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Television... do YOU watch it?

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by Copper, May 26, 2005.

  1. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    Ben W...There are quite a few Aussie Footie fans here in the States...We see it on ESPN. Also, quite a few Yankees follow the British Premier Soccer League.

    Joman...Yes, and yes. Very popular in the USA.
  2. Magnetic Poles

    Magnetic Poles New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Thankful, you are a wise and insightful person.
  3. Magnetic Poles

    Magnetic Poles New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    I wonder if they had sticker back then, such as:

    "Wooden clubs don't kill people, people kill people."


    "When they outlaw wooden clubs, only outlaws will have wooden clubs."


    "They'll get my wooden club when they pry my cold dead fingers from the handle."

  4. All about Grace

    All about Grace New Member

    Feb 11, 2002
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    As a leader, I recognize TV/Movies/Music/Etc are the eyegates of what is happening in the culture. So I had better be aware of what people are watching, listening to, reading, etc. if I am going to address relevant issues with the timeless message of grace.
  5. Craigbythesea

    Craigbythesea Active Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    You are absolutely right! That is why I spend 14 hours a day viewing pornography [​IMG] . Christians have an obligation to God [​IMG] to be aware of the pornography that that brothers and sisters in Christ are looking at :D . After all, how can we understand and be close to others if we do not participate in the same sins that they do? [​IMG]


  6. All about Grace

    All about Grace New Member

    Feb 11, 2002
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    You always have an extremist in the group who tries to spiritualize their stance with the absurd. You don't have to get in the mud with the pigs ... yada yada yada ... [​IMG] :rolleyes: [​IMG]
  7. TexasSky

    TexasSky Guest

    I watch t.v.

    I also use it as a tool with my children. We watch a lot of "family" shows together like "trading spaces" and we talk about what we see on the shows that we do watch.
  8. Gib

    Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    We watch much TV. We should buy stock in ESPN.

    Gib-watching the top 10 on SportsCenter
  9. Victory in Jesus

    Victory in Jesus New Member

    Mar 22, 2005
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    When cable first came out, people would get it so they could watch filth that the regular network shows couldn't air according to the FCC rules.

    Today, we have to get cable to AVOID watching the filth that FCC now allows today. Occasionally the FCC allows a new swearword or two in the dialogues (and I believe they limit the times it can be used in a half-hour episode). When they do this, the shows go wild showing their 7th grade immaturity by maxing out the words they can use.

    When we got married, my husband and I originally decided not to own a television set (fortunatly it wasn't part of our vows). But, my inlaws thought we were excluding ourselves from the world and bought us one. We found the Cosby Show during primetime and Little House on the Prarie reruns that weren't bad to watch. We eventually got cable and were watching TV-Land quite a bit (but now they're throwing a gay special into the works).

    I love to watch Court TV because I would LOVE to one day work in forensics-Lord willing. All I need is money for college and my health returned back to me the way it used to be. :D

    I love watching the Animal Planet, Discovery Health, Andy Griffith Show, Leave it to Beaver, I Love Lucy, etc.

    I have to continuously stress to my kids that intimacy is spared for the marriage partner and NOT for "that special person who comes along" or for "when you think it's the right time". I can't find a show today that encourages kids to wait until marriage.
  10. Nomad

    Nomad New Member

    Oct 1, 2003
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    I'm watching less, due to a combination of too many commercials (the shows I do watch I tape first and then fast-forward through the ads) and the mind-numbing triviality of most programs. I think that if most of us spent a week away from television we'd find that we didn't really miss it much at all.
  11. exscentric

    exscentric Well-Known Member
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    May 24, 2004
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    What? The commercials are the best part :) Well, some of them :)
  12. av1611jim

    av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    We don't watch tv. Haven't watched more than a couple minutes of it while at Walmart for years.
    Don't miss it.
    Found LOTS of time to do other more important things with our time. i.e. talking to each other, Bible reading, praying, housework (honey-dos), gardening, ministering to the hurting, etc.

    In HIS service;
  13. Search4Truth

    Search4Truth New Member

    Jul 15, 2004
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    Hey Jim, long time no see. Not since that glorious victory in the Lord at the YMCA. Remember that? Praise the Lord for giving us that opportunity to show our love and devotion for Him. Thanks to the support of humble servants like yourself, Christians everywhere no longer have to fear witnessing at the YMCA's anywhere.

    As you know, I've got nothing but time on my hands. But I find that the more of that time I spend with the Word, the less able I am to tolerate the perversions of the glass toilet. I can on occasion make it through an evening of Fox News, but not often. There are occasional gems that appear on TV, but they are few and far between. When one comes to love truth, then the lies of TV become offensive in so many ways that are not possible otherwise.

    The overwhelming majority of what is on TV is poison for the spirit and is therefore anti-Christian. That would pertain particularly to the commercials which are a relentless attack on everything male. Virtually every depiction of men on TV these days are as child-like, witless, buffoons; whose destructive maleness must be managed by government.

    Then you have the soft porn perversions of the TV show Crime Scene Investigations (CSI). The Quentin Tarrantino episode drew 30 million viewers. I wonder how many of those 30 million might refer to themselves as Christians?

    God, for most Americans, is now Hollywood. The temples are the millions of TV's in American homes. Every day and night Americans faithfully take their place in front of these Hollywood temples where they are proselytized in every manner of human perversion and degradation, in the comfort and safety of their own homes. Amazing what people will do these days when they think no one is watching them.

    In gratitude for Hollywood's blessings, Americans throw billions of dollars at the feet of their Hollywood gods. From which Hollywood grows stronger and are then able to provide us with even greater perversions every new TV season.

    Want to know where the morals of Americans are going, check out what they are watching on TV - when they think no one is watching them.

    Peace be with you.

    In His service, Al.
  14. richard n koustas

    richard n koustas New Member

    Nov 20, 2004
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    surprized that noone mentioned foxnews...there is nothing like a an hour of hannity and colms at the end of a busy day...execpt for those darned disfunctional commercials. btw, if you ever want to hear the gospel straight out during prime time, catch it when they have franklin grahm on. no matter what they're discussing, he sneaks in a gospel message..
  15. mioque

    mioque New Member

    May 23, 2003
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    I don't even own a t.v.
    Do I get extra points for that?
  16. EPH 1:4

    EPH 1:4 New Member

    Aug 28, 2001
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    I got Direct TV...Love it!.....got the Sunday Ticket!...I'm a Steeler fan and its nice to watch all their games. I have TIVO, so I record the games and when I get home from church, about the end of the first quarter, I turn on TIVO and its like the game just started........sweet!! BTW, I heard preachers stomp and yell about not watching TV but most won't say anything about over-eating...go figure........Steve
  17. Gib

    Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    We just picked up NFL ticket and will watch it come football season. Thinking about getting the MLB Package on the next go around. We have it at work and listen to the games from time to time.
  18. Magnetic Poles

    Magnetic Poles New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Digital Video Recording has totally changed how I watch TV.

    On the over-eating, maybe its because so many preachers themselves are, shall we say, a bit on the "husky" side. I know, it is hard to lose weight.
  19. Pipedude

    Pipedude Active Member

    Apr 10, 2005
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    I haven't had a TV in my home since I left high school.

    In 1960, no Fundamentalist would have tolerated what he now tolerates on TV. The spooky thing is that he's gotten so used to it, he doesn't even notice the fact.

    Today's Fundamentalists have changed. You might think the change is for the better, or you might not.
  20. Rosemary

    Rosemary New Member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    I watch some tv. Yhe news and also love the religion channel. Charles Stanley, Adrian Rogers etc.