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Malone addresses his endorsement

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by Wingman68, Aug 28, 2024.

  1. Wingman68

    Wingman68 Well-Known Member
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    Dec 22, 2017
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    Dr Robert Malone

    The time of choosing is coming soon.

    Now it comes down to this — a straightforward choice.

    Trump/Vance or Harris/Walz.

    I have wholeheartedly endorsed what I hope will be future President Trump. I have done this of my free will, in response to no request, being neither coerced nor enticed nor seeking favor or some future direct benefit,

    I do this without reservation, knowing he is not perfect, has made mistakes, and will make more.

    I am also profoundly aware that I am not a perfect man. I have made mistakes and will make more mistakes in the future. When I do, I will do my best to apologize, make amends, and seek forgiveness for my transgressions or damage done to another.

    But I have not been President of the United States nor faced the terrible burden of large-scale life-and-death decisions. Nor have I had to face the outrageous barrage of hypnotized and weaponized hate that he has withstood.

    Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured unto you. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me cast out the mote out of thine eye; and lo, the beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

    Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast your pearls before the swine, lest haply they trample them under their feet, and turn and rend you.

    Matthew 7:1

    You can argue around and around about Operation Warp Speed and the jab, but you still face the same decision.

    Do you choose freedom or the illusion of a transiently safe, “equality of outcomes” Orwellian future for yourself and your children? Are you willing to compromise freedom for what, in the tide of human affairs, is but a mote?

    The prior administration of Donald Trump did not impose the “vaccine” mandates, but the Biden-Harris administration did.

    Donald Trump's administration rejected the WHO. The Biden-Harris administration reinstated WHO funding and developed and promoted the WHO sovereignty-destroying “pandemic treaty” and “International Health Accord” updates.

    The administration of Donald Trump did not deploy years of COVID-related psychological bioterrorism and disaster cronyism in the US and the world, but the Biden-Harris administration did.

    The administration of Donald Trump did not conspire with and coerce corporate media and big tech to censor, propagandize, and deploy a myriad of military-grade psychological warfare methods and weapons on US citizens. The Biden-Harris administration did.

    The administration of Donald Trump did not arbitrarily and capriciously abandon allies, advanced equipment and US Soldiers in Afghanistan. The Biden-Harris administration did.

    The administration of Donald Trump did not prosecute, capitalize, and propagandize an unnecessary war in Ukraine to advance global imperialist objectives. The Biden-Harris administration did.

    The administration of Donald Trump did not sacrifice and cripple European populations and industry at the alter of its Ukrainian fantasies. The Biden-Harris administration was complicit in blowing up the Nordstream pipelines and then deployed propaganda to prevent discussion or consequences for its illegal aggression.

    The administration of Donald Trump took multiple specific actions to reduce illegal immigration. The Biden-Harris administration actively facilitated unlawful immigration.

    The Trump administration did not jail domestic political opponents or otherwise weaponize the government and the judiciary. The Biden-Harris administration has honed that banana republic strategy into an art form.

    The Trump administration did not actively pit Americans against Americans. The Biden-Harris administration cynically did so to gain a short-term advantage during a midterm election.

    I can provide example after example to make this point.

    Harris-Walz, like Biden-Harris before them, like Obama-Biden before that, actively promote and support the “New World Order” and ”Great Reset”. They have acted to enforce this by the development and deployment of a massive, global #PsyWarcensorship-industrial complex. In fact, after leaving office, Obama became one of the leading advocates for the suppression of free speech.

    In contrast, Donald Trump has consistently taken on the propaganda and lying, which is characteristic of modern corporate media throughout the Western world.

    Harris-Walz clearly support the further development of a Marxist Surveillance state in which both the first and second amendment of the US Bill of Rights are to be considered optional and negotiable.

    Four or more years under a Harris-Walz administration will place all freedom-loving people under the yoke of a Woke, social engineering nightmare that will tear our society and nation apart, sap our energy, and destroy our productivity and innovative spirit.

    Four or more years of a Harris-Walz administration will be the last phase before transitioning North America to submitting to a poseur, self-appointed "one world government" led by WEF/UN and supported by a network of global public-private partnerships.

    This new self-appointed, unelected socialist-corporatist global governance will prosecute more forever wars as it seeks to defeat any State that does not buy into its socialist-corporatist (Fascist) Great Reset/New World Order.

    This decision is not subtle. Do not let the trolls and chaos agents convince you otherwise with their constant siren calls of “what about this” and “what about that”. Look deeper. Who are these anonymous avatars that are constantly sowing seeds of doubt. They are almost always low complexity, low connectivity bots and trolls. They manipulate your thoughts and drain your commitment. Synthetic false flag operators whispering in your ear, seeking to either cause you to doubt your own intuition, or to dissuade you from acting, dissuade you from voting.

    Are they people that you have known and interacted with for these past years? And if not, is there an indication that they have in some way passed independent validation as actual humans?

    Focus on the big picture. Do not be distracted by the manufactured noise.

    Please listen to me. Be aware that you are now surrounded by an active psychological warfare battle zone. You are constantly subjected to efforts to manipulate what information you are allowed to see, what voices you are allowed to hear, and what feelings you are allowed to feel. It has become extremely difficult to distinguish friend from foe and truth from lies.

    Your only guide is your mind and soul, your conscience, and perhaps the council of the few you know -based on years of experience- will speak truthfully to you. Be still. Listen to that internal voice. It will tell you what is real and what is fake. It is your best guide for navigating this modern surreal psychological battlefield where the chattering of posers and false flag operations constantly bombard you.

    I have a stubborn streak of Scotch-Irish in me. My ancestors were from the deep South. Those who know me, have listened to me, and have walked beside me know that I will not back down from bullies. It is both a strength and a weakness. But it is deep in my soul, an essential part of who I am.

    It is true that I am a fighter. And so is Donald Trump. In these dark times, we need a President who is a fighter, who has experienced the outrageous slings and arrows, survived, and does not back down.

    I don’t back down, and neither does Donald Trump. I recognize what that means and what it takes, and I respect that.

    Don’t tread on me. Do not take my freedom or that of my friends or those I love; you will face the consequences. I may not be very big, but I use my strengths effectively. When I get harmed, I fight back, either getting even or going down trying.

    I recognize those qualities in Donald Trump. At the root of it, these are the qualities I am looking for in a leader I can respect and follow. A battle-hardened President who can gird his loins with the overturning of Chevron Deference, wield a flaming sword called “Schedule F,” negotiate peace backed by strength with Russia, and take on both the Administrative State and the new Globalist World Order.

    As I travel all over the Western world, I encounter populist center-right leaders who look to President Trump with hope and for leadership. Most see this US election as pivotal.

    We must resist Marxist-Socialism, neo-Malthusianism AND transhumanism with everything we have for the sake of our families, culture, children and humanity. And we need a leader that can help us fight that battle.

    This is not subtle. There is only one choice.

    Give me liberty, or give me death.