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Featured #2 What do you Teach other men that "a Church is"? What do Landmarks Teach men that "a Church is"?

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by Alan Gross, Jan 2, 2024.

  1. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    You win a cut & paste!!

    We have a different understanding of how to read words in a sentence, in our own language.

    My position on how to read a word in a sentence;

    "The word church is used abstractly in some of these debatable verses, not referring to any particular church at any definite place, but to the church as an institution.

    "When a concrete application of the word is made it must be to a particular local church somewhere."

    The position the world of Christianity has embraced;.

    "Most Bible scholars chose to ignore the abstract usage of the word church in the Bible, although they will freely concede such is true of other words.

    "Rather than allowing the word to retain its common meaning throughout the New Testament, a most reasonable and logical thing to do, they ascribe a new meaning to the word. They say it must mean a universal, invisible church."

    These 'scholars' have added to the Bible a new meaning to a Bible word, even though that new meaning is the very opposite definition of the original word.

    To me, for them or anyone else to do that is not within the realm of sanity.

    "ekklesia never had such a meaning in the Greek writings.

    "This new meaning is contrary to the primary and literal meaning of ekklesia.

    In spite of all the havoc reaped by not using the meaning of the word in all Bible passages using the word "church" how is someone supposed to ever know what God intended for them to understand from it?

    That enormous blessing from God is simply robbed from them and they are left with their empty religion that has formed for them something invisible, instead.

    Would you please read this statement describing the disastrous problem that Satan has used, to deceive the entire religious world.

    "If I can give a word a new meaning so as to fit my creed when the common meaning makes good sense, then I can change the entire Bible to suit my fancy and the next person can do the same!"

    From Chapter II: In Search Of The Universal, Invisible Church (Chapter 1) by Elder Milburn Cockrell - Sovereign Grace Landmark Baptist Pastor

    And then, there is the component of insistent unyielding religious dogmatism, like in this word you expressed which is indicating the probability of you reconsidering your stance.


    In all likelihood.

    Somehow, you "already know" what the Bible is supposed to be saying(?)

    It just jumps off the page?, from somewhere. Otherwise, it's not there.

    Meanwhile, it is the consuming belief as a major fundamental component of their whole religious experience among those who are the greatest opponents of information such as is in "The Trail of Blood", to oppose Baptist Succession, and when we see opposition to "Landmark Baptists".

    What happened to them?

    If they could read, they would be in agreement with us.
  2. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Yeah but, it's still 10X longer than his other posts...
  3. Earth Wind and Fire

    Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Jun 5, 2010
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    Good answer and Right!
    • Like Like x 1
  4. CJP69

    CJP69 Active Member

    Oct 11, 2023
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    This doctrine is straight question begging and eisegesis from the word go. It exists to cement the power of the pastor over his congregation and seemingly has no other purpose or effect. The only churches, that I know of, who teach it are the Independent Baptist Churches, one of which I was a member of for a time. While there, I was confused by the occasional mention of this doctrine and when I asked the assistant pastor about it, instead of just telling me about it himself, he gave me a book to read (I forget the title and the author - it doesn't matter). I could tell almost immediately the book was going to be a rather silly and unconvincing book because the very first thing it said was that the idea of a singular, worldwide (or "universal" was the term it used if I remember correctly) Body of Christ was "a doctrine of demons". That characterization when it comes in right off the bat and with nothing but the author's emphasis to back it up, is the leper's bell of an approaching con artist.

    The doctrine isn't even a little bit biblical nor is it even rational. Paul tells us explicitly that there is ONE body - period. Not one body per nation, not one body per city, not one body per neighborhood. What could such a doctrine mean, anyway? It's utter nonsense that accomplishes nothing except helping a pastor of a "local church" exert power of those who are members of it.
    No! On the contrary, just as there in One Spirit, one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism and one God and Father of all, there is one and only one Body of Christ. (Eph 4:4-6).
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Guess again.

    The pastor is one single member with one single vote.

    Let's see.

