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Word and Works


New Member
Sherrie, doesn't your friend know that salvation is not by "Works" . . . Microsoft Works that is!

Seriously though, it could be a corrupt file. I have one that crashes my PC whenever I try to print it. It is a Microsoft ghost I think.

Have her give the Word Viewer a try. I believe she can view and print from it. It can be downloaded at http://office.microsoft.com/downloads/2000/wd97vwr32.aspx


New Member
Hi Sherrie,

If you haven't been able to fix the problem I suggest you try asking the question to a technician at www.protonic.com. All you have to do is fill up a form and describe your problem. Voluinteer technicians will answer any computer relateed question for free.


New Member
Dualhunter is absolutely correct. OpenOffice.org is a fantastic piece of open source (read FREE) software. If your file does not contain VBA macros from Word, it can likely open the file. You may lose some formatting, as the import filters are not perfect, but the data should make it. I HIGHLY recommend OOo! For Windows I seem to recall it being around 60MB to download, slightly less for Linux.

In addition to a Word "work alike", you also get programs equivalent to Excel and Powerpoint!