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This is Paul from Antioch!

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Paul from Antioch, Apr 17, 2021.

  1. Paul from Antioch

    Paul from Antioch Active Member

    Apr 15, 2021
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    Really! My parents W R (not J!) & F E Bridge K on May 9, 1946, gave birth to their second son & youngest of 3 other siblings D & N sisters & W R K, Jr., & then Paul R! But that's about as near as I got to that other Paul from that other Antioch! But, if U should ask me, I'll say, "Yeah! He's my brother & although many of his writings are heavy, He isn't! Actually I was a BB Member a few years back, but had to leave posting on BB because of medical reasons that I'll not take y'alls' time 2 read. On BB I used the handle ktn4eg & that's what I'll use again....Fellows like my OLD BB buddy "Salty" confused me enough so I'll placate him (U wouldn't DARE get "Salty" mad....His NY State Gov once got him mad & we daily see what trouble "Salty" caused him!! ;) ;) Nah, "Salty" & I are good friends (I H O P E he still is!) since we're both veterans, etc. I'll briefly introduce myself since it's been a few years since the MDs "gassed" me 4 their cuttin' 'n' slicin' work (I asked to 2 just out a zipper on my chest 2 save them time, BUT 4 sum reason, they didn't CUT IT! ANYWAY....This time of the year I get to observe my 2 birthdays: On 23 April 1966 I was born again & on 9 May 1946 those MDs gave me my very first spanking....& I didn't DO anything!! (Well, my mother had an objecting opinion though!!) In 1964 I graduated from HS & successfully evaded the draft! On 21 Sept 1964 I enlisted in the USAF! (But just in case I didn't my "friends & neighbors"(??) told me to take a physical for my "Selective Service" forthcoming!!) I did my basic training near San Antonio TX & then, on Election Day 1964, I was transferred to Chanute AFB in E Central IL. (Yep, it was the height of the tourist season Nov - Feb!! I still remember having 2 wear ski masks due to the wind!) Then my first PCS was to Davis-Monthan AFB just outside Tucson AZ. For almost 20 yrs I was as lost as lost could be, "BUT GOD" moved me from my hometown in SE PA (approx midway between Philly & Allentown PA) to hear the Gospel for the first time! I wasn't seeking Jesus necessarily, "BUT GOD" knew I needed 2 B Born Again! And I was! That evening a stately, grandfatherly gentleman took me aside and showed me John 3:16....and then he said, "See where it says, 'Whosoever"?....Put YOUR name in there & read it again. That's when I received God's "Only Begotten Son" into my heart & life. I'd like to say that I never strayed from Him, but God's Word says, "ALL WE like sheep have gone astray!" And I think I was Exhibit A on that case. THEN, as the war in Vietnam REALLY started to intensify & all of us were know where our next assignment was...."BUT GOD" (via the USAF) sent me to Germany, to Ramstein AB which is located approx mid way between Frankfurt & the NE border of France. "Officially" the USAF SAID, "NO, WE weren't involved in that 6-Day War!!" but as a Tactical Recon Wing, we sure were busy. Then spring 1968 the "Prague Spring" in neighboring Czeckoslovakia (sp?) was no more than 200 mi E of us. "BUT GOD" kept me out of it. Finally on 15 April 1969 (I DID have one good April 15!) I was released from AD & flew home to PA....Here I was, a 3 YO in God's family & KNEW I needed more Bible training & fellowship with my new Sisters & Brothers...and had NO IDEA where I could find a church to grow in Jesus. "BUT GOD" knew that too & He led me to a Baptist church nearby & whose Founding Pastor was a Greek scholar! In the 4 years I spent there, I GREW up on the manna God's Word gave me. "BUT GOD," in 1972 led me to Clarksville TN to enroll in Clarksville Baptist College when I majored in the Bible & Christian Educ. My professors there saw my interest in History & encouraged me to pursue an MA at Austin Peay State Univ in Clarksville. APSU was named for TN's Gov Austin Peay. He was gov when TN was considering adopting this "ANTI - Evolution Bill," over which the Scope's "Monkey Trial" was debated. Although Gov Peay wasn't a Baptist, his address to TN's State Assembly read more like a speech that Dr Henry Morris or Jim Daly or men of that ilk. I'm NOT saying that one cannot get an MA from a state univ, "BUT GOD" allowed me to earn one in1891 at APSU. From 1976 - 1994 I taught JH & SH students at Bible Baptist Academy. "BUT GOD" knew that my finances were such that, after 18 yrs of teaching at a Christian School doesn't lead to one securing a property nexy to Bill Gates. I'm not saying that as a complaint but more as a means to let folks know the sacrifices that Christian School teachers are many. If you have or know of a Christian School, do me a favor for them &TELL them "Thanks for caring for our future generations!" "BUT GOD" knew about my stretched financials & led me to assume a job as an Electronic Technician for BellSouth (later AT&T) Telecommunications in its Network Reliability Center located in Brentwood TN. Now, if you're one who looks at Brentwood TN as an upscale SW suburb of Nashville.....To some extent you may be correct, but most all the people I came to know in Brentwood were (believe or not) PEOPLE!! They have struggles just as much as those who live in the projects. I became friends with the manager of Chik-Fil-Lay & many times I'd go there B4 my 1600 - Midnight shift & met their children & even occassionally witness to some of the people who came there for an afternoon meal. "BUT GOD" did me even MORE by placing me with some true Christian believers with whom we'd pray for our fellow workers. ....."BUT GOD" was EVEN "More Gooder" in leading me to a church whose pastors & members LOVE & PRACTICE what a family should! Whenever I needed a helping hand or someone to share my burdens with THEY WERE & ARE there for me. You'll see for yourself if you log on to www.lighthousenasville.org & see what the church GOD led me to for more than 25 years. Well, like some Baptist preachers are wont to do, my concluding remarks to tend to go on & on sometimes, "BUT GOD" not only proves His love for a sinner like me, that in Romans 5:8 God's Word says, "BUT GOD" displayed His great love for us in that, while we were yet sinners, CHRIST DIED FOR US!!" Selah.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  2. SGO