    Instead of The Lord's assemblies being diminished and subordinated by a phantom "invisible" nothing,

    and Jesus' Headship over His individual assemblies being usurped and the blasphemous charge made against Him as been placed by men to be the "head" of their phony "church" concept,

    and not crediting the one who actually is "head" of that phony idea,

    and instead of consenting defeat to the one who fabricated and "built" the entire modern, extra-Biblical, deception,

    and instead of not giving our full mindless acceptance, to the practice of switching out the meanings of Words in the Bible and replaceing them with our own,

    if we would, I t might be a bright idea instead, to consider for one second at least
    that nothing of the kind of nothing entity that has a use and purpose of nothing and about which the Bible records nothing,

    how about looking at the impossibility of such a thing even being able to be imagined, in the first place, if Satan hadn't first convinced someone to alter and drastically force a new "meaning reversal" onto words in the Bible.


    Ever think of that? Satan HAD TO FIRST GET THE WORD "CHURCH" CHANGED in the minds of the religious world BEFORE HE COULD "BUILD" this false religion, BASED SOLELY ON THE CORRUPTION OF THOSE WORDS.

    And then what happened? It took him fifteen-hundred years to get it rolling, after he had The Roman Catholic "Church" initiate his campaign in the forth century.

    By now, he has apparently permeated the minds and souls of virtually the entire population of Christiandum.


    That wouldn't be the least bit advisable, ether.

    Seems to me that we might be able to see the devil in some of that. U?
  6. MrW

    MrW Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    Church is “called out assembly”.

    Technically, congress is a church.

    There is one body of Christ, not tens of thousands. Those are organizations that house particular members of the one body.

    All members are invisible, especially those in Heaven, except the ones you fellowship with at any certain moment.
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  7. CJP69

    CJP69 Active Member

    Oct 11, 2023
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    I don't have to guess. I know for a fact that this was the case at the church I was a member of and I have several friends at similar "Independent Baptist" churches that have the same policy where the pastor is in complete control of all teaching within the church as well as all policies concerning worship within the church, including but not limited to, service times, service length, duration, content and format of both music services and all Sunday school classes.
    Also, I don't know whether it was an official policy or just a common practice, but I know of more than one family that has felt at least a desire if not an obligation to get the pastor's approval on major life decisions such as getting married and purchasing a business or even a house. It's ridiculous.

    Things may run differently at your particular church but I doubt it very much if they teach this doctrine because there isn't any other motive to teach it.

    Ad hominem fallacy.

    Poisoning the well fallacy

    Two guilt by association fallacies in a row. "Satan did it!"

    Who's done this? Wasn't me! Are you copy/pasting this from someone else's work or what?

    Argument from silence fallacy.

    Nonsensical gibberish that's more "Satan did it!" with no evidence at all presented for any such silly thing.

    Did you copy/paste this from the book I was given all those years ago? It sounds very similar!

    Oh! So now it's both Satan and the dastardly Roman Catholics too!


    And you believe it to be at God's decree, no doubt!

    Do you mean like how Calvinists do with the following....

    Jeremiah 19:5 They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal, which I commanded not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind:​

    ....where they say that of course God ordained, decreed and predestined before time began that these children would be murdered in this manner?

    Or when they read this....

    Genesis 18:21 I (God) will go down now and see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry against it that has come to Me; and if not, I will know.”
    ....they think it means that God already knew because he ordained, decreed and predestined it to happen before time began?

    If "the Devil" is involved in anything it is in your own deceptive manner of using scripture, not to mention your evisceration of sound reason to formulate a doctrine that is not only irrational and unbiblical but that has no practical application whatsoever other than to push members of a local church into full submission to the leader(s) of a particular church that teaches this doctrine. That is literally the only effect this doctrine has on anything.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    See, for the most basic, rudimentary definition of the word "ekklesia",
    showing that it is always, without exception, linguistically a "local church" assembly. #2 What do you Teach other men that "a Church is"? What do Landmarks Teach men that "a Church is"?

