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Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by Alex2165, Aug 30, 2024.

  1. Alex2165

    Alex2165 Active Member

    Jul 22, 2020
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    Seeking Christ

    Romans 6.14
    "Sin shall not master over you, you are not under Law."

    "Not under Law," means if you do not sin, then the Law has no power over you and you are not under the Law.

    If you sin, and we all do once in a while, the Law that identifies, points out, reveal, and warns about sin committed, talks to our conscience, and we must repent and ask GOD for forgiveness, but it does not always mean that we will escape punishment.

    What kind of Commandments of the Law judges us? The Spiritual Commandments of the Law, because both, judgment and sin all come from the heart-soul of a person, and consequences and outcome of sin and its Spiritual judgment will produce a physical form of punishment according to the Spiritual and Physical Commandment of the Law.

    So, again, as long as a person does not sin, he or she are not under the Law, because the Law does not judge anything except sin, and so, as long as person do not sin, this person is not under the Law but free from the Law, but under the Christ's Love Who Himself does not sin.

    The Law of GOD (the Law of Moses) always in charge and always active and applies to all without exceptions.

    As was mentioned before in my posts, the Law of Moses has three distinct forms. It appeared in the beginning from the creation of the first man as his conscience, then the Law of Moses appeared as a written Law to Hebrews, and them the Law of Moses was introduced only in its Spiritual form, in form of the Spiritual Commandments by Jesus Christ, and will remain so always.

    In this sense again, one who do not sin, no longer under Spiritual judgment of the Law and no longer under its Physical punishment of the Physical Statutes of the Law, Spiritual and Physical Laws have no longer power over such person.

    Those who are committed sin, both, Spiritual judgment and physical punishment come as consequence of the sin, and such person need to repent and ask for forgiveness.

    The Bible also mentioned Hell. Hell in Biblical terms is a Spiritual punishment and its mechanism is irreversible. Hell also could be translated as Death penalty and as a final Death of the soul of a person, in which any form of life no longer exists. This is the final Second Death.

    In Hell, no longer regret, repent, or forgiveness exist, it is too late to do any of these things. it is final in full meaning of its word.

    We must always remember that all our decisions are coming out from our mind-soul-spirit, together with desire to commit sin and with desire to avoid it, in order not to get punish by the judgment that also comes from the same Spiritual source - the Spirit of GOD according to Spiritual and Physical Laws.

    So the consequence now can be both, Physical and Spiritual. Physical consequence is in terms of Physical punishments according to the Physical Laws, and also Spiritual consequence according to Spiritual Law, punishment in Hell, often mentioned in the O.T as: Sheol, Abaddon, and Pit, which are all the same, a Spiritual Entity of the World of the Dead, which is include Hell in itself.

    People who committed offences deserving such Death always became subjects for Hell, because their offences went beyond the grace (mercy) of GOD and became non-forgivable.

    Even if they are still alive and walk the Earth, in their soul they are already condemned and are spiritually dead. They are under the Law of Punishment until their time will come to face their retribution.

    We cannot live a double life, we cannot serve sin by living in sin, and we cannot serve GOD if we do not live according to His Statutes and His Commandments, we cannot serve to Masters (verse 16). (Matthew 6.24) (Luke 16.13) (2Peter 2.19).

    Sin leads to Physical and Spiritual Death, but the Fear of GOD and real strong Faith in the Lord and His Law will result in Righteousness and forgiveness of sins that will direct a person to Eternal Spiritual Life. Any kind of Law or Death will no longer have any effect over such person (verses 22-23).