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Thoughtful, Prayerful, Acquiescence to The Eternal Word of God.

Discussion in 'Baptist History' started by Alan Gross, Mar 7, 2023.

  1. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    I believe the KJB.

    from: The Baptist Bride

    "New Testament Baptist churches are not bibliolatrists;
    they do not worship the Bible,
    but they worship the infallible Author of the Bible, that is GOD.

    "And they honor His counsel with the utmost sincerity.

    "Their blessed Head and Groom have admonished them, saying:

    Prove all things: hold fast that which is good; ..."

    "Speak thou the things which become sound doctrine
    ; ..."

    "Try the spirits whether they are of God:
    because many false prophets are gone out into the world

    (I Thessalonians 5:21; Titus 2:1; I John 4:1)."

    In the body of the work below, I have added "(each individual local New Testament church, faithful to The Great Commission)", for clarity, next to Bible references expressing The Kind of churches Jesus Built.

    I added "(each individual local New Testament church, faithful to The Great Commission)" next to Bible references expressing The Kind of churches Jesus Built because Jesus Founded His kind of church assembly and Promised to be with her.

    But, Satan has changed the definition of a Biblical 'church' assembly, in the world's perspective, to mean "The Kingdom of All Living Saints of God", however, Jesus Commissioned HIS KIND of LOCAL CHURCH ASSEMBLIES, to make disciples, get folks saved by preaching the Gospel, baptize them into a congregating assembly for membership, and then teaching them all things Jesus Commanded'.

    When you find a church assembly organized and Biblically faithful to doing all those very things, you have a Supernatural Organization/ Organism doing the business of God.

    Our church assembly was organized by succession authority in 1786.

    "Our authority came, according to the Biblical doctrine of “church succession,”
    through particular New England “separate” Baptists
    who had sought out existing Baptist churches for this arm of authority."

    Our History – Bryan Station Baptist Church

    We have organized 38+ other Missionary Baptist churches,
    along with a robust publications ministry, etc., etc.,
    and currently support 23 missionaries on the field, around the world, full-time.

    Churches Organized – Bryan Station Baptist Church

    from: file:///C:/Users/fundi/Downloads/BaptistSuccession_10213136.pdf

    "THE Angel said to Daniel that, in the last days,
    Many shall run to and fro,
    and knowledge shall be increased.

    "This prophecy is especially being fulfilled as regards church history;

    "for a number of the ripest scholars of Europe and America
    are devoting their energies to this great work,
    with the prospect of much good as the result.

    "It has ever been the policy of Rome to destroy, as far as possible,
    not only the true church itself but every vestige of its history.

    "This fell design has led Romish authors to make the effort
    to blacken the character of the Church of Christ,
    by accusing its members of almost every crime
    which Satanic malice could invent.

    "And they have so far succeeded in their purpose,
    as to make an impression on the multitude,
    that there is no church succession independent of Rome,
    and that all other churches came out of the Catholic Church!

    "Baptists have with one voice denied any connection with the Romish apostasy,
    and claimed their origin as a church from Jesus Christ and the apostles.

    "If this claim of the Baptists is true, they should ever be willing
    and able to furnish the evidence upon which they rest their claims to antiquity.

    "But, owing to the scarcity and cost of old ecclesiastical histories
    and documents, the people are deprived of the means of knowing the facts of history
    which ought to be within the reach of everyone."
    A man I know fasted and prayed to God,
    asking which of the many 'churches' was the right one.

    Although, a former Catholic, he wound up disciplining me for years
    on what he had learned.

    Of the many subjects that you learn are 'more true the more you study them',
    this is one of those.

    As Independent Missionary Baptists we base our heritage on 90%
    thoughtful prayerful acquiescence to the Eternal Word of God
    and The Lordship of Jesus

    and 10% on ancient and overwhelming historical evidence
    of 'Baptist-like' 'like faith and order' congregations existing throughout the world,
    since the time of Christ"
    (individual local New Testament churches, faithful to The Great Commission)."

    The 10% of historical evidence is not advisedly contended for
    as a historical 'Pedigree',
    which is indefensible, since Baptists want to,
    and need, to see the church business, 'minutes' recorded,
    in order to review "by what church's authority a certain member(s),
    with Scriptural Baptism, were voted on
    to advise and organize the new starting congregation?"

    Just like in the Bible, from:

    1. The Holy Spirit appoints human leaders over the churches (Acts 20:28).
    These men are to be "filled with the Spirit" (Acts 6:3).

    2. Second, The Holy Spirit helps a church to decide
    important cases of doctrine and practice (Acts 15:28).

    3. Third, The Holy Spirit selects men as missionaries (Acts 13).
    a. The Holy Spirit sends them out (Acts 13:14).
    b. The Holy Spirit determines their field of labor (Acts 16:6-10).

    4. Fourth, The Holy Spirit rebukes, warns, or encourages the churches.
    "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches"
    (Revelation 2:17, 29, and 3:13).
    a. In the Scriptures (letters to the churches),
    the Spirit is carrying on His ministry of governing the churches.
    b. Each letter is authoritative because
    it is the voice of the Spirit unto the churches.