    Independent Missionary Historical Landmark Baptist and Baptist-Doctrine-like local church assemblies,
    through the ages, are not the ones that can been seen Playing Religion, by Playing God,
    like the Roman Catholics began doing, when they altered and corrupted the word "church",
    from its original and only Bible meaning of a "local organized assembly",
    to being a "universal unorganized worldwide disconnected disbursement of people",
    and called themselves The Universal Catholic Church.

    The addition and glomming onto the Bible word "church" a new, extra-Biblical meaning of
    being a "universal unorganized worldwide disconnected disbursement of people",
    is not only the definition of eisegesis, as "reading into it one's own ideas",
    but is genuinely Playing Religion, by Playing God, to create a new word, by instantaneous fiat creation,
    speaking ex cathedra.

    I can't tell you what to believe, as long as that is your thing to embrace and align yourself with.

    The Christian, and Bible, and Baptist Doctrine of New Testament Church Truth,
    is spoken of by Jesus and all of the writers of the New Testament,
    as being what the word "ekklesia" was always defined and understood to mean,
    at the time of the writing of the Bible.

    To say, "It exists to cement the power of the pastor over his congregation
    and seemingly has no other purpose or effect", is in direct opposition to Jesus' Own words
    and the revealed word of God and clear teachings throughout the New Testament.

    I didn't for one second say that you discern or comprehend "Jesus' Own words
    and the revealed word of God and clear teachings throughout the New Testament",
    I said it was "in direct opposition to" them.

    Irrelevant gratuitous antidotal assertions.

    Irrelevant gratuitous antidotal assertions.

    Unless, the Spiritual discernment and capability to read the Bible, as written,
    without completely changing it, were to be Enabled by the Holy Spirit of God.

    Turn this around, where it will do some good.

    The very nature and existence of a "Universal Invisible Church",
    is the epidemy of and gold-standard for any "Argument from Silence".

    Every word of it is original with me, in all its content,
    although I'm sure other men that are sound in the faith Bible believers
    can be found to have said the same things.

    They are aware of his devices.

    It is the only explanation.

    God didn't change what He had said in the Bible, in successive years following its writing.

    That is not what God does, to contradict Himself and make Himself out to be a liar.

    Satan is a liar.

    Satan made the change.

    That is Satan's modus operandi, since Day One, when he asked, "Yeh, hath God said?"

    You should have already been aware of that.

    Before, being inspired by him, and launching your campaign to persecute Jesus.

    "your own deceptive manner of using scripture", based on someone first Playing Religion,
    by Playing God with the scriptures, or what?

    "evisceration of sound reason to formulate a doctrine that is not only irrational and unbiblical but that has no practical application whatsoever"

    You may NEVER KNOW this, however, again:
    The Christian, and Bible, and Baptist Doctrine of New Testament Church Truth,
    is spoken of by Jesus and all of the writers of the New Testament,
    as being what the word "ekklesia" was always defined and understood to mean,
    at the time of the writing of the Bible.

    "other than to push members of a local church into full submission to the leader(s)
    of a particular church that teaches this doctrine"

    Tell that to Jesus.

    Or, to some 7 year old.

    Ether way.

    The conception and ability to articulate "this doctrine" sanely,
    is not something that I maintain that you WILL EVER attain.
  9. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Then, are we expected to believe that this word
    entered into a "Meaning Reversal" machine, of some king???

    Although, you are saying that Jesus has "two bodies", as directly contradicting, "one body",
    have you ever looked up the meaning of the word "body"?

    Because, you are postulating a new opposite meaning of "body" to instantaneously contradict,
    not only every other use of it in context, in the Bible, but also its meaning, as a word.

    The meaning of the word "body" is consistent with its use everywhere else in the Bible, in context,
    and may certainly indicate thousands, or possibly "tens of thousands",
    of Biblically defined local church bodies, which assemble as baptized believers to worship God
    and conduct His Business, as His witnesses on earth, throughout the New Testament Church Age.

    Did I say that I believe you have the potentiality of becoming cognoscente of this revelation?

    No, I did not go there.

    Be careful. Your unintentionally approaching within striking distance of what a "body" is
    that the Bible speaks of.

    By saying "those" instead of "bodies" you're able to continue your line of extra-Biblical thinking,
    however, be careful. Your unintentionally approaching within striking distance of what a "body" is
    that the Bible speaks of.

