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Grace Is a Driving Force

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by KenH, Mar 2, 2024.

  1. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Grace Is a Driving Force

    Whenever self-righteous, unbelieving religious people (those who do not know and love the magnitude and depths of God’s free, sovereign grace towards His people in Christ) see one of God’s true children caught up in some public sin or scandal, they love to use such sad episodes as ammunition to attack grace and promote their legalism. They accuse God’s people of excusing and even promoting sin in the name of grace. This is a lie! There are those who claim to be saved by grace so as to excuse their sinful behavior, but they are not true believers. In the new birth, TRUE believers have been powerfully and effectually regenerated, called by, and indwelt with the Holy Spirit. God the Holy Spirit continually brings us to conviction, Godly sorrow, and true repentance over ALL sin, not just what we do, but what we are in our sinful human nature. He will continually drive us to Christ for forgiveness by His blood and clearing of all sin by His righteousness imputed to us and received by faith. He will inspire us to fight all sin, within and without, not in a legal, mercenary way, but in a way of grace, love, and gratitude to God Who freely and fully saves us from ALL sin. This is called the warfare of the flesh and the Spirit (Galatians 5:13-26). God the Holy Spirit will not leave us to ourselves as we walk through the wilderness of this world. He continually motivates us and inspires us to the obedience of faith and love, so that as God in Christ preserves us by His grace unto final glory, we persevere in the faith and will not leave Christ and perish in our sins. This is Christ in us the hope of glory. This is Christ living in and through us by His Spirit and His Word.

    —Pastor Bill Parker, Eager Avenue Grace Church bulletin for March 3, 2024