    A. Churches Today Must Function Through Human Instrumentalities.
    1. The Spirit calls men into this body
    (l Corinthians 12:13, 18).
    2. The Spirit gives the needed spiritual gifts
    to them to enable them in the work of the Lord
    (l Corinthians 12:23-24).

    So, by God's Promises in The Bible, in the 90% scripturally based
    faith in church succession,
    there is a Supernatural Superintendence of The Holy Spirit,
    i.e., Another Comforter, that ensures church succession.

    Yet, for the 10% historical faith in church succession,
    where are those detailed records,
    of church business, 'minutes' recorded,
    from the first century through to the 21st?
    that we all need to verify that history?

    .... Right.

    While there was an actual existence of these 'Baptist-like' congregations
    they were outside of the Roman Catholic and Protestant (often political) hierarchies,

    and this left them hounded and persecuted, WITHOUT RELIGIOUS LIBERTY,
    thereby leaving much of their history written in a trail of blood, rather than 'documents'.

    So although, we do believe in a chain-link succession,
    of 'Baptist-like' congregations,
    it is by 90% faith in God's Promises in the Bible
    and 10%, by faith, observing what history records

    that God has Permitted to be preserved.

    I ask for your Thoughtful, Prayerful,
    Acquiescence to The Eternal Word of God,
    of the 90% of God's Promises in the Bible, below,
    in consideration of the following

    #1 Alan Gross, Mar 7, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2023
  2. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    from: "Re-Thinking Baptist Doctrine", edited by Victor Masters:

    "The basic principle of our Faith and Life as Christians
    is loyalty to Jesus Christ as our Sovereign Lord.

    "As Baptists, whose sole and only Lord is The Savior, we go on record
    before the world as claiming no other right to be heard
    except on the basis of our loyalty to The Lordship of Jesus Christ."

    Then, if the Scriptures are correct, you will want to side with God
    rather than The Beast and their dismissal
    of Baptist-like authority and Perpecuity.

    "The (the 10% historical) evidence is not beyond dispute,
    but it is more than sufficient
    if we are willing to (also) believe the Promises of God's Word (the 90%)."

    - Roscoe Brong

    The following scriptures are employed
    for the 90% faith, we have in God's Promises in the Bible

    that I ask for your consideration in Thoughtfully, Prayerfully,
    Acquiesce to The Eternal Word of God:

    adapted from: Baptist Perpecuity by Roscoe Brong;

    "Upon this Rock," said Jesus, referring to Himself,
    "I will build my church; (like the kinds of individual local New Testament churches, faithful to The Great Commission)
    and the gates of hell [Hades] shall not prevail against it"
    [Matthew 16:18].

    "Since there is no just reason to do otherwise, we must understand that Jesus used the word, "church" [Greek "ekklesia] in Matthew 16:18 in the same general sense that it has everywhere else in the New Testament: that is, an assembly, almost always an organized assembly.

    "The word here is used abstractly; that is, it expresses an idea whose realization is to be found in a particular organized assembly
    "If he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: (each individual local New Testament church, faithful to The Great Commission, right?)

    "but if he neglects to hear the church, let him be unto thee as a heathen man and a publican. Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever, ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven"
    [Matthew 18:17-18].

    "Obviously, the reference here is to an organized assembly; and obviously such organized assemblies must always have existed from that time to this in order that faithful followers of Jesus might obey His instructions here given."
    "For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body.
    Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular"

    (each individual local New Testament church, faithful to The Great Commission)

    [1 Corinthians 12:13, 27.].

    "Verse 27 of this quotation tells what kind of body is meant in verse 13: the kind of which the church at Corinth was an example. I Corinthians 1:13-17 shows what kind of baptism is meant: namely baptism in water. In fact, there is only one kind of baptism recognized in the New Testament as an ordinance of Christ: all other so-called baptisms are figurative or symbolic, deriving their significance from this baptizing in water to declare the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ and all that this means to us...if it is a church ordinance, then there must always have been churches to administer the ordinance."
    "As often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup,
    ye do show the Lord's death till he come"
    [I Corinthians 11:26].

    "Again, practically all Christians recognize the Lord's Supper as a church ordinance. But how could the ordinance be continued if at any time there were no true churches to observe it? Note that the Scriptures give no hint of any possible lapse or failure of our Lord's churches to declare or show forth His death by eating this bread and drinking this cup "till he come."
    "If a man desires the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.
    They have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree"

    [I Timothy 3:1, 13].

    "But if bishops and deacons were officers in the kind of church that Jesus built, and if this kind of church passed out of existence, as Protestants allege and as ignorant Baptists admit, then by whose authority are such offices named today?"
    "Now, therefore, ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God, (each individual local New Testament church, faithful to The Great Commission)

    "and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone; in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth
    unto a holy temple in the Lord (each individual local New Testament church, faithful to The Great Commission):

    "in whom ye also are builded together for
    a habitation of God through the Spirit"
    (each individual local New Testament church, faithful to The Great Commission) [Ephesians 2:19-22].

