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Well-Known Member
My last post was completely misconstrued, I was talking about a particular phenomenon, the born again whore, not all women blankety as was falsely accused.

It’s a real phenomenon.


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
My last post was completely misconstrued, I was talking about a particular phenomenon, the born again whore, not all women blankety as was falsely accused.

It’s a real phenomenon.
I have no idea what you are talking about about.

Scarlett O.

I did not erase your posts or ban you. I closed the other person's thread as he could only speak of his high sex drive and hating God for not giving him a wife. As I said, he needs counseling.

I cited from three of your posts. You told him that "women today are not wife material." Then you went on to explain why.


Well-Known Member
I cited from three of your posts. You told him that "women today are not wife material." Then you went on to explain why.

Generally modern women aren’t wife material, they are career material, following feminist programming.

But in saying that, most modern men aren’t husband material either. Generally both don’t know what Marriage is or means.

Traditional Men and Women know what marriage is or means, but today they don’t.


Well-Known Member
I did not erase your posts or ban you. I closed the other person's thread as he could only speak of his high sex drive and hating God for not giving him a wife. As I said, he needs counseling.

I picked up on the same thing regarding his posts. I have dealt with this thing before, this is common attitude among many men.

Some are still stuck in Carnal thinking as well.

‘ I only ask this one thing ‘

‘ This is not too much to ask ‘

Hosea is possibly the most explicit we will see God speak in Scripture apart from Ezekiel 23, it speaks powerfully to the hearts of men in particular. God hits all a man’s pain centres trying to get across just what it is like dealing with the harlotry of Israel. It has many Apocalyptic allusions as well.

I transferred the same sentiment of Hosea into contemporary sentiment.

God paints himself as a cuckold, rejected and mocked in His agony.

What I tell men is that God knows exactly what it means to be treated this way, to have unrequited love and face constant infidelity.
Far worse than being single.

God Himself has been saying to humanity ‘ I only ask this one thing ‘, ‘that you love me faithfully.’

Baal shows up well endowed riding a Harley, and she goes off with him every time.


Well-Known Member
Even the innate sexual drive in men is not just animalistic, it’s roots before the fall was man’s unitive drive towards God.
It became disordered after the Fall, misused after the Fall, and misunderstood after the Fall.

Our hearts do not rest until they rest in God as Augustine stated.

Thus it follows that men seek unity with God through the unitive act, and they don’t even know it, in their fallen state.

Rightly ordered, God should be first, our first Love, over and above all things in this world.

This is why Jesus says “ Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these other things will be added unto you. “

This is not just an individual injunction but a corporate injunction.

Put Gods Kingdom above everything and seek His Righteousness. His Righteousness is His Will which is Holy, Perfect, Ordered and Correct.

Within the bounds of God’s Order and Plan He suffers the same agony as man, He can not make people love Him.
He did not want to create automatons, He wanted people to choose to Love Him.
We may not be preprogrammed, but due to a missing piece we have no peace until we unite with God.

God is the complete fulfilment of Man, without God Man makes no sense at all.

Put God in Heaven above all things and all possible things in your life. Then have a singular desire for His Will for your life. Then you and your life and it’s whole purpose will make sense.
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Well-Known Member
I had no idea that you blanketly believed and taught that all women were whores, not wife material, and had sex with so many men that, like a used car, and had only "used leftovers" to offer a husband.

I don’t believe all women are whores.

God has given women among many other things an innate superpower, the ability to bond and become one with her husband.

“All the best of the oil, and all the best of the wine, and of the wheat, the firstfruits of them which they shall offer unto the LORD, them have I given thee.”

God desires the first fruits and is disgusted by anything less.

“When you bring injured, lame or diseased animals and offer them as sacrifices, should I accept them from your hands?” says the Lord. 14 “Cursed is the cheat who has an acceptable male in his flock and vows to give it, but then sacrifices a blemished animal to the Lord.”

