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Inconsistency of literalists vs science

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by Paul of Eugene, Jul 30, 2004.

  1. Paul of Eugene

    Paul of Eugene New Member

    Oct 30, 2001
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    It is only the initial interpretation that the sun rises and set. It is such a compelling illusion that there was much controversy when the rotation of the earth was first set forth by men of science.

    To be accurate about what you witness, you should say you see the sun at a different angle during the day. You've actually started using unspoken default assumptions when you say the Sun even appears to rise - such as the assumption that the earth is a flat, stationary surface.

    I'm not saying you don't know the truth about the rotation of the earth, of course, I'm simply explaining the compelling nature of the illusion for us all.

    But it is still an illusion and not the literal truth.

    And there is no hint in the history of all mankind that this illusion was deciphered until the rise of men of science like Kepler, Gallileo, Copernicus . . .

    And the clergy, as these men began to point to the truth, both protestant and catholic, all declared their teachings were contrary to scripture. That is the recorded history.

    Today history is merely repeating itself, as some literalistic clerics again oppose the findings of science. Science, for example, points out that the light from the nearest Galaxy took 3 million years to get here, and they have no place in their history of the universe to allow for that. So . . . in the face of some of the most firmly established facts of science that can possibly be, they deny the truths declared by the heavens themselves that are there for anyone to see.
  2. Gup20

    Gup20 Active Member

    May 11, 2004
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    Rom 3:4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

    As a matter of fact, this is false. The earliest of peoples going back in history all knew the earth was a sphere. Moreover, Jesus himself makes reference to the earth's spherical shape:

    Luk 17:34 I tell you, in that night there shall be two [men] in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.
    Luk 17:35 Two [women] shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
    Luk 17:36 Two [men] shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

    Flat earth... or domed earth is a modern idea that wasn't even imagined until those who wished to poke holes in the Bible scientifically came upon the scene.


    Pastor Larry is absolutely correct. Figures of speech are used in literal communication ALL the time. He gives a great example of the weather man saying 'sunrise'. When he talks about the 'sunrise' he isn't giving an allegorical newscast... he giving us literal information.


    Actually, as those links will show you, flat earth is a modern idea. Peoples going back into antiquity believed in a spherical earth.


    The truly astonishing feats of the ancient world, requiring a high degree of intelligence, knowledge and skill, were not only in architecture and civil engineering. The ancient Mayans were meticulous time keepers. Without computers or sophisticated measuring equipment they knew the length of the solar year to be 365.2420 days long. Only recently have astronomers calculated it to be 365.2422 days long.

    The Mayans worked out that 405 full moons occurred in a period of 11,960 days; modern research shows it to be 11,959.888 days. They calculated the synodic period of Venus at 584 days; current science shows it to be 583.92 days [the synodic period is the phase cycle as observed on Earth—the time between successive appearances of a given phase, e.g., crescent. The Mayans of course were not familiar with Galileo’s explanation that the phases of Venus could be explained by its orbit around the Sun (224.7 Earth days)—called the siderial period, i.e. relative to the stellar background]. These minute margins of error, confirmed only with the use of modern technology, reveal an amazing degree of accuracy on the part of these ancient cultures.

    Interestingly, considering the Mayans’ obsession with accurate timekeeping, the Mayan calendar apparently began from a creation date about 3114 BC. The Mayans also excelled at mathematics, using a positional system, similar to today’s, that was less clumsy than that used by the Romans in Europe.
  3. Gup20

    Gup20 Active Member

    May 11, 2004
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Answer not a fool according to his folly.

    To answer your question under the terms you present would be to 'answer a fool according to his folly'. You set up a hypothecial that isn't true and ask us to prove it.

    First of all... it ISN'T true that people accepted any sort of flat earth interpretation at any time until within the last several hundred years. People lived in a 3 dimentional world ... everything they saw from apples, to oranges, to rocks, to the moon, to the sun were all round objects in 3 dimentions. We can see from the art of ancient peoples, for example, that the same attention to 3D is given to the sun and moon as is given to people, animals, fruit etc. So you are going to have to proove to us that people thought anything otherwise.