    "Paul was writing to the church at Ephesus and he reveals here the glorious fact that a true New Testament church is a holy temple in the lord, and that one purpose for which the lord built His church at Ephesus, and we believe, every other true New Testament church, is that God in the Spirit might dwell therein.

    "Can anyone believe that God, having chosen to manifest His presence in a special way ("for a habitation of God through the Spirit", by the Supernatural Superintendence of The Holy Spirit, i.e., Another Comforter), in the churches of the Lord Jesus (each individual local New Testament church, faithful to The Great Commission), allowed His purposes to be frustrated so that for centuries He had no such habitation on earth?

    "But Protestants do so declare, and countless Baptists, ignorant of or indifferent to their blood-bought heritage, are deceived by or are silent in the face of this monstrous lie!"

    #2 Alan Gross, Mar 7, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2023
  3. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    "Ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ;
    ye should be married to another, (each individual local New Testament church, faithful to The Great Commission)
    "even to him who is raised from the dead"

    [Romans 7:4].

    "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church,
    and gave himself for it"
    (for each individual local New Testament church, faithful to The Great Commission)

    [Ephesians 5:25 -- read on through verse 32].

    "Was our Lord at any time betrothed to a dead bride? After He gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her by the washing of water in the Word, that He might present her to Himself in glory -- after all this, was there ever a time when nowhere on earth could be found a church that could be truly called His bride?"
    Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye (each individual local New Testament church, faithful to The Great Commission)
    "therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world"

    [Matthew 28:18-20].

    "But an organized assembly of baptized believers, such as Jesus had constituted His disciples, can do what He commanded and in doing so can claim the promise of His continuing presence -- and it is the only organization of earth that can do so.

    "Jesus promised this kind of church (each individual local New Testament church, faithful to The Great Commission) that He would always be with it, even to the end of the age.

    "Be He could not be with it unless it existed to be with. Therefore if Jesus spoke the truth He has had His churches in the world ever since and He has been with them all the time -- and so it will be to the end of the age."
    "Unto him be glory in the church (to each individual local New Testament church, faithful to The Great Commission) by Christ Jesus
    throughout all ages, world without end"

    [Ephesians 3:21].

    "We have here a Spirit-inspired declaration or prayer. If it was a prayer, as the KJ version indicates, it nevertheless declares an assured fulfillment, for the Holy Spirit does not inspire vain prayers.
    "He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God" [Romans 8:27].

    "Therefore we understand that God gets "glory in the church" (in each individual local New Testament church, faithful to The Great Commission) in Christ Jesus. This was true in Paul's day and it was to continue "unto all the generations of the eons of the eons," an expression of eternity beyond our comprehension."
    "These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly: but if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, (each individual local New Testament church, faithful to The Great Commission) the pillar and ground of the truth" (each individual local New Testament church, faithful to The Great Commission).
    [1 Timothy 3:15].

    "Speaking of the church as an organized assembly, as the context clearly shows, Paul here calls it "the pillar and ground of the truth." That is, the church not only, as a pillar or column, upholds the truth, but it is the foundational support of the truth.

    "Here we have the explanation for the wholesale loss of Bible truth
    by false churches and unattached Christians.

    "It has pleased God that His churches (each individual local New Testament church, faithful to The Great Commission) should be the pillar and ground of the truth, and so it has been through the centuries."

    God's Ordained Witnesses, throughout The Church Age.

    Revelation 12:6;

    "And the woman fled into the wilderness,
    where she hath a place prepared of God."

    Jesus Founded His kind of church assembly and Promised to be with her.

    But, Satan has changed the definition of a Biblical 'church' assembly, in the world's perspective, to mean "The Kingdom of All Living Saints of God", however, Jesus Commissioned HIS KIND of LOCAL CHURCH ASSEMBLIES, to make disciples, get folks saved by preaching the Gospel, baptize them into a congregating assembly for membership and then teaching them all things Jesus Commanded'.

    When you find a church assembly organized and Biblically faithful to carrying out The Great Commission, and historically most important when trying to find testimonies and records:
    Supreme Lordship of Jesus Christ, The Sole Authority of the Holy Bible,
    Regenerated and Baptized Church Membership & Believer's Baptism by Immersion,
    you have a Supernatural Organization/ Organism doing the business of God.

    Why would natural men of the world hold to

    The Supreme Lordship of Jesus Christ,
    The Sole Authority of the Holy Bible,
    Regenerated and Baptized Church Membership
    & Believer's Baptism by Immersion?

    They don't.


    Because it is apparently not their 'calling'.

    What are "all things Jesus Commanded"
    that make up The Kind of Church that Jesus Built?

    The Baptist Distinctives
    Supreme Lordship of Jesus Christ
    Sole Authority of the Holy Bible
    Autonomy of the Local Church
    Regenerated and Baptized Church Membership
    Priesthood of the Believer
    Believer's Baptism by Immersion
    Two Ordinances: Baptism and Lord's Supper
    Individual Soul Liberty
    Friendly Separation of Religion and Government
    #3 Alan Gross, Mar 7, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2023