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How do I quote someone else?

Pastor Bob

New Member
When I post a reply, how in the world do I quote someone else? Seems like everyone but me has figured out how to do it! Grrrr!

Help! :(
-Pastor Bob


<img src =/Helen2.gif>
Hi Pastor!

When you look at the post you want to quote, you will see little 'quote' marks at the end of the series of icons above it. If you click on those quote marks, you will get your message box with the full quote on it, already formatted.

If you only want to lift parts of the quote, you can cut and paste if you like and use brackets with the directions inside them for what you want the computer to do. You will see the directions next to the answer box as a blue link saying "UBB Code is enabled."

In short, if you put an 'i' (don't use the quote marks) between your brackets, with no spaces, you are telling the computer to use italics. But it won't do it unless you tell it when to close the italics. At the close, use the brackets with a '/i' between them. The slash mark says 'stop' to the computer. Use the letter 'b' for bold and '/b' to stop the bold. Use the full word 'quote' to put your quote between those lines, like this

this is probably what you are talking about, right?
and in order to close the quote, put the slash in front of the word between the brackets. Play around with the 'preview post' feature for a bit and you will see how it works.

You seem to have the emoticons down fine! :D


Site Supporter
dbrauer - Just click your mouse button on the emoticon/Instant Graemlin that you want to use and the 'code' will be automatically entered in your post (at the insertion point, of course) or you can type them manually if you know them.

Pastor Bob

New Member
Originally posted by Helen:
When you look at the post you want to quote, you will see little 'quote' marks at the end of the series of icons above it. If you click on those quote marks, you will get your message box with the full quote on it, already formatted.
is is probably what you are talking about, right:
(The above is just a test)

WOW! Cool! Thanks Helen!!! I've been trying to figure out how to do that for a year now.

Now.....How do I make a time machine so I can go back and NOT make ALL the mistakes I have made as a pastor! Anyone? :D
-Pastor Bob