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Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by Alex2165, Sep 8, 2023.

  1. Alex2165

    Alex2165 Active Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    Seeking Christ
    John 10.33-36
    33. The Jews answered Him, 'For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy, and because You being a Man make Yourself out to be GOD.'
    34. Jesus answered them, 'Has it not been written in your Law, 'I said, *you are gods'?

    Psalm 82.6
    6."I said, 'You are gods, and all of you are sons of the Most High."

    35. If He called them *gods to whom the Word of GOD came, the Scripture cannot be broken.
    36. Do you say of Him, Whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, 'You are blaspheming,' because I said, 'I am the Son of GOD'?

    ~ 34-35. "You are gods." (Psalms 58.1, 82.1.6-7, 84.7, (97.7 KSB, NRSV), 136.2, 138.1. NRSV) (Job 41.9.25. NRSV) (Deuteronomy 32.43. NRSV) (John 10.34-35).

    ~ 34-36. See also parallel theme: "you are sons of GOD." (John 10.34-36, 12.36) (Psalm 82.6).

    Why the leaders of Israel were so angry with Christ when He let them know that He is the Son of GOD? If ordinary human beings can be called as the sons and the daughters of GOD, why not He can be called in the same way? Above all He is the true Son of GOD very First Son, First born of GOD.

    In a certain sense we are gods too. GOD Father created for Himself a Son and He became the Son of GOD. Son of GOD created the world by the power of His Father and whole humankind, and humans became children of GOD, the sons and the daughters of GOD.

    If humans are created in the Image of GOD, subsequently they are also gods in this respect, because they are born of GOD.

    In nature every kind of living things on the ground and in the water produces their own kind and they are not mix. So those who are born of GOD in His Image also to be considered as gods, but of different kind, lesser gods.

    GOD father gave His Son Jesus powers to do and to create things. Jesus in His turn gave His powers to His disciples to do the same things that He does by the power of His Father.

    In the Bible we can see quite a number of instances in which human beings, mostly prophets of GOD, conducted extraordinary things and miracles acting like GOD Himself.

    So, according to explanation of Jesus and statements from the Scripture the leaders of Israel have been wrong and mistaken when they got angry at Jesus, they do not understand the Scripture and took the simple fact for the blasphemy.

    Of course, Jesus is not the same as His Father, and we are not the same as Jesus, but all of as belong to a single kind of creatures related only to GOD among all other creations on Earth. Spiritually and intellectually, we are the Image of GOD, physically we are image of Adam and Eve, the earthly people made from the substance of earth.

    Even in our physical form we are created in such way that we are capable to create many different things. The animals and other living creature are not capable of any creativity, and by this thought alone we can be considered as gods to them if we compare ourselves to other living creatures of Earth.

    The transformation for mortal sons and daughters of GOD, for those who deserve it and worthy of it, will be to become immortal spirit - the angel of GOD, after physical death (Matthew 22.23-30) (Mark 12.18-25) (Luke 20.27-36).
  2. 37818

    37818 Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2018
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    What passage of Scripture do you have in mind?
  3. Alex2165

    Alex2165 Active Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    Seeking Christ
    John 1.1-3
    1. "In the beginning was the
    Word (Jesus Christ), and the Word was with GOD, and the Word was GOD. (Revelation 19.13).

    2. He was in the beginning with GOD.

    3. All things came into being by
    Him (by Jesus Christ), and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. (John 1.3) (1Corinthians 8.6) (Colossian 1.16-17) (Hebrews 1.2) (see: "Creation").

    See also parallel verses.

    John 5.26-27

    26. Just as the Father had Life in Himself, so He gave to the Son also to have Life in Himself.
    27. And He (Father) gave Him authority to execute judgment, because He is the Son of Man.

    John 7.16
    16. Jesus answered them and said, 'My teachings is not Mine, but His Who sent Me.'
    17. If any man is willing to do His will, he shall know of the teaching whether it is of GOD or whether I speak from Myself.

    26. I have many things to speak and to judge concerning you, but He Who sent Me is true, and the things which I heard from Him, these I speak to the world.'
    28. Jesus therefore said, 'When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He, and I do nothing on My Own initiative, but I speak these things as the FATHER taught Me.
    38. I speak the things which I have seen with My Father, therefore, you also do the things which you heard from your father.'

    John 12.49-50
    49. I did not speak on My Own initiative, but the Father Himself Who sent Me, has given Me Commandment what to say and what to speak.
    50. And I know that *His Commandment is Eternal Life, therefore the things I speak, I speak just as the Father has told Me.'

    John 14.10
    10. Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My Own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works.

    John 15.15
    15. No longer do I call you slaves, the slave does not know what his master is doing, but I have called you friends, all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.

    John 16.15.23
    15. All things that the Father has are Mine, therefore I said, that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you.
    23.And in that day you will ask Me no question. Truly truly I say to you, if you shall ask the Father for anything, He will give it to you in My name.