How would God put this in modern terms. Perhaps the used car with dents and huge road miles on it, yes it paints an ugly picture, but it tells us what God is really feeling. That he is second best to even 20th best.

Today less than 3% of women are virgins on their wedding day.

The first fruits have been given to others, in some cases many others. Youth, beauty, sweetness, innocence and awe. Instead they carry trauma, distrust and suspicion, attachment to another, and the husband can have no new wonder to them. They have seen it all before buster, they have a thousand mile stare.

Feminism has taught women that their first fruits mean nothing. To hell with a husband, have a career, play the field and lose their pair bonding ability.

The more partners a woman has before marriage the higher the likelihood of divorce, it goes exponentially up. The bond is strongest when the husband is the only man she has known. The bond is progressively weaker the more men she has known.
The divorce rates reflect this.

But like I said, this is part of the Apocalypse, man is receiving the punishment for his infidelity to God in all this. It is being demonstrated everywhere.
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Well-Known Member
I remember an Anglican Bishop trying to explain to a “girls college” ( Ivy League girls high school here ) “ wives obey your husbands “. He stuffed it all up and was met with vast scoffing and condemnation from the students and faculty saturated in feminism. “ I’m not obeying any man. “

First off, a husband is not just any man that you should obey him.

A husband is your own personal Samurai, vowed by sacred oath to death to protect and serve and die in the place of his wife and children.

His whole job is to provide and protect you and guide you to God, sacrificing all his other possibilities, comfort and even his life to that end.

If there is one seat left in the life raft, it’s his job to put his wife in it, and die cheerfully with the sinking ship.

If the only job in town to provide is in a killer coal mine, it is his job to risk his life in the coal mine and get black lung and die young.

If windows smash in the night, it’s his job to face whatever it is and potentially die finding out.

If that’s his job description taking the ultimate responsibility of suffering and death like Christ for the Church, do you think a wife obeying him is too much to ask.

“ If you love me, you will keep my commandments. “

What does he get for his disposability in this deal? A defiant and rancorous wife?

A wife’s obedience is her love for her husband, without that, he really gets nothing for his sacrifice, and she is not nearly worthy of it.
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Scarlett O.

This will be my last post here. I've alway wanted to ask something to the men - and people in general - who believe that "only 3% of women who marry are virgins" and that the more men she's known before her husbands the quicker the divorce.

What about strict demands on the husband? Shouldn't he be chaste and pure before marriage? What of all the men who've had multiple partners before marriage? Wouldn't that count equally towards the divorce?

Why is sexual purity only demanded of a woman - a wife? And not a man?


Well-Known Member
This will be my last post here. I've alway wanted to ask something to the men - and people in general - who believe that "only 3% of women who marry are virgins" and that the more men she's known before her husbands the quicker the divorce.

What about strict demands on the husband? Shouldn't he be chaste and pure before marriage? What of all the men who've had multiple partners before marriage? Wouldn't that count equally towards the divorce?

Why is sexual purity only demanded of a woman - a wife? And not a man?
There are NO double standards in the Kingdom of God, as the Lord expects both men and women who claim to be Christians to remain chaste and virgin for their spouse to be if they have not yet had sexual relations with anyone.


Well-Known Member
This will be my last post here. I've alway wanted to ask something to the men - and people in general - who believe that "only 3% of women who marry are virgins" and that the more men she's known before her husbands the quicker the divorce.

What about strict demands on the husband? Shouldn't he be chaste and pure before marriage? What of all the men who've had multiple partners before marriage? Wouldn't that count equally towards the divorce?

Why is sexual purity only demanded of a woman - a wife? And not a man?

All civilisations that wished to endure, highly regulated women’s purity.

Patriarchies are the only civilisations that have endured, matriarchies do not endure, never have.

Women are born with intrinsic value because of their fertility. They may be of no utility in any other way, yet they still possess intrinsic value.