    That would have you in agreement with God, which I do not believe is your intention.

    Whatever, whenever. Did you know that "a light bulb"
    actually is identical to "all of the stars in the Galaxies".

    Did you know that?

    And "a lit match" is the same in all its essence
    to "the existence of the Sun at the center of our Solar System".

    It's true.

    If that is your religious belief.
  10. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Instead of Satan, Rome, The Pope, Roman Catholicism, etc.,
    you would have to bow to The Lordship of Christ, to gain an understanding
    of what those words meant in the Bible, before Satan changed them later.

    But that is not something you are going to do,
    since you would have to have the brains to know that needs to be done, first,
    and you haven't done it after the dozens of times we have been through this.

    So, therefore, all bets are off.
  11. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    Instead of Satan, Rome, The Pope, Roman Catholicism, etc.,
    you would have to bow to The Lordship of Christ, to gain an understanding
    of what those words meant in the Bible, before Satan changed them later.

    But that is not something you are going to do,
    since you would have to have the brains to know that needs to be done, first,
    and you haven't done it after going through this, plane enough for anybody.

    So, therefore, all bets are off.
  12. CJP69

    CJP69 Active Member

    Oct 11, 2023
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    The deception here and everywhere else this ridiculous doctrine is taught is in the focus on the single word "ekklesia" and then using that to suggest somehow that the members of the church down the street are not member of the same Body of Christ as their own and that the members of the church down this other street over there are members of yet another Body of Christ and so on for every church in town and then every church in every other town everywhere else; that the Body of Christ isn't one thing, its tens of thousands of fragmented "independent" things.

    The only, and I mean it when I say this, the ONLY difference this make is their practice is to give the leadership of that local church supreme authority over the congregation. Some might use that authority better than others but that isn't the point nor is the fact that they sit in a place of authority over their congregation the point. The point is that the rational is ridiculous! It's a complete contrivance with no practical application whatsoever apart from cementing a position of authority that a local church's leadership already possesses anyway.

    So, if someone who already sits in a position of authority promotes a doctrine that can have no effect other than to solidify that authority, would you trust that someone? Does that sound like a person you'd want to be in a position of authority over you? It doesn't to me! And whether you count my personal experience as anecdotal or not, it still stands as first person, eye witness testimony and when I learned that the pastor of the church I attended was in absolute control to the point of writing every single Sunday School lesson (this is in a church with 500+ members and dozens of Sunday school classes by the way) and determined every song that was sung and in what order, and that people felt the need to consult this person about whether they should allow their own daughter to get married, etc. I realized what the purpose of this doctrine was about and left the church immediately.

    Since that time, I've never come across the doctrine again until this thread was posted. Thankfully, it is a rather rare doctrine. It seems that only various flavors of "Independent Baptists Churches" have ever taught, or hardly even heard of it. I also suspect strongly that many of those churches who hold to it don't do so with a clenched fist and don't use it an excuse to exert undo power over their respective churches. In such churches, you wouldn't even be able to tell that they teach the doctrine at all, except that they don't align themselves with the Southern Baptist Convention or any other similar type group, (which no congregation is required to be a part of anyway, by the way).

    The funniest part is the fact that they seem to all call themselves "Independent Baptists" and are proud to do so, as though attaching that label to themselves doesn't place them within a larger group that extends well beyond their "local church". I love how its impossible to hold to an irrational doctrine without eventually contradicting that very doctrine.
  13. CJP69

    CJP69 Active Member

    Oct 11, 2023
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    I understand what those words mean perfectly well!

    Umm, which words are you referring to exactly?

    Regardless, I can read pretty well so, I'd be willing to bet that whatever words you're cryptically referring to here are perfectly easy to understand.

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  14. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    You are exactly correct.

    The word "ekklesia" is a Bible word.

    We believe the Bible.

    We are not the ones that can been seen Playing Religion, by Playing God,
    like the Roman Catholics began doing, when they altered
    and corrupted the word "church", which is translated into English
    from the Greek word "ekklesia", and always refers to a "summoned together organized assembly".

