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Bivocational Pastors

Discussion in '2000-02 Archive' started by TomVols, Aug 15, 2001.

  1. TomVols

    TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    Here's a question to you who are bivocational pastors: what do you do in addition to your ministry? How do you balance the two? Share a little about yourself.
  2. david_misty

    david_misty Guest

    Well, Here it goes. I am first a pastor at Kilpatrick Baptist Church in Boaz, Alabama. My job that pays the bills is at a local hospital as Systems Analyst. I am very fortunate to have both. The church is my first pastorate. The members treat me and my family better than I could have imagined. We are blessed, since this is my first pastorate. The church in the last 10 years have had so trouble, which has hurt their rep. in the community. Former pastors, members, you know the story. But I feel that God is working. Later on I may post a message for some advice on this. The members that are still there are very friendly. They welcome vistor, and make the feel really welcomed. I just pray that the surrounding community will come and give us a try again.
  3. ChuckS

    ChuckS New Member

    Sep 22, 2001
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    I am a bivocational pastor. I pastor a wonderful church in Texas, Post Oak Baptist Church. I also work in a hospital as a Surgical Asstant. I am very blessed because I really enjoy everything I do. I spent 6 years in the Navy, and now God is using those skills so that I may pastor the best church on the planet! :D (I still say we should all feel that way about our churches)
  4. Dr. Forrest Lowry

    Dr. Forrest Lowry New Member

    Oct 16, 2000
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    I have pastored for over 30 years and during those years I had always been "full-time." In fact, for the past 14 years I pastored a large Baptist church with over 4500 members. But last year I asked the church to send me out to facilitate church planting and to phase me out of salary and support to become a "tentmaker." It has been an adventure of faith! I have been looking for something that is "duplicatable" and "doable" so that other bi-vocational Pastors and church planters could possibly do the same thing. I also learned early on that "tentmaking" can take all of our energy and time if we are not careful - so I began to look for something that could produce a residual income so a person could work less and less as their business grows - which is just the opposite of most jobs. I was introduced to a new network marketing company that is only 10 months old - but is a marketing arm for Fortune 500 companies that are very well known. I am convinced that it is a business that can provide substantial residual income - whether a person needs $500 a month to supplement other income or they need to replace their entire salary. Those who get involved in this very rapidly growing company now have an opportunity to collect residual income to unlimited depths. It can be done anywhere in the country - and all of the major cities are wide open - with very few people involved - even though there are presently 16000 Representatives. Most of those Reps are in 3 states and it is now spreading across the rest of the country. Anyone interested can check out my business website at www.gofortuneonline.com/k/flowry. I am also working on some other projects - but my prayer is that God will use the non-profit corporation I started this summer - Great Commission Businesses, Inc., to eventually fund many church planting projects and other unfunded ministry projects.nullDr. Forrest Lowry's Business Webpage flowry@houston.rr.com
  5. SPAM

    SPAM New Member

    Apr 16, 2001
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    Tom, I have just started my first pastorate this last March; in fact we started from scratch the church itself. To say it has been interesting would be an understatement. I too, feel strongly that our church is developing into one God is well pleased; at least that's our goal. I love the people like I never knew I could. I find most of my waking moments in thought about them.

    My secular job has been with an o'ring distributor for the last 8 years. I have a christian boss and that makes a huge difference. He supports me in my pastorate with words of encouragement and prayers; really a rare twist in the work force.

    Besides this, I am a little league football coach; still undefeated this year. 9-0 and going for a perfect season this Saturday. I enjoy this very much and it really has becoime me release if you will. I made myself a promise when my son was born ill; if ever he was healed and active, I'd participate any way I could. God has allowed myself and 8 year son to spend some real quality time, all the while my 10 year daughter roots him on from the sidelines.

    I feel my candle burns from both ends at times, but wouldn't change a thing. But, pray for me; my ultimate goal is to go full time, but not at the expense of the church we just began. God has been good and the only complaint I have is there aren't more hours in the day, because I really run out of time day to day. Pray that I never give up time spent with the Father.

    Paul {Spam}