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Which Baptist are you?

Discussion in '2000-02 Archive' started by SaggyWoman, Dec 25, 2001.

  1. Rev. Joshua

    Rev. Joshua <img src=/cjv.jpg>

    Aug 7, 2001
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    You and Clark Pinnock would probably get along very well.

  2. Odemus

    Odemus New Member

    Jun 20, 2002
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    My church is affilliated with MACBA (mid atlantic conservative baptist association).

    I am conservative, fundamentalist and without doubt leaning towards reformation theology.

    I also can't wait for the day when these distinctions are thoroughly dissolved [​IMG]
  3. Chaplain's Wife

    Chaplain's Wife New Member

    Jun 22, 2002
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    I attend a Southern Baptist church. My hubby is an Army chaplain endorsed by Liberty Baptist Fellowship (Jerry Falwell's Organization) But, he is now part of the Conservative Southern Baptist Group in VA so I guess I haven't backslidden, LOL. I am not KJV only, and love that its not an issue in my church, as it was in most every IBF church I have been affiliated with.
  4. go2church

    go2church Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Jun 21, 2002
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    I am a baptist because Jesus was a baptist or at least that is what I was taught when I was growing up in an Independent Baptist Church.

    But have since moved away from the "Old-Time Religion" to the "Hey I have a brain, I can think for myself religion" But still am a baptist because no other group embraces freedom like the baptists have in the past, NO ONE!
  5. mmhayes04

    mmhayes04 New Member

    Mar 30, 2002
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    I'm Missionary Baptist... I was born that and will remain to be until I die. By the way, I DID "accept" Christ... but how hard is it to accept perfection and what honor does that bring an almighty God? I accepted Christ from the time I knew how to. It was after I was convicted of my sins... something like 2 years after... when I finally put all my faith in God and He gloriously saved my soul on July 14th laying right here in my bed. That was when God accepted ME. I praise God that it's the blood of a merciful Saviour that will take me to heaven... not my acceptance of that Saviour.
  6. BrotherJesse

    BrotherJesse New Member

    Jun 13, 2002
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    What Baptist am I? I am an American Baptist whose also a Congregationalist (two churches became one, my church)
  7. TomVols

    TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    You are truly an equal-opportunity offender my friend! :D :D :D
  8. Heisall2meIFB.

    Heisall2meIFB. New Member

    Jun 29, 2002
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    I am SAVED by the BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST our LORD.We attend a Independent,Fundamental,Premillinual,AKJV only Baptist Church. ;)
  9. Torrey

    Torrey New Member

    Jun 19, 2002
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    I was raised hard core Church of Christ. But praise God, a man at work (a Baptist) witnessed to me about the amazing grace of Jesus Christ (something I knew nothing about) and I was born again. Praise God for Baptist. Today I am a Independent Fundamentalist Baptist.
  10. Bro. Wask

    Bro. Wask Guest

    I'm an independent fundamental Bible Beliving Baptist. I believe in the KJV Bible as God's choice for the english speaking people, and I believe that God has left us here for a purpose, to lead others to Christ.

    I was Baptist Born and Baptist Bred and when I die I'll be Baptist Dead!
  11. AVL1984

    AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Saggy, I was an Indepedent fundamental Baptist in an earlier post, but I'm no longer one. My wife and I are leaving the IFB movement to go to the Southern Baptists. [​IMG] It's the Northside Baptist Church of Murfreesboro, Tennessee...Pastor Ken Polk. We've really enjoyed the past few services there and are finding a healing in our lives that only the Lord Jesus Christ can give. Oh, miss ya sis. Email when you can.

  12. boris99

    boris99 New Member

    Jul 1, 2002
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    I am a conservative Southern Baptist. The church I grew up in was one of the first churches to join the CBF (I'm so proud! ;) )... but I eventually left as I became much more conservative theologically. I believe in the inerrancy of Scripture, salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone, etc.

    I have an IFB friend who tried to "convert" me to KJV-only, but I have done my fair share of research there and have yet to hear a convincing argument. I mainly use the NASB.
  13. RDH

    RDH New Member

    Jul 8, 2002
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    Here I am...a Hybrid Baptist! I am a Southern Baptist--pastor in the South; an American Baptist--pastor a church in America; an Independent Baptist--though an SBC church, we are totally autonomous; a Free Will Baptist--believe that every human being is a free moral agent;a Rengegade Baptist--I have never been one to "go with the flow" just because it is an accepted norm; A Seeker Baptist--always seeking opportunities and better ways to do Kingdom work. But most of all, I am a born-again, washed-in-the-blood child of the King! Amen!
  14. John3v36

    John3v36 New Member

    Jul 18, 2002
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    Bible Baptist :D
  15. Justified

    Justified New Member

    Jul 14, 2002
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    IFB, Separated from the world by conviction of the Holy Spirit, and studing God's Word, KJB.

