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Featured An American Translation

Discussion in 'Bible Versions & Translations' started by Rippon2, Mar 28, 2020.

  1. Jerome

    Jerome Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2006
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    Well then, is there a houtos in Hebrews 5:12?
    Just look what your 'NKJV' did there:

    KJB: the time
    NKJV: this time
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  2. Martin Marprelate

    Martin Marprelate Well-Known Member
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    Dec 18, 2010
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    The NKJV correctly renders the Greek idiom dia ton chronon. 'Because of the time' makes not much sense in English. The NASB agrees. In Romans 12:1 there is simply no good reason to insert 'this.'
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Yeshua1

    Yeshua1 Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2012
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    Looks like they have not yet persuaded you to switch from Nkjv to Niv 2011!
  4. Martin Marprelate

    Martin Marprelate Well-Known Member
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    Dec 18, 2010
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    The NKJV is not without it's faults, bu IMO Heb. 5:12 isn't one of them.
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  5. Rippon2

    Rippon2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2020
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    No one has mentioned your favorite boogieman. My OP has nothing to do with it, and your MM quote had nothing to do with it. Stay in the right lane.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Rippon2

    Rippon2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2020
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    ESV : they remained no little time with the disciples
    AAT : there they stayed for a long time with the disciples

    16: 15
    ESV : she prevailed upon us
    AAT : she appealed to us

    17: 4
    ESV : not a few
    AAT : a number

    ESV : does not live in temples made by man
    AAT : does not live in temples built by human hands

    ESV : but some men joined him
    AAT : Some persons joined him

    ESV : recently come from Italy
    AAT : who had recently come from Italy
    • Like Like x 3
  7. Rippon2

    Rippon2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2020
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    ESV : I adjure you
    ATT : I command you

    19: 23
    ESV : there arose no little disturbance
    ATT : a great commotion arose

    ESV : brought no little business
    ATT : making large profits

    ESV : not a little comforted
    ATT : greatly comforted

    ESV : he was hastening to be at Jerusalem
    ATT : he was hurrying to reach Jerusalem

    ESV : apparel
    ATT : clothes
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Rippon2

    Rippon2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2020
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    Acts concluded

    ESV : Thus says the Holy Spirit
    ATT : This is what the holy Spirit says

    ESV : with who we should lodge
    ATT : to spend the night

    ESV : Up to this word they listened to him. Then they raised their voices
    ATT : They had listened to him until he said that, but then they shouted

    ESV : Would you revile God's high priest?
    ATT : Do you mean to insult God's high priest?

    ESV : provide mounts
    ATT : provide horses

    ESV : I am speaking true and rational words.
    ATT : I am telling the sober truth.

    ESV : gave him leave to go
    ATT : allowed Paul to go

    ESV : I perceive that the voyage will be with injury
    ATT : I see that this voyage is likely to end in disaster

    ESV : no small tempest
    ATT : the storm continued to rage

    ESV : lest
    ATT : for fear
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Rippon2

    Rippon2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2020
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    2 Peter 1:20,21

    You must understand this in the first place, that no prophecy ever originated in the human will,
    but under the influence of the holy Spirit men spoke for God.
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  10. Deacon

    Deacon Well-Known Member
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    Aug 23, 2002
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    I’ve not spent much time reading Goodspeed’s translation but from what I’ve seen here I’m really liking it.

    It would be interesting to compare it with Phillips translation and with the more recent NLT as well

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  11. Rippon2

    Rippon2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2020
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    Please don't give me any more ideas! Just kidding, I have lots of time on my hands. I could do just that, in the future. I'm hesitant to say near future. Off-hand, I'd say E.J.G. would be a lot closer to the mediating translations of today than Phillip's translation. The language would be a bit more stately than the NLT. But I love the NLT in all its forms starting with the 1996 edition.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Rippon2

    Rippon2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2020
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    Matthew 5:3-12

    Blessed are those who feel their spiritual need, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them!
    Blessed are the mourners, for they will be consoled!
    Blessed are the humble-minded, for they will possess the land!
    Blessed are those who are hungry and thirsty for uprightness, for they will be satisfied!
    Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy!
    Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God!
    Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called God's sons!
    Blessed are those who have endured persecution for their uprightness, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them!
    Blessed are you when people abuse you, and persecute you, and falsely say everything bad of you, on my account. Be glad and exult over it, for you will be richly rewarded in heaven, for that is the way they persecuted the prophets who went before you!

