and that they were from God.

    If not, then God has written these Scriptures in vain.

    1 Corinthians 14:21-22 In the law it is written, With men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people; and yet for all that will they not hear me, saith the Lord. Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe.
    --Tongues are for a sign to the unbelieving Jew.

    Hebrews 2:3-4 How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him; God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will?
    The gifts of the Holy Spirit are the signs of an Apostle.

    2 Corinthians 12:12 Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds.
    --Miracles, and other signs of the Spirit are the signs of an Apostle.

    If you don't believe God's Word here I don't know what would convince you.
  16. Link

    Link New Member

    May 30, 2004
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    Could you share your rationale for this idea? What is the argument based on the Greek? In English 'unknown' was added by the KJV translators.

    Honestly, I don't see how you can hold to this idea reading the verses in context. Another poster was arguing that 'tongue' was fake tongues and 'tongues' were real tongues in the passage, but that has Paul telling the Corinthians to speak in a fake tongue.

    What makes more sense to me is to go with the way the KJV and other translators translated it. 'Tongues' as plural languages and 'tongue' as one language make sense in the passage. What is your reason for interpretting it another way? What are the Greek words, etc. Do you have any other Greek literature that contrasts the words in this way?

    For example, look at the line of reasoning in these verses:

    3 But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort.
    4 He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church.
    5 I would that ye all spake with tongues but rather that ye prophesied: for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying.

    In verse 4, Paul talks about speaking in a 'tongue' verses prophesying. In verse 5, he continues the argument, switching to 'tongues' instead of tongue. Is there a reason for switching to plural? Notice in verse 4, he has one person speaking in a language, and in verse 5, he has the plural 'ye' speaking in languages. That is a lot more straightforward interpretation than saying that 'tongue' and 'tongues' are different things. Also, it keeps Paul's argument coherent.

    If 'tongue' and 'tongues' were different things, how would his original readers have figured that out?

    When tongues is mentioned, it is a known dialect (i.e., Spanish, French, Latin, etc...).

    When the unknown tongue is mentioned, it is just that; unknown by man, known only by God.

    Aside from the fact that Spanish and French were not languages yet, I agree with the first statement. But isn't a 'tongue' also a language? Why redefine it as something separate from tongues?
  17. Hope of Glory

    Hope of Glory New Member

    Nov 29, 2005
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    Yes. The word "unknown" never appears in Scriptures alongside the word "tongues". Entire doctrines are built upon things that never appear in the Bible. For example, the word "ghost" never appears with "holy", yet there are entire denominations that are built upon the distinction between the "Holy Spirit" and the "Holy Ghost". ("Ghost" only appears twice in the NT, and it is translated as "spirit" in both instances; Matthew 14:26 and Mark 6:49.)
  18. music4Him

    music4Him New Member

    Feb 7, 2004
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    Tongue and tongues in the Greek mean the same thing. In 1 Cor. ch 14 that are being spoken of...

    Of uncertain affinity; the tongue; by implication a language (specifically one naturally unacquired): - tongue.

    Until you get to verse 27 then you have...
    From G2087 and G1100; other tongued, that is, a foreigner: - man of other tongue.

    But read the scriptures in chapter 14 and you do get the understanding that verse 27 (1Cor ch 14) is speaking of foreigners. The other scriptures sound like the tongues that were poured out on the day of Pentecost.
  19. Link

    Link New Member

    May 30, 2004
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    DHK wrote,
    DHK, you believe that Paul was saying here that Paul taught that Jesus could come back during a time period when the church had their gifts. But you have also written that you believe that Paul predicted a time before the Lord returned when these gifts would cease. Don't you see a contradiction here?

    Your second statement is an example of total nonsense. I suspect you meant to write something else. Do you care to reword it.

    It is one of the gifts listed in I Corinthians, the epistle in which Paul talked about his readers coming behind in no spiritual gift as they waited for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    This statement is clearly false. I've only a seen a few occurances that I would attribute to this gift or that of the working of miracles. I went to a Christian school in 8th grade, affiliated with a church. One of the girls at school the grade above me had severely crossed eyes, very noticeably, and wore really thick glasses. There was an evangelist at church one night who preached a salvation message, and then prayed for the sick, walking people out of wheelchairs and that sort of thing. He laid hands on this girl, and that Monday after that I saw the evidence for myself, as her eyes were straightened out and she no longer had to wear her glasses. So I've seen healing.

