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Old Time Religion

Discussion in '2006 Archive' started by DependentOnJESUS, Dec 26, 2005.

  1. DependentOnJESUS

    DependentOnJESUS New Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    Hello all. Hope you all had a Merry CHRISTmas. I know we did here in SC. Wondering how many still beleive in Old Time Religion? I know I am going to get alot of good and bad on this. I get snubbed alot because of my praising of God in an outwardly way, that is what praise is isn't it? I do once in awhile feel like God wants me to sit quietly to soak up his word and the preaching of it. I personally love being a Holy Ghost filled Independent Fundamental Baptist. But I have found many independet baptist not beleiving in Old Time Religion. I guess it is how God moves your heart. I wish more Christians and churches would get on fire for God like in the days of Dr Sightler, DL Moody, Billy Kelly, Maze Jackson, J Harold Smith, etc. It seems to me that just the thought of God sending his only BEGOTTEN son Jesus Christ into this cruel world, Jesus dying on the cross of Calvary and raising up in THREE days to save the souls of the world from hell is enough to make an eighty year old woman climb a tree shouting for all its worth. PRAISE GOD! No I have never climbed a tree, but just typing this has me shouting the VICTORY! AMEN! Just wondering your take on this? I have seen many things happen when Christians get on fire and put flesh to the side in order to give God his worthy praise. Also this is going to be the quietest place we will ever live according to Revelations. God bless and look forward to hearing from you!
  2. natters

    natters New Member

    Jul 23, 2004
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    Welcome to the boards! [​IMG]

    What exactly is "Old Time Religion"? I've tried to figure it out before, and I've heard about it lots from Baptists and Pentecostals, but haven't been able to figure it out exactly. From what I can tell, it's not really even "old", but is from the late 1800s to the mid 1900s. I'm not trying to be argumentative, really. [​IMG] How do people define it?
  3. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    It's when slavery and tenant farming were around. It's when the north and south were divided over the issue of slavery. It's when cars did not exist. It's when people dream about the past and forget about what lies ahead.
  4. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    Hello, DependentOnJESUS.

    I knew Bro. Harold Sightler personally (but not the rest of the preachers you mentioned). He was a board member of my mission board for awhile.

    Funny story. Once when John R. Rice preached at Tabernacle, he knew about the "old time religion" practiced there so he said at the start of his message, "I want you to hear what I have to say. So if you get happy, please just wave your hanky." They say the church was a sea of hankies the whole message! [​IMG]

    If that's the kind of old time religion you mean, the folk in the Midwestern Baptist Fellowship (graduates of Midwestern Baptist Bible College in Pontiac, MI, founded by Dr. Tom Malone) like to enjoy themselves in the services. [​IMG]
  5. Shiloh

    Shiloh New Member

    May 2, 2002
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    Hello DependentOnJesus, You sound like my kind of person! Would you happen to know Tony Finney who pastors the church that J. Harold Smith started there in your area? Welcome.
  6. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Dear DependentOnJESUS, first of all, welcome to Baptist Board!

    But second, please be patient with us more reserved folk, OK? I grew up in a non-Christian household and was deeply influenced by a very English grandfather and very conservative father who raised me to appreciate the subtle things in life!

    We're different, but your siblings in Christ just the same, OK?
  7. 4His_glory

    4His_glory New Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I agree, what exactally is "old time religion?
  8. DependentOnJESUS

    DependentOnJESUS New Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    I will be happy to explain "old time religion" or maybe I should say "old fashion praising the Lord" and it may have been old time then, but it worked bless God and people were saved by the thousands. It is submitting your life to God Almighty no matter what others say or think. You have heard about Grandma and Grandpa and those before as they had their eyes fixed upon Jesus Christ and his redeeming blood. They shouted and praised God in such away that most Baptist now a days think it is crazy and foolish, but it is that feeling when the God breathes upon you and allows you to feel his presence. No I am not talking about tongues, none of that here. But old time singing and shouting the goodness of God. I am not talking about bible versions right now, although I am KJV only. But just people putting themselves to the side to praise Jesus and give him all the glory, like the days of the older Methodist revivals and Baptist revivals. They carried on for weeks and months. I long for that in our day and time.

    Shiloh, I do know of Bro. Finney down at First Baptist of Conestee, great man of God. He preached a message on labor day for 1.5 hours and I thought the windows were going to bust in the church before it was all over with.

    John of Japan, I did not know Dr Sightler, I am 27 so I did not know much about him when he was alive. But have you heard Can God and Mephebosheth? That is what I am talking about here, except all the time, not just in one or two semons. He was an amazing preacher and I envy you for knowing him. I would have loved to met him.

    God Bless all and I pray God's will be done.
  9. Pitipat

    Pitipat New Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    Jesus Christ the same yesterday,and to day and for ever. Heb. 13:8
    I have for most of my life refrained from using the word religion because of the inclusive ambiguous nature of the term.I perfer to say genuine Salvation. And this has not changed from the first century. Although liturgy and methods and modes of worship have, and some have been drastic. The Holy Spirit works in believers hearts today just as it did at The Day Of Pentecost. And the same spirit displays itself differently in individuals I believe according to personalities. Just as demonstrative expressions are not a true test of ones spiritually, likewise the lack of it does dot indicate a lack of the same.
  10. shannonL