Men don’t have intrinsic value, they are disposable. Their only value is their utility. They must prove their value as hunter provider and warrior protector to gain their right to breed. Rights of passage and great ordeals decide whether men live or die and reproduce.

80% of women reproduce but only 40% of men reproduce. This means 60% of men never reproduce. One man can Father a nation, but one woman can not mother a nation.
A man’s right to reproduce is hard won, a woman needs to do nothing and prove nothing. She can be a sack of potatoes on welfare.

Because a man’s right to reproduce is so hard won, paternity must be guaranteed.

We see today stories like the man who found out that none of his children were his children. He had fed, raised and educated other men’s children, his wife had slept with many different men. He found this out in relatively old age, to his devastation.

For a man to labour hard all his life with hope in his heart for no legacy, to be a cuckolded cruelly like that makes the flames of hell lick higher.

A woman’s maternal legacy is 100% guaranteed, a woman never has to worry that her children aren’t hers.

Men produce and fight for their legacy/ progeny.

If women don’t believe in a civilisation nothing terrible happens.

If men don’t believe in a civilisation, that’s the end of that civilisation.
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Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
This will be my last post here. I've alway wanted to ask something to the men - and people in general - who believe that "only 3% of women who marry are virgins" and that the more men she's known before her husbands the quicker the divorce.

What about strict demands on the husband? Shouldn't he be chaste and pure before marriage? What of all the men who've had multiple partners before marriage? Wouldn't that count equally towards the divorce?

Why is sexual purity only demanded of a woman - a wife? And not a man?
I think what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Equal expectations.


Well-Known Member
All civilisations that wished to endure, highly regulated women’s purity.

Patriarchies are the only civilisations that have endured, matriarchies do not endure, never have.

Women are born with intrinsic value because of their fertility. They may be of no utility in any other way, yet they still possess intrinsic value.

Men don’t have intrinsic value, they are disposable. Their only value is their utility. They must prove their value as hunter provider and warrior protector to gain their right to breed. Rights of passage and great ordeals decide whether men live or die and reproduce.

80% of women reproduce but only 40% of men reproduce. This means 60% of men never reproduce. One man can Father a nation, but one woman can not mother a nation.
A man’s right to reproduce is hard won, a woman needs to do nothing and prove nothing. She can be a sack of potatoes on welfare.

Because a man’s right to reproduce is so hard won, paternity must be guaranteed.

We see today stories like the man who found out that none of his children were his children. He had fed, raised and educated other men’s children, his wife had slept with many different men. He found this out in relatively old age, to his devastation.

For a man to labour hard all his life with hope in his heart for no legacy, to be a cuckolded cruelly like that makes the flames of hell lick higher.

A woman’s maternal legacy is 100% guaranteed, a woman never has to worry that her children aren’t hers.

Men produce and fight for their legacy/ progeny.

If women don’t believe in a civilisation nothing terrible happens.

If men don’t believe in a civilisation, that’s the end of that civilisation.
Everything you have stated here has absolutely NO foundation in scripture. It is pagan. It is worldly.

According to scripture, as Scarlett O stated, both the man and the woman are expected by God to remain chaste before marriage and faithful for life after.

The ability to reproduce is NOT a woman’s only “utility”. That is nonsense and reveals more about your bias than about any woman.

And to think, you presuppose to give someone advice on relationships.


Peace to you


Well-Known Member
Everything you have stated here has absolutely NO foundation in scripture. It is pagan. It is worldly.

According to scripture, as Scarlett O stated, both the man and the woman are expected by God to remain chaste before marriage and faithful for life after.
And to think, you presuppose to give someone advice on relationships.


Peace to you

You are more of a surface thinker, carrying a heavy burden of prejudice, so you won’t ever actually seek to understand. That’s ok if you can live with it.
You are only reading to disagree, not understand, I get it.

The ability to reproduce is NOT a woman’s only “utility”. That is nonsense and reveals more about your bias than about any woman.