    Therefore within the context that there are 3D people living in a 3D world describing 3D objects we can take the literal, plain, or normal interpretation which makes the most sense.

    UTEOTW New Member

    May 8, 2002
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    Each time you post this link I am going to invite people to check it out so that they can see that it does not address what the Jews believed at all. You seem to be missing that point each time. I have in the past presented you with plenty of information that shows that the ancient Jews and the others in the region all had a common geology consisting of a flat earth, surrounded by a great sea (the "deep"), and covered in a fixed dome (the "firmament"). You counter this assertion by telling us what everybody other than the Jews believed.
  5. Gup20

    Gup20 Active Member

    May 11, 2004
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    UTE -

    You have yet to post any credible information whatsoever to even remotely give the impression that this is what the Jews thought.

    You seem to have a hard time understanding that the 'early gentile church' is primarily based on the teachings of Paul who staunchly supported a literal Genesis, as well as Noah's global flood. They got their teachings FROM the Jews... and they didn't believe in a flat earth or dome.

    DOME http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs/4169.asp
    EARTH http://www.answersingenesis.org/home/area/magazines/tj/docs/TJv14n3flat_earth.asp
  6. Mercury

    Mercury New Member

    Dec 22, 2003
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    Gup, care to address the original topic of this thread? If you read it carefully, you'll see that it isn't about the shape of the earth, but rather the fact that the earth rotates.
  7. Gup20

    Gup20 Active Member

    May 11, 2004
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    Gen 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
    Gen 1:4 And God saw the light, that [it was] good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
    Gen 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

    Here we have God creating a source of light and separating that light from darkness. Once light and darkness are created, we have the first passage of time - it says evening, morning indicating that the light was in 'view' during it's creation and passed out of view in the format of 'evening' (evening before morning) and then morning. These words describe the rotation of the earth as you cannot have evening or morning without movement. On day 4 of creation, God placed the SUN to represent the day and the moon to represent (rule over) the night.

    Gen 1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: [he made] the stars also.
    Gen 1:17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
    Gen 1:18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that [it was] good.
    Gen 1:19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

    Moreover we see from other verses that not only is the earth round, but that it moves in a specified circuit -

    Gen 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

    Pro 8:27 When he prepared the heavens, I [was] there: when he set a compass [circuit or circle] upon the face of the depth:

    Isa 40:22 [It is] he that sitteth upon the circle [circuit, compass] of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof [are] as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

    So we see that the Bible advocates the earth is a sphere that moves in a circuit. Couple this with the references to evening and morning and day and night and we are starting to see the big picture. We definately get a good idea that the Jews definately knew the earth was round and not a flat earth.
  8. Mercury

    Mercury New Member

    Dec 22, 2003
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    Note the jump in logic: you cannot have evening or morning without movement, so this must describe the movement of the earth. This assumption is made based on what Gup knows of science, not on what the text says. Of course, we could also have evening and morning because of movement of the light source in relation to Earth -- at least, hypothetically we could, but science has shown that this isn't the case for Earth. But, using Gup's logic: "The earth rotates around the moon because you cannot have moonrise or moonset without movement."

    I don't want to misinterpret you, Gup, so which of these verses do you read as stating that Earth moves in a specified circuit? Is it Genesis 1:2, where "the earth was without form, and void" and "the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters"? This seems to describe the Spirit of God moving (or hovering), not Earth, and no hint is given of the movement being circuitous. Is it Proverbs 8:27, where God placed a compass on the face of the waters? Since the depths of the sea are part of Earth, if this is an orbit it would seem to be a rather constricted one. You may want to cross-reference Job 26:10 where the same imagery is used to define either the boundary of light and darkness (NIV, NASB, ESV) or the boundary of the seas (KJV, NKJV).

    Or, is Isaiah 40:22 the verse that shows Earth's orbit, where it says that God "sitteth upon the circle of the earth"? If so, then one of the most common prooftexts for a round Earth is gone, since that means the "circle" in this verse is actually talking about the "circuit" of Earth and not its shape. Also, why would God be described as sitting on Earth's orbit? If the "circle" in this verse actually refers to the dome of the heavens (the firmament in Genesis 1) then that seems to be a much more appropriate place for God to sit in a poetic passage. (It also has the advantage of being stationary in relation to Earth, unlike a point in orbit.)