    SGO Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Welcome back to the forum.
  3. Paul from Antioch

    Paul from Antioch Active Member

    Apr 15, 2021
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    SGO? I'm not used 2 fingering out ALL the code words (Although the Phone Co had a BUNCH of them! EX: NPA NXX? Any one NOT w/ a phone background care 2 interpret watt eye jest writ a buv?
  4. Paul from Antioch

    Paul from Antioch Active Member

    Apr 15, 2021
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    0 si, kan inny vf sue till mi watt mi eld handel ktn4eg mines?
  5. Paul from Antioch

    Paul from Antioch Active Member

    Apr 15, 2021
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    Cmn now, Salty, as the old song goes, "RESCUE ME!!!" ;);) ;) :) :) :_
  6. RighteousnessTemperance&

    RighteousnessTemperance& Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2017
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    Really? I was sorely tempted to strip it and repost it UNCIAL-like, but that might look too rude. :Wink -- Welcome back.
  7. rlvaughn

    rlvaughn Well-Known Member
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    Mar 20, 2001
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    Paul from Antioch, welcome back to the Baptist Board! Hope you find the renewed camaraderie (and debating) a blessing.
  8. JonC

    JonC Moderator

    Aug 28, 2001
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    Welcome back. I lived in Brentwood for awhile (and Dickson...Columbia for decades).
  9. Paul from Antioch