I never said reproduction was a woman’s only utility.

One of the great dangers of not trying to understand something is coming to the wrong conclusions and assisted by prejudice leads to false accusations.
There’s a compounding of ignorance and obstinacy that occurs from this.

Understanding is a powerful gift in the attainment of knowledge. It’s a virtue that is cultivated by patient and focused consideration and reflection of what is actually expressed, not impatient, lazy, prejudiced or dismissive dispositions. These are the enemies of understanding, but are the band of brothers to ignorance.


Active Member
You are more of a surface thinker, carrying a heavy burden of prejudice, so you won’t ever actually seek to understand. That’s ok if you can live with it.
You are only reading to disagree, not understand, I get it.

I never said reproduction was a woman’s only utility.

One of the great dangers of not trying to understand something is coming to the wrong conclusions and assisted by prejudice leads to false accusations.
There’s a compounding of ignorance and obstinacy that occurs from this.

Understanding is a powerful gift in the attainment of knowledge. It’s a virtue that is cultivated by patient and focused consideration and reflection of what is actually expressed, not impatient, lazy, prejudiced or dismissive dispositions. These are the enemies of understanding, but are the band of brothers to ignorance.
So, are men supposed to remain sexually pure also before marriage? That was the question.


Well-Known Member
You are more of a surface thinker, carrying a heavy burden of prejudice, so you won’t ever actually seek to understand. That’s ok if you can live with it.
You are only reading to disagree, not understand, I get it.

I never said reproduction was a woman’s only utility.

One of the great dangers of not trying to understand something is coming to the wrong conclusions and assisted by prejudice leads to false accusations.
There’s a compounding of ignorance and obstinacy that occurs from this.

Understanding is a powerful gift in the attainment of knowledge. It’s a virtue that is cultivated by patient and focused consideration and reflection of what is actually expressed, not impatient, lazy, prejudiced or dismissive dispositions. These are the enemies of understanding, but are the band of brothers to ignorance.
Nothing you stated here changes the truth that your prior post was deep into paganism and void of scriptural understanding. You have no understanding of God’s gifts, especially if relationships.

Understanding SCRIPTURE is a powerful gift of God, which you lack because of your blindness to TRUTH and deep involvement in the paganism of the RCC.

2 Timothy 3:6-8

Peace to you


Well-Known Member
So, are men supposed to remain sexually pure also before marriage? That was the question.


But uncontrolled maternity causes massive dysfunction and destruction to society.

Marriage and monogamy is the ideal.

Israel put emphasis on caring for widows and orphans, especially after war when many men died, because not caring for them has same effect as countless single mothers in modern societies.

Huge numbers of boys growing up in single mother households become criminals and fill the prisons. It was no less a scourge in ancient times. Boys had to be taken at critical ages and schooled and disciplined if no Father was present in their lives.
Boys without fathers or prospects became tomorrows brigands, they joined gangs that beat up and killed and robbed people on the highways.

Guarding women’s sexual purity is vital for civilisation.

The Law of Moses prescribed stoning for both the man and the woman.

Those that only brought the woman before Jesus had already sinned according to the law, they were supposed have brought both to Judgement. Where was the man?

That’s why Jesus said “ Let he who is without sin cast the first stone “, in not bringing both, they were all sinners according to the Law of Moses.

Guaranteed paternity prevents a host of civilisational evils.

It’s not just the Law of Moses but even Roman Law had heavy criminal penalties.

Guarding women’s purity was guarding their respective civilisations.


Well-Known Member
Nothing you stated here changes the truth that your prior post was deep into paganism and void of scriptural understanding. You have no understanding of God’s gifts, especially if relationships.

Understanding SCRIPTURE is a powerful gift of God, which you lack because of your blindness to TRUTH and deep involvement in the paganism of the RCC.

2 Timothy 3:6-8

Peace to you

If I posted a soup recipe, you would call it pagan.

As the Russians say. Have nice day.
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