    Besides, YOU ARE BASING DOCTRINE ON EXPERIENCE. There is absolutely no scripture that says that miracles or healing would cease. I Corinthians says nothing about this. You are pulling doctrine out of the air--or just basing it on your experience (or lack thereof.)

    You are grasping at straws here.

    Especially when you consider that Paul talks about the Corinthians coming behind in no gift _while they are waiting_ for the Lord's return.

    I was paraphrasing. 'While' is not substantially different from 'as' in this context.

    And no reason from the context of the epistle to think that this would happen before the resurrection and Lord's return and plenty of reasons to think the gifts would continue until then, including this verse.

    Nowhere does the Bible list ceasing of supernatural gifts as a sign of the Lord's coming. Revelation has the Two Witnesses prophesying. There is certainly no sane reason to think tongues and prophecy would cease and then uncease. If they cease, why would they uncease.

    Show me scripture that signs are secondary to the edificatin of the church.

    What translation are you using? Have you switched to The Message Bible or something? The Bible is positive about gifts. We are to use gifts as good stewards of God's grace, because that is a way God's grace is manifested in the church, through the gifts. These are the tools, from God, to edify one another. If you want to try to edify others without God's grace to do so, in your own strength, you can go ahead and do so. I will continual to be thankful to God for His charismata.

    About tongues, Paul was more positive toward prophecy than tongues, and more actively encouraged it, but he certainly did not advocate using prophecy and 'not tongues.' Much of the passage is spent encouraging the Corinthians to make sure the tongues were interpreted. Interpreted tongues edify the body.

    Can you show me some scripture that shows that being a sign to the Jews was God's main reason for tongues? I have never seen this. Otherwise, how can you claim to know God's purposes without scripture. Do you claim a charismatic revelation of God's purposes?

    Paul says tongues is for a sign, quotes a verse about God speaking through men of other tongues and the people NOT believing, and then gives an example of unbelievers or unlearned hearing tongues and saying the church was mad. I believe the Isaiah verse is a sign in that it is a fulfilled prophecy, fulfilled when unbelievers hear tongues and still don't listen.

    In Acts 2, some of those who heard speaking in tongues scoffed and accused the speakers of being drunk. Can you show me scripture that says that tongues authenticated the apostles? The verse you quote does not.

    This verse says nothing about tongues being a sign or tongues ceasing. I have run across people who made the nonsensical argument that since this is in the past tense, that signs, wonders, and gifts would never happen again-- pure nonsense, and it contradicts the epistles that show signs and wonders among Gentiles after the apostles proclaimed the Gospel first among the Hebrews in Jerusalem.

    It does show that when the Gospel was first proclaimed among the Hebrews, it was proclaimed with signs and wonders. While Israel played a special role, the Gospel was accompanied by signs and wonders when it was first proclaimed among other groups as well, like the Samaritans, and cities where Paul preached the Gospel.

    This is also true of many people group's in history. Ireneaus lived in a Gaulic area, on the frontiers of the gospel, and wrote of brethren in his day healing, doing miracles, casting out devils, and raising the dead.

    According to traditions and histories on the subject, when the Gospel was preached among the Armenians, it was accompanied with miracles, and when the Gospel was proclaimed without Ireland, it was accompanied by signs and wonders.

    I believe Ephesians 4, and do not believe that apostleship have ceased either. The passage says that signs, wonders, and mighty deeds were signs that Paul as an apostle did. It does not say that that signs and wonders were only for apostles. That kind of interpretation would contradict Acts, which shows Stephen and Philip doing signs and wonders. If you try to extrapolate that the gifts were only for apostles, that would contradict I Corinthians 12, which has gifts, including the working of miracles, healing, prophecy, and tongues being given to the church. Clearly these gifts were not only for apostles.

    Paul also lists workers of miracles as a separate category of gifted person from apostle toward the end of I Corinthians 12, which shows that there were miracle workers who were not apostles.

    I believe God's word on this. None of the verses you quoted in any way indicate that gifts have ceased. Do you believe God's word when it says that the gifts in I Corinthians 12 are given as the Spirit wills to profit the body of Christ?
  20. DHK

    DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    No, of course not.
    I live in an age where I (like the early believers) believes that Christ could come back at any time. I also believe that my elderly father could die at any time. There are many parallels that could cease at the same time. How does that make a contradiction except in your own mind. Paul could not predict the future. He is not God. In as much as I don't know when my father will die, he didn't know when the gifts would cease. In as much as I don't know when Christ would come, neither did he. Where is the contradition?

