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Alan Dale Gross

Active Member
things that most Baptists believe

Our Baptist views

Not trying to even say that these are you all's views. Just thought these brothers did a great job on this 'stuff'.


When questioned as to his belief, Charles H. Spurgeon used to say, “First of all I am a Christian. But as that word has become somewhat inclusive in the minds of many, I further define my position by stating, I am a Christian who holds the doctrines historically held by the people called Baptists.”

The Baptists believe the great Bible Doctrines that have characterized historic Christianity from its inception. They believe:

A. That The Bible Is The Inerrant, Divinely Inspired Word Of God.

Though the pen used was the pen of man, the words written were the words of God, in the original manuscripts (2 Peter1:21). Baptists recognize no divine authority in the traditions of men, their creeds, or ecclesiastic decrees. For them, the Bible is the final and only sufficient authority in doctrine, church government and life. They believe that the Bible, being a revelation of the will of God, sets forth the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners and the happiness of true believers. They believe that its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable, that “all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works” (2Tim. 3:16-17).

B. That There Is One Eternal, Living And True God.

The Baptists believe that God is sovereign, omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. That He is a personal Being, who created, preserves and rules the universe. They believe that God is infinite in holiness and all other perfections, and that to Him is due the highest love, reverence and obedience.

The Baptists are trinitarians in that they believe that the one great God is revealed to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each having distinct personal attributes, but without division of nature, essence or being.

While we read in Deuteronomy 6:4 “The Lord our God is one Lord,” we read in Matthew 3:16-17 that at the baptism of Jesus Christ, the three distinct personalities were manifested at one and the same time. While Baptists recognize a seeming paradox, they accept it, and humbly wait for its solution. Baptists do not measure what they are to believe in the Bible by what accords with finite reasoning. It is not possible for that which is finite to fully comprehend that which is infinite.

C. That Man Was Created By The Special Act Of God, as recorded in Genesis1:27, 2:7.

Though created in a state of holiness, through the temptation of Satan, man transgressed the command of God and fell from his original holiness and righteousness. Through his fall the entire human race inherited a corrupt and fallen nature (Romans 5:12), and are so utterly out of contact with God in their fallen condition that they have neither the desire nor the will to be in subjection to the will of God. Though man in his unfallen state had freedom and power to will to do good or evil, man by his fall, lost his ability to will any spiritual good accompanying salvation and has no strength to convert himself or make any movement toward God (Romans3:10 -11).

D. That In The Matter Of Salvation God Has Taken The Initiative (John6:44), and grace marks His program from beginning to end (Eph. 2:8 – 9). He bestows salvation upon all, who by faith, receive His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as their Saviour and Lord (John1:12; Rom.10:9 – 10). This made possible through the mediatorial office of the Son of God, who by the Holy Spirit was born of the Virgin Mary and took upon Himself our nature, yet without sin; honored the law of God by His personal obedience and made atonement for our sins by His death on the cross. As the assurance of God’s approval and satisfied justice, He was raised from the dead (I Cor. 15:3 – 4), and is now enthroned in Heaven as our Advocate. He awaits the day when He shall visibly and personally return to earth to receive His people, assert His Kingly rule over all the earth and judge the wicked (Acts1:9 – 11; Rev. 20:1 – 15).

Baptists believe in sanctification as the divine act of God in setting us apart for Himself, and also as a process of spiritual growth in the believer that shall culminate in our complete likeness to Christ when “we shall see Him as He is” (I John3:2).

They believe in the eternal security of the believer in Jesus Christ (Romans 8:38 – 39).

E. That A Gospel Church Is A Congregation Of Baptized Believers, Acknowledging Christ as their Head, united in their faith in His Word, observing the ordinances He instituted, and covenanting to do what He commanded.

Baptists believe there are two church ordinances, baptism and the Lord’s Supper. They are not sacraments but symbols of spiritual truths. Baptism is the immersion of a believer in water as a picture of the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord. It is also a symbol of the candidate’s death to sin and resurrection to a new life in Christ. The Lord’s Supper points back to the coming of Christ to die for sinners, and forward to the coming of Christ to receive His Bride (I Cor. 11:26).

In addition to two Church ordinances, Baptists recognize only two Church officers as being scriptural; pastors and deacons. Pastors are also called bishops and elders. They exercise no authority save that of leadership. Deacons are servants of the church, chosen by reason of their fitness to perform certain duties, and by virtue of their position, are recognized as leaders in the church. In the average church other officers and committees are chosen in the nature of helpers.

F. That There Will Be A Resurrection Of The Dead (I Cor. 15), that Heaven is a place prepared for God’s people (John14:2 – 3), and that Hell is the eternal estate of the lost (Psalm9:17; Matt.13:42; Rev. 20:13 – 15).

See also:

They do a good job on their Statement Of Faith, too.