    The Roman Catholic Hierarchies changed this word , "church", Playing Religion,
    by Playing God, to make it apart of the title for their counterfeit religion, that stands and exists in total opposition to God, the Bible, and the Cause of Christ, by calling it "The Universal Roman Catholic "Church".

    Prior to this in the Bible, the word "church", or ""body" that has to also be changed,
    Never had Any Connotation, or Indication, or Expression, or Understanding, or Usage, or Definition associated with, or related to a "worldwide Kingdom", as The Roman Catholic false church subsequently changed them to refer to, centuries after the Bible was written.

    To this day, Bible believers who do not join in with the false counterfeit church of Roman Catholicism, regard the Bible words "church" and "body" as Never having had Any Connotation, or Indication, or Expression, or Understanding, or Usage, or Definition associated with, or related to a "worldwide Kingdom", but as always referring to the definition of those words, to be local self-contained entities, as meant in the Bible.

    That is most certainly, absolutely correct. You get an "A for the Day".

    And, if it were possible for you to be counter brainwashed to make it intellectually feasible for you to maintain this Biblical definition for a "Body of Christ", back to the Bible definition and stay there, rather than launching yourself into and under the influence of Roman Catholicism, and clinging to their perverted meaning of "Body", you might be mentally capable of understanding why.

    However, that water has passed under the bridge and you have been enveloped and encapsulated within their demonic stronghold.

    Sorry. Any Bible knowledge whatsoever with regard to the Doctrine of Church Truth, you could have possibly obtained by using a Biblical meaning for the words "church" and "body", has been acquiesced and forfeited, by your allegiance to the Anti-Christ religious activities of man, which you prefer over God.

    You're right!, Biblically speaking!

    Hallelujah! If you didn't know better, you'd be able to be describing
    Exactly what Jesus built as His Organization on earth in which God is to be Worshipped and served, to whom the Oracles of God, the Manifold Wisdom and Whole Council of God, the Divinely Instituted church Ordinances, the Great Commission, and the Command to contend for the Faith once given to the saints was given, and that it was this type of independent local church assembly organization, as an Institution that Jesus promised He would Supernaturally Sustain, Maintain, and Ensure a Continually Existence, until He Comes Again.

    Look at them.

    They are all throughout history, obvious as your hand on front of your face

    Dogged and hounded to their literal deaths, by Catholics and Protestants, in numbers reaching 10s of millions of martyrs, who felt strongly enough about God and the Bible and salvation by grace alone and believer's baptism, and AUTHORITY IN BAPTISM THAT THEY "RE"-BAPTIZED, those coming to them from heretical religions.

    There is your True History of True Christianity.

    And you don't get it.

    Those independent assemblies aren't up to your standard of MAGNIFICENCE.

    And, you know what else? As their opponent, you share the most prominent characteristic with their other opponents who've slaughtered God's children who were worshipping Him and serving Him AS HE HAD COMMANDED THEM. Peacefully. These independent assemblies, Jesus called "My church" were are are persecuted mercilessly by the proponents of A ONE WORLD UNIVERSAL "CHURCH".

    And to think, unless Satan had gotten the word "church" changed into being a "kingdom", instead of an "local assembly", HE COULD NOT HAVE FABRICATED A "UNIVERSAL INVISIBLE "CHURCH", in which to receive the worship of 100s of millions of Christians, AS ITS FOUNDER AND HEAD.

    The word "church" changed and the word "body" changed. By Satan.

    Or there could be no pretended myth of an imaginary phantom fake, PHONY, and false Synagogue of Satan.

    My question is, whether your opposition to God and His Word and the churches that Jesus built because of your devotion to him, or just the Pope?

    My, my. You do have things stuck in your head.

    And yet, by the way. This guesswork of yours is only disappointing to you.

    You know why?

    Because you know you are just guessing about all that
    and don't really know anything about the subject you are talking about.

    How could you?

    You define a "church" and a "body's the way Satan does.

    If "ifs" and "buts" were cake and nuts, do you think we'd have a nice holiday?