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  13. Rippon2

    Rippon2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2020
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    Well, at Rob's behest, here's the NLT with The Beatitudes :

    God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
    God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
    God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth.
    God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied.
    God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
    God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God.
    God blesses those who who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.
    God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
    God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things
    against you because you are my followers.
    Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way.
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  14. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    I've always had a fondness for the Pidgin Bible

    2He wen start fo teach um. He tell um:
    3“Da peopo dat know dey need God inside dea heart,
    Dey can stay good inside
    Cuz God in da sky, he dea King.
    4“Da peopo dat cry inside dea heart,
    Dey can stay good inside
    Cuz God goin kokua dem.
    5“Da peopo dat no need put demself first everytime,
    Dey can stay good inside
    Cuz God goin give um da whole world.
    6“Da peopo dat everytime really like do da right ting,
    Dey can stay good inside
    Cuz God goin help um do um.
    7“Da peopo dat pity da odda peopo, an give um chance,
    Dey can stay good inside
    Cuz God goin pity dem an give um chance too.
    8“Da peopo dat hundred percent fo God inside,
    Dey can stay good inside
    Cuz dey goin see God.
    9“Da peopo dat help da odda peopo come friends again,
    Dey can stay good inside
    Cuz God goin say, ‘Dey my kids.’
    10“Da peopo dat do right, an suffa fo dat,
    Dey can stay good inside
    Cuz God in da sky, he dea King.
    11“You guys can stay good inside wen dey talk bad to you guys, an make you guys suffa, an dey talk any kine bout you guys, cuz you guys mines, but dey bulai. 12Dance an sing, cuz bumbye God goin have plenny good kine stuff fo you guys wea he stay inside da sky. Eh, jalike befo time, da guys God wen send fo talk fo him long time ago, had peopo dat wen make dem suffa too.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  15. Rippon2

    Rippon2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2020
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    Romans 3:10b --18 in the AAT (Goodspeed)

    There is not a single man who is upright,No one understands,
    no one searches for God.
    All have turned away, they are
    one and all worthless,
    No one does right, not a single one!
    Their throats are like open graves,
    They use their tongues to deceive;
    The venom of asps is behind their lips,
    And their mouths are full of bitter curses.
    Their feet are swift when it comes to shedding blood,
    Ruin and wretchedness mark their paths,
    They do not know the way of peace,
    There is no reverence for God before their eyes.

    The same section from the NLT follows :

    No one is righteous --- not even one.
    No one is truly wise;
    No one is seeking God.
    All have turned away;
    all have become useless.
    No one does good,
    not a single one.
    Their talk is foul, like the stench
    from an open grave.
    Their tongues are filled with lies.
    Snake venom drips from their lips.
    Their mouths are full of cursing
    and bitterness.
    They rush to commit murder.
    Destruction and misery always
    follow them.
    They don't know where to find peace.
    They have no fear of God at all.
    • Like Like x 1
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  16. Rippon2

    Rippon2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2020
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    2 Peter 1:16-18

    AAT (Goodspeed)
    For they were no fictitious stories that we followed when we informed you of the
    power of our Lord Jesus Christ and of his coming, but we had been eyewitnesses
    of his majesty. For when he was so honored and glorified by God the Father and
    from the supreme glory there were borne to him such words as these :"This is my Son,
    my Beloved! He is my Chosen!"
    --- we heard these words borne from heaven when we were with him on that sacred mountain.

    For we were not making up clever stories when we told you about the powerful coming of our
    Lord Jesus Christ. We saw his majestic splendor with our own eyes when he received honor
    and glory from God the Father. The voice from the majestic glory of God said to him,
    "This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy." We ourselves heard that voice
    from heaven when we were with him on the holy mountain.
    • Like Like x 2
  17. Rippon2

    Rippon2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2020
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    AAT (Goodspeed)

    Philippians 4:8,9

    Now, brothers, let your minds dwell on what is true, what is worthy, what is right, what is pure, what is amiable, what is kindly -- on everything that is excellent or praiseworthy. Do the things that you learned, received, and heard from me, and that you saw me do. Then God who gives peace will be with you.


    And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me --- everything you heard from me and saw me doing.Then the God of peace will be with you.