    I realize you think the literal meaning of these verses is clear and that anyone who reads them should see exactly what you see. But, I don't. Can you explain how you get a description of Earth's orbit from these verses?

    Note the claim that is made. Because Gup interprets those passages as proving Earth is round and rotates, that proves that this is what the passages really mean, and so the Jews must have known that Earth is round and rotates too, since they also had access to those passages and must have interpreted them the same way.

    Gup's claim is proved wrong by history. His interpretation of those passages is more creative (although vague) than he gives himself credit for, and many before him interpreted them far differently. In fact, many Christians and Jews in centuries past (and present) would probably have found his interpretations as dubious and unbelievable as he now finds theirs.
  9. BobRyan

    BobRyan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    It has already been explained that EVEN TODAY we have "sunrise and sunset" times published without requiring that God be in error, or that the Bible be in error, or that the weather service be a bunch of flat-earthers.

    It seems to me that evolutionism is "one long game" played with the Bible in both OT and NT "trying" to justifiy the abuse that evolutionists make of certain Bible texts.

    But AS I HAVE ASKED before - WHY go play all those games with the Bible when you are so ready to Admit that God IS USING Creationist terms and does NOT expect the people of Bible times to "get evolutionism" from the text (because they are too stupid to be told the truth -- or whatever reason you wish for this to be the case) --??? Once you admit this is what it IS SAYING and IS intending to be understood - WHY compound your own position's problem by trying to ALSO find other areas where you think we should disbelieve the Bible?

    Or do you do that to argue that "everybody else Disbelieves the Bible in some places so why can't WE"?

    In Christ,

  10. Paul of Eugene

    Paul of Eugene New Member

    Oct 30, 2001
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    It has already been explained that EVEN TODAY we have "sunrise and sunset" times published without requiring that God be in error, or that the Bible be in error, or that the weather service be a bunch of flat-earthers.
    </font>[/QUOTE]And that is a lame explanation. Historically, the belief was that the sun literally crawled across the sky; there have been variations, such as some believing Apollo drove his chariot containing the Sun, others believed the Sun was fixed to a great crystalline sphere that rotated around the earth, then men of science discovered the earth rotates.

    My, how the sparks did fly! The Catholics put Copernicus' book on the banned list. They tried Gallileo for teaching contrary to the church. Martin Luthor roared that Copernicus was teaching contrary to scripture. I'm sure you know exactly how he felt.

    Today you meekly accept the findings of science contrary to scripture and deny you are doing it.

    Sorry, we can all watch you do it, and we don't believe your denial.

    Evolution is not a game played over how to interpret the Bible. Evolution is part of the science of biology and continues to develop as more and more evidence for it pours in. The scientists working on evolution will continue to ignore the games you and I are playing over the issue.

    I think it is an oversimplification of your viewpoint concerning the rotation of the earth to merely assert you "don't believe the bible" there.

    But I think I am also entitled to claim the same that it is an oversimplification of MY viewpoint concerning EVOLUTION to merely assert I "don't believe the bible" there.

    And if YOU DENY THAT - you undercut your rationalization for your own rejection of the literal teaching of the bible concerning the rotation of the earth vs the moving of the sun across the sky. Because the principle IS THE SAME.

    What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
  11. Paul of Eugene

    Paul of Eugene New Member

    Oct 30, 2001
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    In an earlier post, Gup20 posted this information as support for the idea that ancients knew the earth is spherical and the earth rotates:

    A minor caveat: the phases of Venus are invisible to the naked eye and require telescopes; therefore the Mayans did not relate to the phases of Venus at all. Instead, they were relating to its alternation between being the morning star and the evening star.

    You see, you read your modern knowledge into the text and don't even notice you are doing it. This is not conducive to insightful understanding of the texts we deal with.

    Your Mayan quote says absolutely nothing about the spherictiy of the earth or the rotation of the earth yet you claim it as evidence they believed the earth is round and the earth rotates.

    Gup20, as long as you continue to read into the texts anything you want to as you try to see what they say, we cannot trust your abilities as an interpreter of what the texts actually say.