    shannonL New Member

    May 27, 2005
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    3 and 4 week revivals come about by people getting right with God. Surrendering themselves for whatever God has for them.It has nothing to do with how loud you shout at a service or how many times you say "Amen" or "thats right" during the message or waving your Bible in the air.I myself do not get into all the "new" ways of ministry and worship but at the same time it does no good to focus on the past. We need to run the race "set before us" no need to be looking back over our shoulder. We were born into this generation for a reason and that is to reach this generation for Christ. That is what the great men of the past did. They reached their generation for Christ. We need to be doing the same.Not sitting around pining away for the good ole days!
    Go out and cut a new trail instead.
  11. shannonL

    shannonL New Member

    May 27, 2005
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    Dr. Sightler did some good things for the cause of Christ. I don't think however that his ministry had the depth and scope of DL Moody's ministry. I don't think there are any superstars of ministry but just the same if those two men were playing college football then DL Moody would playing for a Div. I school whereas Sightler would be playing Div. II.
  12. gb93433

    gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    Do you mean like Psalm 150?

    "Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty expanse. Praise Him for His mighty deeds; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness. Praise Him with trumpet sound; Praise Him with harp and lyre. Praise Him with timbrel and dancing; Praise Him with stringed instruments and pipe. Praise Him with loud cymbals; Praise Him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord."

    Maybe a contemporary service might be something you would enjoy.

    But I will have to say that one time I preached in a church where some people were constantly Amening me that it was hard for others to listen and for me to concentrate on what I was trying to say. It did make the sermon longer. So I had to chop it down some as I preached. It was about only 2/3 as long as I had planned originally. It was kinda fun though.
  13. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    I heard him preach a few times, and he was a great preacher, but I didn't hear that one. You probably would like to have heard Bro. Lester Roloff. You never knew what that man was going to say! And sometimes he would start singing during the message. John R. Rice would do that too.

    For you SBC types, I had the privilege of hearing R. G. Lee preach "Payday Someday" while I was at Tennessee Temple in the 1970's. That's one of the greatest sermons of all time, and folks got saved. I also heard J. Harold Smith preach "God's Three Deadlines" there, one of the most powerful messages ever preached, and over 1000 went forward and got saved or got right.!

    That's what I call the Old Time Religion!
  14. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    I think we were in the same service that night John.
  15. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
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    Sep 22, 2005
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    I had forgotten that you went to Temple when I was there, C4K. It was a wonderful time spiritually, wasn't it? I learned so much in classes, chapel and the dorms. And we heard so many wonderful preachers--and the occasional dud. Remember the "Chaplain of Bourbun Street," or were you there then?
  16. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    I was there from '76 - '83. DOn't remember the "Chaplain of Bourbon Street" though.

    For all of the complaints people have about TTU and its "legalism" in those days, I am so grateful that it gave me the basis I needed to establish my own standards and convictions.

    "The Old Time Religion" may have its pundits, and in some cases rightfully so, but I think we miss something when we through out the baby with the bathwater.
  17. DependentOnJESUS

    DependentOnJESUS New Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    True on the issue of shouting and all. That is not what I am talking about; I am talking about getting right with God. Putting flesh to the side and allowing God to take over YOUR life. That is what I mean here, but you have to say that when you praise God it should be an outward emotion, that is the definition of praise. Weather it be through shouting, hand raising, hanky waiving, tears, etc that is showing you are not ashamed of the gospel. I just do not understand people who frown down on any outward emotion what so ever. Sometimes I feel like my head is going to explode if I do not get it out. I have grieved the Holy Spirit before and believe me I was quite miserable for weeks due to chastisement, at least I feel it was. But I am not talking about just shouting, I am talking about a time, like in DL Moody's era, when people were more than willing to "sell-out" to Jesus completely. So if you are thinking I just me screaming your head off, I apologize.
    Also I have heard Payday Someday, I have it on CD, AWESOME message. All have a great day and may God richly bless you all.
  18. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    I have to tell you that some of my greatest praise times have come in silent tears as God has spoken to my heart in private devotions, or even in a message.

    Praising God need not be shouting, hand raising, hanky waving, or anything like it.

    True praise is a heart experience, which may or may not he outwardly reflected.
  19. DependentOnJESUS

    DependentOnJESUS New Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    I respect that totally. AMEN and AMEN. My wife does not say a word, she just cries. I guess I have worded this all wrong. Yes I feel like I need to shout when God moves, not in the flesh but when God makes himself known. That is me, I beleive Heaven will be 10,000 X anything we have heard on earth. But I am just talking about living for God, I think this better says it. Not letting this world take so much of you away from what really matters, Jesus Christ. When we do this as God's children, we will again see thousands upon thousands saved by the grace of God. I apprecaite the feedback and hope I have not disrespected anyone. Thanks again and God bless.
  20. MatthewHenry

    MatthewHenry New Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    I have mixed feelings about this subject. I'm all for saying "Amen" and the like during a service. But that screaming and hollering and shouting and other nonsense, quite frankly, is for the birds. and smacks of pentecostalism, with the outward nonsense, I went to visit a Baptist Church, that bears the name of the one I was saved in (They marged with this group) and I ended up not going back, for 2 reasons, one, They were of the "Ruckmanite" mentality, and they were just too loud of group for my taste. I mean, praising the Lord is okay, but holler and carrying on, just to be heard. is quite annonying in my book.

    I was once preaching in a Church of that sort, and as I was preaching, this old lady, kept hollering, "AMEN PREACH!" Finally I got disguested as shouted back, "I will preach! and if you'll SHUT UP, I might REALLY Preach!"

    You could've heard a pin drop after that. :D

    Luckily, It wasn't my Church! [​IMG] [​IMG]