    Yep, sure would. [​IMG] The imminent return of Christ has nothing to do with the timing of the cessation of the gifts as I have pointed out to you before. They are unrelated.
    So what! It is listed there. That doesn't mean it is for today. That doesn't mean it hasn't ceased along with all the other gifts.
    Hmmm, Who is basing doctrine on experience? You better think about that again?

    Here you go on your typical Charismatic rant about healing again and your accusation (implied) that Baptists don't believe in healing. I never said that. Let's get it straight.
    1. The gift of healing has ceased.
    2. God still heals.
    There is a big difference between the two. I never said that God doesn't heal. I said that the gift, that supernatural gift of healing is no longer in operation today. I too have seen God's hand at work, and have seen many people healed. All have been a result of prayer. That is not what happened in Acts 5:16
    If you want a modern day parallel of the gift of healing, let someone who claims they have the gift go through any of the major hospitals and heall all who are there. That is what Peter could do. He could heal ALL, every one who came to him. As it says in Acts 5:16. They were healed every one. That doesn't happen today, and you know it. Why? The gift of healing is no longer in operation. Your rationalization that it is does not hold up to the standard the Bible sets forth for the gift of healing. It has ceased.
    I am grasping at straws because you what I say is true and you cannot refute it. Paul was writing a particular time in history. He made a statement at that time in history for that church. It was not applicable to any other.
    It was like Paul writing to Timothy.
    "Take a little wine for thy stomach sake."
    You can understand that can't you. It was a historical statement written for Timothy at that time in his life. The same is true with 1Cor.7. He makes a statement about the condition of the church at that time. The condition of the church at that time was that they were blessed with a display of all the gifts. He doesn't make that statement of any other church, and doesn't promise that to be true of any other church.
    [/qb][/quote]And no reason from the context of the epistle to think that this would happen before the resurrection and Lord's return and plenty of reasons to think the gifts would continue until then, including this verse. [/qb][/quote]
    If your mind is not blinded by your theology you would be able to see why these gifts ended by the first century, and why they are primarily signs. But unfortunately
    "a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still."
    So even if I could convince you, you still would not believe.
    For example your one statement above "including this verse." This verse (1Cor.1:7) has nothing to do with the cessation of gifts. As pointed out many times already it is a simple statement of fact, a description of the condition of the church of Corinth in the year 55 A.D. How that could affect the continuance of the gifts into 56, 57, or any other year is beyond me. Remember the context. He was writing a letter to the Corinthians. It was written in 55 A.D. That is what he said in his letter to the Corinthians. Context is very important.
    I agree totally. Who said it did?
    The events past this dispensation of grace or the church age have nothing to do with what is being mentioned in 1Cor. 12-14. He is writing to the believers of the Corinthian church. He is not writing to those going through the Tribulation period, nor is he writing to those going into the Millennial Kingdom. Let's keep our focus on the right time period. He was writing a letter to the Corinthian Church. They were, (as he says) looking for the Coming of Christ. All events past that event are moot.
    I already have, but as I said above: "a man convinced...", and you know the rest.
    But in addition to 1Cor.14:21,22 which you failed to address, and Heb.2:3,4 (which you failed to properly address as it was specifically speaking about apostles), and 2Cor.12:12 (which Paul speaks of the signs of an Apostle--you just seem to deny that one). There are others.
    Acts 2. Tongues (which are always foreign languages) were given as a sign. Peter indicated this. "This is that which was spoken of by the prophet Joel." This is what? This is the sign that was now being fulfilled by the prophet Joel. It was a sign to the Jews, the unbelieving Jews. Who was Peter addressing? Read his message. He was addressing the very Jews that had crucified Christ. Some of those "unbelieving Jews" believed (about 3,000 of them). That is why the sign was there. That they would believe. But many more did not believe as Isaiah prophesied in Isaiah 28:11,12. It was a sign to the Jews.
    Tongues (foreign languages) were spoken three times in the book of Acts (Chapters 2, 10, and 19). Study it and you will find that in all three cases there were Jews present. Why? Tongues were a sign to the Jews. Everywhere tongues were spoken Jews were present. Tongues were a sign to the unbelieving Jew. This was the first and foremost purpose of speaking in tongues. When the unbelieving Jews of the first century died off, then there was no more need for the sign. The sign was removed. By the end of the first century (and more accurately 70 A.D., when the Jews were scattered,) the sign was removed. There wasn't any more need for them.
    To corroborate this Paul plainly says that tongues were a sign to the unbelieving Jew in 1Cor.14:21,22. How anyone can miss that passage I don't know. Verse 21 alone you would have to cut out of your Bible and throw into the garbage if you read it and come to the conclusion that tongues is not a sign for the Jews, for you would just be denying a plain statement made in the Word of God.