    We homeschool our children and taught them Koine Greek, they are learning Hebrew, They also play multiple musical instruments and play classic hymns of the faith and classical music. And our family is very active in our church.

    And from what I have seen on this board, we might be considered by some IFB, Ultra-conservative, or by others IFB, Legalist.

    Take your pick, all I know is that I am a sinner Saved by Grace, and want to live a Holy life for the Lord! :cool:
  16. uhdum

    uhdum New Member

    Jul 12, 2001
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    I've grown up as a Southern Baptist. I dated a IFB, and found myself starting to lean toward it. What got me out of it (No offense to those of you who are IFB) was finally realizing God wouldn't "get me" if I didn't keep a bunch of obligatory rules...I felt really uncomfortable. I realize this isn't the case with all IFB churches...I have several godly friends who are members of IFB churches and I wouldn't hesitate to ask them to pray for me.

    But I firmly believe God has SHAPED me to be SBC (for those of you who know Rick Warren, there's a Warrenism). We are all different...but for me, that's where I belong.
  17. David Krueger

    David Krueger New Member

    Nov 7, 2000
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    I'm a Southern Baptist who holds to the Doctrines of Grace.
  18. onevoice

    onevoice <img src =/onevoice.jpg>

    Feb 15, 2001
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    I find it sad that we tend to divide within even our own denomination.
  19. Dr. G

    Dr. G Guest

    As for me, I am now happily and joyfully a member of a local Independent Fundamental Baptist Church (non-legalistic), and the reason I am a Baptist is simple, we are practically the only overall classification of Christians who believe the Book from cover to cover, word for word, and by God's grace follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ's teachings to love God with our whole heart, soul and mind and love one another.

    I am a Baptist by choice, having been raised a Methodist, and converted to Episcopalianism, then saved, and was,on public profession of faith in Jesus Christ, baptised by immersion in a "Gospel church". But the "slough of despond got me" and the excitement of new experiences bound me as I wandered in a wilderness of misapplied Bible passages into Charismatic circles until I found out I was going in "circles", then I became a conservative Calvinisitic Presbyterian but in a liberal denomination (not knowing that I was backslidden), and then by God's grace, or so I thought, finally broke free to join a Conservative Baptist church where I thought I had "arrrived finally at truth" (NOT!). When I joined one of their seminaries temporarily and learned that they believed and taught Maslov's Heirarchy of Needs, well, that was when God rescued me, took me out of a slimy pit and set my feet on solid ground WHERE I JOINED AN INDEPENDENT FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST CHURCH IN 1994 AND HAVE BEEN GROWING IN THE LORD EVER SINCE BECAUSE WHERE GOD'S EVERY WORD IS BELIEVED AND PREACHED, THERE HE IS IN OUR MIDST! Praise God for faithful IFB pastors. (Not to say that there are no faithful Bible-believing pastors in other Baptist circles.......I just haven't met one yet! But perhaps I will someday)

    Keep your eyes on the author and finisher of our faith, the Lord Jesus Christ, believe the Bible, preferably the KJV, and you will never go astray!
  20. Jim Ellis

    Jim Ellis New Member

    Aug 9, 2002
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    I was raised a Church of Christ (Christian)
    (Instruments used) I was baptised at age 14 not knowing a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus. If I understood correctly from their preaching was you got baptized to be saved???
    So from age 14 to 31 I thought I was a saved christian. One day in Oct of 1989 I was watching the 700 club, Pat Robertson was talking about a personal relationship with Jesus. I knew that I did not have this. So I listened as he quoted scripture and wrote their addresses down and looked them up in a bible the Church of Christ had gave me when I was baptized. The next day while watching the 700 Club, Pat asked if any wanted to ask Jesus into their life and said to follow him in the sinners prayer! The Grace that God shows is awesome!!! I asked Jesus into my heart that morning! I was saved, hallelujah!
    Jesus is real and lives in me! Praise His holy name!!! I was lead to a little country Baptist Church where they love the Lord and you too!
    Licking Baptist Church is an American Baptist Church USA Most important is that Christ died for even me, and that's what is most important, that Christ is preached, and the lost get saved!!! [​IMG] :D http://www.lickingbaptist.org
    http://www.geocities.com/licking_baptist :cool: :D [​IMG]

    [ September 03, 2002, 02:17 PM: Message edited by: Jim Ellis ]