    Paul from Antioch Active Member

    Apr 15, 2021
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    Until 2005 I stayed in an apt complex on Edmonson Pike in Nashville. Enjoyed seeing deer eating @ Ellington Ag Center. After I retired from the TN ANG, I moved into a condo in the Antioch area & am still here. From 1946 I lived un a small borough in SE PA approx midway between Philly & Allentown (Except from Sept 1964 - April 1969 when I was in the USAF & was PCS'd first at Davis-Monthan AFB outside of Tucson AZ from Mar 1965 to Mar 1967 then at Ramstein AB in Germany from Mar 67 - Apr 69.) Then back 2 PA again until 1972 when I moved to Clarksville TN to attend Clarksville Bapt College (1972-76). From 1976 - 1994 I taught in both CBC & Bible Baptist Academy. Then, from 1994 - present @ the 2 locations in either Music City or Antioch. When I was w/ CBC/BBA, from time-to-time I had to go to Mary's Music since at that time they were the only places near Clarksville who were fact reps/repair places for our Peavey audio mixers which I helped operate. I appreciated the 18 years working with (esp) BellSouth Telecommunications @ its "Nashville" NRC. But when AT&T bought BST, I couldn't stand their "AT&T way of doing ANYTHING or the highway. In August 2018I chose the latter option. So, now I'm retired, but w/in 2 mos of retirement I began to suffer several medical issues. Some of which the Drs or Hospitals required many operations & R&R at an assisted living facility in Smyrna. I still have a few leftover aches & pains. In fact, this Friday I'll be going back to my orthopedic surgeon/physical therapist to monitor my progress in PT for a back ailment I've had since fall of 1989. Otherwise, I'll be needing a walker to go further than a few steps inside my condo. I haven't been back to C'ville since 2015, & since my 2008 SUV was totalled in a "Providence" my POA experienced when a suicide-prone middle-aged women was standing in his lane on I-24 late at night. She got her wish, but my SUV was totalled. Oh well, at least I'm still alive & praise God for HIS healing SOME of my physical issues. My "Life Passage of Lamentations 3:14-19 has been my rock for years, & lately I thank Jesus for supplying ALL my NEEDS! /s/ Paul ( Who used to be ktn4eg in the past!!)
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Paul from Antioch

    Paul from Antioch Active Member

    Apr 15, 2021
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    For those who "DON'T MUCH ABOUT..." Wasn't there a song about that?!!? ....Amateur (i.e., "Ham") radio call letters...."Envelope please".... Here's what's Kosher about HAM call letters (& I don't even have a "License to Kill," mind ya!) "K" is one of the 4 letters assigned to operators (Not only hams, but ALL transmitting outlets!) that begins one's call sign (e.g., most of your local TV & AM/FM stations usually use either "K" or "W" to begin their call signs.) TN = The 2-letter postal code for Tennessee 4 = the "regional code number" for one's QTH ("Ham" for your transmitter's location.) EG are merely randomly generated letters by the listening company/organization. In my case, that was CRB Communications Co (& I'm told isn't far from BABYLON (NY)!!! Now I'm beginning to understand some things about Sgt Salty!! ;) ;) ;) :):):) :O
  11. tyndale1946

    tyndale1946 Well-Known Member
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    Aug 30, 2001
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    Welcome back Paul from Antioch, I don't remember you from the past but then again I can't keep track of everyone's coming and goings, but I try... Looks like you and I share age and ailments... Getting old is no fun... Enjoy yourself here... Take off your shoes, pull up a chair and stay awhile!... Psst!... Tell us what you know?... Brother Glen;)
  12. Paul from Antioch

    Paul from Antioch Active Member

    Apr 15, 2021
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    Since I was absent when the thread about a General Atonement was closed, is it possible to re-open this thread? Naturally I'll yield to your decision one way or another, but if it's possible, I'd like to add my $0.02 & then stay out of this (to me at least) questionable attitude of ALL sides of this controversy.....Unless, of course, I see a need to donate another $0.02 to it. I'll wait for your "Final Answer."
  13. tyndale1946

    tyndale1946 Well-Known Member
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    Aug 30, 2001
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    I have never in my time on here seen a thread reopened that has been closed... That is not to say you maybe the first... What I suggest, if you want to discuss this topic of General Atonement, start one and then those who are interested will show up... It is also possible that the posters in that topic are no longer around and have moved on, so even if you addressed them they couldn't answer... A recent OP is advised and then you could address old timers who are still here and new blood too!... Just a thought!... Brother Glen:)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Paul from Antioch