    The other two Scriptures I gave you are Scriptures that plainly show that tongues (as well as other sign gifts) are signs for an Apostle to authenticate them as God's messengers, and their message. To clarify this point: These gifts were given both to the Apostles and their close associates such as Philip, who worked closely with the Apostles. You will remeber that he was chosen by the church for the sake of the Apostles that they would be more free to give themselves to the Word and prayer.
    The question is what translation have you been using. Paul plainly says that he would rather the church prophecy than speak in tongues. He tells them that he would rather speak 10,000 words in a language that they can understand, then five words in an unknown tongue. It doesn't speak much for tongues does it. Almost every verse in chapter 14 of First Corinthians is a rebuke to the gift of tongues. There is no encouragement at all in that chapter to seek after tongues or even to use the gift. So, yes, What translation are you using??
    Furthermore if you look carefully at 1Cor.12:28 you will find the gifts of the Spirit listed in order of importance. Tongues and the interpretation thereof are listed at the bottom as the least important of all the gifts. But the Charismatics put it at the top of their list, some on the fringes make is so important as to say that one cannot be saved without speaking in tongues.
    Since he explained that tongues was a sign to the unbelieving Jews, there probably wasn't much chance or need of them to use this gift in this Gentile city.
    There are volumes of it. I have already shown you plenty. But as you know by now: "A man convinced...and you know the rest.
    That is an opinion, invalid when men convinced against their will remain unconvinced still.
    Paul does quote from Isaiah 28:11,12 which is a prophecy. He quotes part of it almost verbatim. Both in the prophecy and in verse 21 he uses the phrase "this people" which can only refer to the nation of Israel. There were people from other nation speaking the message of God to the nation of Israel. This was a sign to Israel. The Gentiles were anathema to Israel. They were unclean. They would have nothing to do with the Gentiles. Remeber the abhorrent reaction Peter had when told to go to the house of Cornelius. He had to be convinced by God in a vision before he would go. And now the Jews were expected to believe a message from their God, Jehovah coming from unclean nations--the Gentiles, in unclean languages. This was a sign. If they would not listen to their own prophets God would give them a sign, a sign that judgement would soon come upon them if they would not listen to this message this one last time. And they didnt'.
    Both of the Scriptures do, when men who are not convinced against their will, will not remain unconvinced still. But that is not the case is it?
    One can easily see your bias and how you will not be convinced thought the evidence is plainly set before you. The verse says that the message (of salvation) was confirmed to us (apostles)...by signs, wonders, miracles, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. There are no more apostles today. The signs, the miracles, the gifts of the Holy Spirit verified that Apostles were genuine, that their message was genuine. These signs and gifts ceased when the Apostles ceased. This is quite obvious here. The message was confirmed to them not to others but to them by the gifts of the Spirit. Those signs and gifts were given only to the Apostles and their close associates. It was for their verification, especially the signs and wonders.
    It was accompanied by signs and wonders done by the Apostles. That is the important part to remeber here. Signs and wonders were the sign of an apostle.
    You can believe what you want to. I do not believe in apostolic succession. There were 12 Apostles, and then Paul, as one "born out of due time." This is what the Bible teaches. There are 12 foundations in heaven each one having the name of one of the 12 apostles. This contradicts your theory right away. "The Twelve" are often mentioned in Scripture. This is what I am referring to. The Twelve Apostles and their close associates were authenticated by signs and wonders, and when they passed off the scene so did the gifts. They were no longer needed. Tongues was a sign. So were the other gifts.
    Almost every church had an apostle or a close associate of one of the apostles in it. Not every church had all the gifts. Some of the churches may not have had any of the gifts. A church does not need the gifts of the Spirit to operate; but they do need the fruit of the Spirit. Paul emphasized that. "I show you a more excellent way" He had just finished listing all of the gifts. Then he said desire the best gifts (prophesying and teaching). Then he makes a statement which has the meaning: I will show you a better way a way that is more valuable than all of these gifts put together. Then he launches into 1Cor.13, one of the most beautiful chapters in the Bible, describing how love is so essential to the Christian life--not the gifts of the Spirit, but love. The gifts are not essential. But the fruit of the Spirit are.
    Yes, in the first century.
    But like I say:
    A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.
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