    You can't tell what the Doctrine is God taught, right now, what do you mean?

    You need to strongly suspect to get some church.
  15. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    "a larger group that extends well beyond their "local church"
    that is the MAGNIFICENT one, brought to your imagination,
    by the Devil himself, I bet.

    That MAGNIFICENT thing chiefly characterized by its attribute of INVISIBILITY.

    Sovereign Grace, Independent Missionary, Landmark Baptist churches are not a part of any larger group that has any higher authority than she carries.

    All children of God and all saved children of God within The Lord's kind of churches are all part of the overall, worldwide Kingdom of God.

    The churches of the Lord Jesus operate in each of their specific locations toward a shared goal with all of the Kingdom of God, as being the advancement of the Kingdom of God and the Cause of Christ.

    "I love how its impossible to hold to an irrational doctrine without eventually contradicting that very doctrine."

    Like being "Spiritually Baptized" "into Christ"
    and being "Spiritually Baptized" "into one" Universal Invisible "body"?

    Are "all saved people" of the "Universal Invisible Body"
    actually Jesus Christ, Himself? when a soul is "baptized" into Him
    as if Jesus is the "Universal Invisible Body" of "all saved people"?

    When did they come up with putting "Spiritually" next to the word "baptized",
    as if anything like that is ever taught in the Bible?

    Then, you take this invention out of the clear blue sky of "Spirit baptism" and with taking "water baptism" together with it as still adding up to be "one baptism"?






    Made up, like another Sasquatch.

    New thread: A Short Description of Historic Baptists, by Raul Enyedi Bocsa, Romania.
    #35 Alan Gross, Jan 10, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2024
  16. CJP69

    CJP69 Active Member

    Oct 11, 2023
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    If there was a motive for teaching this doctrine other than what I've told you, he couldn't wait to prove me wrong by simply telling us all what it is. He hasn't done so and he won't do so because what I'm telling you is the truth. Most of which, by the way, he is willing to proclaim "Hallelujah!" in response too, moments before chiding me about not knowing what I'm talking about!

    In short, this guy's posts are their own best refutation for anyone who doesn't already agree with him and can think clearly.
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    • Informative Informative x 1
  17. 37818

    37818 Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2018
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  18. CJP69

    CJP69 Active Member

    Oct 11, 2023
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    That's an excellent term for it! I'm gonna use that if I ever come across that doctrine again.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. MrW

    MrW Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2020
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    I cannot read Alan anymore, too radical.

    I cannot read Cathode.

    Catholicism is the Babylonian religion referenced in Scripture, in my and many other’s opinion. And the RCC has killed millions of Christians over the centuries. I am not saying Catholics today would countenance such again. I am saying it is true historically and I will not read Catholicism/Babylonianism defended on a Baptist Board. He’s free to post, but I am free not to read it.
  20. Alan Gross

    Alan Gross Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2018
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    All independent Baptist churches, such are those that are Landmarks,
    practice a Congregational Form of Government,
    which are Pure Democracies, under the Headship and Lordship of Jesus,
    as their Sole Monarch.

    Each member of the Congregation, in these assemblies,
    which operates as a Pure Democracy and, as I had mentioned,
    each member, including the Pastor, as a member, has one vote,
    in all matters of decision-making undertaken as a church body.

    In the event, a man of the church body acting as Moderator,
    or a Deacon of the church body, calls the church to order,
    motions may be entertained and must be allowed to be clearly heard.

    Once, a motion is made, it may be seconded,
    at which point a vote of the Congregation is taken.

    As happens on occasion, if the Pastor is called down
    and asked to not continue speaking, if they were in the Pulpit, for example,
    and the church body is then convened to conduct the business of the church,
    a motion may be made and seconded to vacate the Pulpit, immediately,
    and a vote by the Congregation would follow.

    Any existence of alleged instances similar to the above assertions, in red,
    are shortsighted and improbable, practically, and could not be made by
    "anyone who doesn't already agree with him and can think clearly."

    So, much for thinking clearly.

    Getting shed of an unruly leader takes little more than 60 seconds.

    Not a concern.