    Phillips (1958 edition)

    Here is a last piece of advice. If you believe in goodness and if you value the approval of God, fix your minds on the things which are holy and right and pure and beautiful and good. Model your conduct on what you have learned from me, on what I have told you and shown you, and you will find that the God of peace will be with you.


    From now on, brothers and sisters, if anything is excellent and if anything is admirable, focus your thoughts on these things : all that is true, all that is holy, all that is just, all that is pure, all that is lovely, and all that is worthy of praise. Practice these things : whatever you learned, received, heard, or saw in us. The God of peace will be with you.
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  18. Rippon2

    Rippon2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2020
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    ATT (Goodspeed)

    1 Corinthians 13: 4-7

    Love is not envious or boastful. It does not put on airs. It is not rude. It does not insist on its rights. It does not
    become angry. It is not resentful. It is not happy over injustice, it is only happy with truth. It will bear anything,
    believe anything, hope for anything, endure anything. Love will never die out.


    Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

    New Jerusalem Bible

    Love is always patient and kind; love is never jealous; love is not boastful or conceited, it is never rude and never seeks its own advantage, it does not take offence or store up grievances. Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but finds its joy in the truth. It is always ready to make allowances, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes.

    The Modern Language New Testament (formerly The New Berkeley Version)

    Love endures long and is kind; love is not jealous; love is not out for display; it is not conceited or unmannerly; it is neither self-seeking nor irritable, nor does it take account of a wrong that is suffered. It takes no pleasure in injustice but sides happily with truth. It bears everything in silence, has unquenchable faith, hopes under all circumstances, endures without limit.

    Common English Bible

    Love is patient, love is kind, it isn't jealous, it doesn't brag, it isn't arrogant, it isn't rude, it doesn't seek its own advantage, it isn't irritable, it doesn't keep a record of complaints, it isn't happy with injustice,but it is happy with the truth. Love puts up with all things, trusts in all things, endures all things.

    The Revised English Bible

    Love is patient and kind. Love envies no one, is never boastful, never conceited, never rude; love is never selfish, never quick to take offence . Love keeps no score of wrongs, takes no pleasure in the sins of others, but delights in the truth. There is nothing love cannot face; there is no limit to its faith, its hope, its endurance.

    The New Testament In Modern Speech. It is known as the Weymouth, but James Alexander Robertson revised it.

    Love is forbearing and kind. Love knows no jealousy. Love does not brag; is not conceited. She is not unmannerly, nor selfish, nor irritable, nor mindful of wrongs. She does not rejoice in injustice, but joyfully sides with the truth. She can overlook faults. She is full of hope, full of endurance.
  19. Rippon2

    Rippon2 Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2020
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    John 1:9-13

    The real light, which sheds light upon everyone, was just coming into the world. He came into the world, and though the world came into existence through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to his home, and his own family did not welcome him. But to all who did receive him and believe in him he gave the right to become children of God, owning their birth not to nature nor to any human or physical impulse, but to God.

    There was the true Light, which lightens every man, coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world did not recognize Him. He came to His own home, and His own people gave Him no welcome. But to all who have received Him -- that is, to those who trust in His name -- He has given the privilege of becoming children of God; who were begotten not by human descent, nor through an impulse of the flesh, nor through the will of a human father, but from God.

    The Word was the real light that gives light to everyone; he was coming into the world. He was in the world that had come into being through him, and the world did not recognize him. He came to his own and his own people did not accept him. But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believed in his name who were born not from human stock or human desire or human will but from God himself.


    The true light which gives light to everyone was even then coming into the world. He was in the world; but the world, though it owed its being to him, did not recognize him. He came to his own, and his own people would not accept him. But to all who did accept him, to those who put their trust in him, he gave the right to become children of God, born not of human stock, by the physical desire of a human father, but of God.

    The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. He came into the very world he created, but the world didn't recognize him. He came to his own people, and even they rejected him. But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn -- not with a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.
  20. Van

    Van Well-Known Member
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    Mar 4, 2011
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    Ephesians 1:4-8 (NASB) 4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love 5 He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, 6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. 7 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace 8 which He lavished on us.

    Here we have evidence the AAT renders the text according to the presumption of Calvinism.

    1) Does scripture say God chose us out before creation? Nope 1 Peter 2:9-10 precludes that interpretation.
    2) Does scripture say God predestined us to become His sons? Nope Those chosen are predestined to be redeemed bodily at Christ's second coming. Romans 8:23