    Paul from Antioch Active Member

    Apr 15, 2021
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    Thank you Brother Glen. Having noted my 55th REbirthday on Friday, April 23rd, I'm not too sure about being a "New Blood" (Except when we think of JESUS's BLOOD!!) here on BB. When I formerly was on BB my ID'er was ktn4eg , but as I had to leave BB due to medical issues, I chose Paul from Antioch as my BB name. Yes, my first name IS Paul, &, yes, I DO live in Antioch....but my Antioch is a suburb of Nashville (and I only know a little Greek...He does make good gyro sandwiches!). Moreover, the name my parents gave me was more of a "Now who're gonna get since Momma's water broke? Well, since Dr Arthur WISE isn't to be found, we'll have to settle for Dr Paul Moyer!" thing. But then Arthur wasn't too bad a name....Then I could have some interesting "Round Table" conferences!! :rolleyes::rolleyes::eek::eek::Sleep:Sleep Okay, Salty, keep you combat boots to yourself; in fact, you might do all of us well if you chucked them at YOUR governor!!....ANY WAY, All I really wanted to add to this seemingly mindless debate over the extent of the Redemption is this: Maybe we need to be a little more forgiving in our remarks on this subject that's split Bible Believers for centuries. This is my position on the extent of the Redemption & then I'll shut up......I personally believe in a Particular Redemption, but let me state this: As I see it, the Bible presents two aspects of Redemption. To the unsaved person, the one side of the coin he/she sees has "Whosoever Will" engraved on it. To God that same coin has "Elect According to the Foreknowledge of God." IOW, maybe if we settle on which aspect one sees in this, it'd be a little less divisive. I'm not one who advocates Hardshellism that claims that we need not evangelize. The greatest NT missionary other than Jesus Himself & one who penned most of our NT has my first name. Yet he wept over the blindness of his own people. (Do I weep over the blindness of some of my family & friends? You know that's not the case for me!) OKAY, but our Bible says "ALL"!! What does that mean? "ALL" without exception, OR "ALL" without distinction? Words out of context can mean lots of things, and if we're as mature a Bible scholar as we say we are, we need to be EXACT when it comes to a person's eternal destiny...Right??!!?? I really don't lose that much sleep over who's right or who's wrong on this issue. To me I do lose sleep over my own life's testimony to reach my neighbors & even those I've merely had a fleeting moment. James cuts right to my chase: I SAY I believe in (Such-and-Such). Do my actions consistently portray that? No, but I'm glad that there's also I John almost next to it! I'll end with these lines I once heard that summarizes my view on the Redemption: "'Tis not that I did choose Thee, for Lord that cannot be, This heart would still refuse Thee, hadst Thou not chosen me. ....Thou from the sin that stained me didst cleanse and set me free. Of old, Thou hadst ordained me, that I shouldst live for Thee. Mine heart knows none before Thee, For Thy rich face I thirst. This knowing, if I love Thee, Thou must have loved me first."
  15. tyndale1946

    tyndale1946 Well-Known Member
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    Aug 30, 2001
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    "'Tis not that I did choose Thee, for Lord that cannot be, This heart would still refuse Thee, hadst Thou not chosen me. ....Thou from the sin that stained me didst cleanse and set me free. Of old, Thou hadst ordained me, that I shouldst live for Thee. Mine heart knows none before Thee, For Thy rich face I thirst. This knowing, if I love Thee, Thou must have loved me first."

    AMEN!!!... Now you're talking my language!... Brother Glen:Thumbsup
  16. SGO

    SGO Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Non Baptist Christian
  17. Paul from Antioch

    Paul from Antioch Active Member

    Apr 15, 2021
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    How 'bout us enlisted GI's who never attained to General? I'm SURE Sgt Salty will have something to say 'bout that. Seriously though, if one chooses to believe in a General Redemption, that's fine with me. We'll just agree to disagree on that. As Christians we CAN do do without being disagreeable. Agree??!!??
  18. Revmitchell

    Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    Good to see you back
  19. Salty

    Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    How is that From Private First Class Redemption?