Paul Rittman
I haven't posted in this forum in quite a while, but this is the only Christian forum I have a login to, recently I started reading the Dune book, and today started feeling uncomfortable about what I'm suspecting is its underlying message.
I recently saw the new Dune movies that came out. I did like them both (the first definitely more than the second), so I just bought the first trilogy on Amazon and started reading it on my kindle app.
I definitely like the book. I can't seem to put it down. I'm about 2/3 of the way through the first book (just called Dune).
Something has started bothering me, however--the way that religion is portrayed in the book. The Bene Gesserit is seen as spreading religion throughout the cosmos, as a way to prepare the peoples of the various planets, to be more agreeable to the BG leaders.
I have read that in the second book (which I have not yet read), that Paul takes on the role of a savior, a messiah (the book is entitled Dune Messiah), in which he is not the hero, but more of a villain.
Have any of you read at least the first two books?
What are your reactions here?
I'm ok with the idea that not every author has to believe what I believe. I wasn't expecting the author to share my views on religion. Earlier this year, I finished the Hunger Games trilogy and loved every page of it. I may or may not have the same views on war as the author, but I still loved & respected her work.
But it just seems that the premise of this book is not just different from me, but diametrically opposed to what I believe.
For reference--for a view of the series that is more positive than I appear to have---I came across a positive review of this book, from a Christian perspective. See here: The Theology of Dune
The comments that portray the Dune series in a positive light, even for a Christian, is the following (in the author's reply to Replying Poster, in the comments section of that page):
What Dune ultimately shows us is that you cannot create a great hero story without reference to the true Messiah, the Hero of heroes, the Once and Future King of kings, Jesus Christ. Christ leaves an indelible mark on our imaginations.
If I could see the book in this light, I guess I'd be just fine reading it. I'm not sure I agree with the above comments, however.
So what do you have to say about the series? Are you ok with this series' portrayal of religion? Do you disagree with this portrayal, but still enjoy the book anyways? Or have I misunderstood how the book portrays religion?
FWIW, my usual fare for reading for pleasure is murder mysteries, such as Agatha Christie or Raymond Chandler. For the first time since I don't know when, I decided to dive into the Hunger Games trilogy (the first 3) and I absolutely loved it, so after seeing the Dune movies, I thought of digging into these books as well.
I recently saw the new Dune movies that came out. I did like them both (the first definitely more than the second), so I just bought the first trilogy on Amazon and started reading it on my kindle app.
I definitely like the book. I can't seem to put it down. I'm about 2/3 of the way through the first book (just called Dune).
Something has started bothering me, however--the way that religion is portrayed in the book. The Bene Gesserit is seen as spreading religion throughout the cosmos, as a way to prepare the peoples of the various planets, to be more agreeable to the BG leaders.
I have read that in the second book (which I have not yet read), that Paul takes on the role of a savior, a messiah (the book is entitled Dune Messiah), in which he is not the hero, but more of a villain.
Have any of you read at least the first two books?
What are your reactions here?
I'm ok with the idea that not every author has to believe what I believe. I wasn't expecting the author to share my views on religion. Earlier this year, I finished the Hunger Games trilogy and loved every page of it. I may or may not have the same views on war as the author, but I still loved & respected her work.
But it just seems that the premise of this book is not just different from me, but diametrically opposed to what I believe.
For reference--for a view of the series that is more positive than I appear to have---I came across a positive review of this book, from a Christian perspective. See here: The Theology of Dune
The comments that portray the Dune series in a positive light, even for a Christian, is the following (in the author's reply to Replying Poster, in the comments section of that page):
What Dune ultimately shows us is that you cannot create a great hero story without reference to the true Messiah, the Hero of heroes, the Once and Future King of kings, Jesus Christ. Christ leaves an indelible mark on our imaginations.
If I could see the book in this light, I guess I'd be just fine reading it. I'm not sure I agree with the above comments, however.
So what do you have to say about the series? Are you ok with this series' portrayal of religion? Do you disagree with this portrayal, but still enjoy the book anyways? Or have I misunderstood how the book portrays religion?
FWIW, my usual fare for reading for pleasure is murder mysteries, such as Agatha Christie or Raymond Chandler. For the first time since I don't know when, I decided to dive into the Hunger Games trilogy (the first 3) and I absolutely loved it, so after seeing the Dune movies, I thought of digging into these books as well.