Full disclosure, I was a criminal. Due to a fractured & poverty life, and because of other circumstances that I don’t want to go into, I thought that my path in life was to become a thief, a crook, yada yada so I embraced the criminal lifestyle. I also went to school and got a degree but many people depended on me since my father was dead, my sister was cerebral palsy and my kid brother was very young and innocent…oh and because of these trials, my mom had several breakdowns and was a useless basket case. So I made a choice, a bad choice. However it put food on the table, paid the bills, kept my family alive. During that time, this Jewish girl I met in college became my girlfriend and her family had a legitimate construction business in NY and when we got married her family would take me into their underworld business…so I’d graduate from petty crime to allot of pro criminal activities. In short, I was heading for prison….that was in my future. Until one day in a snow storm I was listening to a cd of George Whitfield and the Holy Spirit spoke very loud and clear. The message was, “did I know what Christ did for me” …huh! At that point didn’t really know or care…too busy living my life. But ya know, that Recording Angel ain’t taking no excuses so here is your opportunity to really review your choices…and I did.
This video by Zack Williams tonight caused me to remember the Grace I was given without merit. I see it as providential… anyway thank you Lord for being there in my time of need.
This video by Zack Williams tonight caused me to remember the Grace I was given without merit. I see it as providential… anyway thank you Lord for being there in my time of need.
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