    It does convince me, however, that the only reason you don't believe in evolution is because you follow your church crowd in believing whatever they believe; because if you did by chance accept evolution, your proven ability to pull anything you want out of a text regardless of what the text says would serve you again with regard to evolution.
  12. BobRyan

    BobRyan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    It has already been explained that EVEN TODAY we have "sunrise and sunset" times published without requiring that God be in error, or that the Bible be in error, or that the weather service be a bunch of flat-earthers.
    Hmmm! This from someone who takes the view "any old excuse will do IF it is in favor of the junk science of evolutionism".

    Why do you 'seek any old contradiction with scripture' that you can find in "defense of evolutionism"?

    Why "pretend" that the SAME phrase we use today COULD NOT be used in GOD's word without making God a liar?

    Your "evolutionism-at-all-costs" approach is baffeling.

    Choose God's Word instead.

    You seek to "invent" your "failed scripture" scenarios at every turn.

    Case in point...

    As I said your appeals to "Failed scripture" are almost as impressive as your belief in "junk science".

    Indeed it IS. You CLAIM the Bible has failed in your example above - AS IF God is bound by pagan philosophy of Bible times. You cling to that Bible-failed model EVEN though the EXAMPLE phrase that is "supposed to nail His coffin" is in fact the SAME phrase we use today!!

    What a wake up call!!

    Then you cling to the myth that junk science is a key part of REAL sciences today -- AS IF dreaming it and repeating it "often enough" makes it true.

    Almost as "nice" as story as the "HORSE SERIES" or the STORY that Archaeopteryx is NOT a bird but an INTERMEDIATE BETWEEN Reptiles and Birds.

    In evolutionism's halls of junk science the "stories" never end.

    You YOUSELF claimed it is a "Contradiction" of how you choose to interpret scripture!!

    I am simply observing your "strategy" in contriving that failed-Bible example and how you "suppose" it is helping your case to go down that alley.

    In Christ,

  13. UTEOTW

    UTEOTW New Member

    May 8, 2002
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    "Almost as "nice" as story as the "HORSE SERIES" or the STORY that Archaeopteryx is NOT a bird but an INTERMEDIATE BETWEEN Reptiles and Birds."

    The horse series is a wonderful example of a transitional species, your smoke and mirrors on the other thread where you continually misquote the scientists notwithstanding. Archaeopteryx IS a great single example of a transitional species, your attempts on the other thread to misconstrue the thoughts of the scientists involved notwithstanding.
  14. Paul of Eugene

    Paul of Eugene New Member

    Oct 30, 2001
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    Hmmm! This from someone who takes the view "any old excuse will do IF it is in favor of the junk science of evolutionism".
    </font>[/QUOTE]BobRyan, let me explain something about quote marks. They indicate you are quoting my exact words. You are not quoting my exact words. Please refrain from falsely quoting my words in the future. Simply leave out the quote marks and it is perfectly clear you are charactizing my position rather than quoting my position.

    There you go again, more spurious quotes. And it is YOU that claims that to fail to take the LITERAL VIEW at all costs is call God a liar; I keep trying to offer to allow BOTH OF US to take the non-literal interpretation without calling God a liar, but you only want to do that when you believe the scientific evidence yourself.

    Because you keep harping that we must take the LITERAL interpretation instead of what SCIENCE says and I want to hold you to your own rule.

    It is merely truth at all costs, which includes evolution, and God's word doesn't have to be interpreted to be contrary to the truth, as you yourself allow in the case of the rotation of the earth.

    Indeed it IS. You CLAIM the Bible has failed in your example above - AS IF God is bound by pagan philosophy of Bible times. You cling to that Bible-failed model EVEN though the EXAMPLE phrase that is "supposed to nail His coffin" is in fact the SAME phrase we use today!!</font>[/QUOTE]The phrase we use today is still used out of habit due to the historical fact that it once was considered literally true. This change in view - that we use the phrase and no longer count it literally true - is therefore contrary to your rule, because we shouldn't have made that transition in thought; we shouldn't have started thinking non-literally about what the literal words say.

    You go along with the non-literal use of the words for one reason only; because you know the literal meaning of the words is wrong. Nothing could persuade you otherwise, not even the strongest of faith in the inerrancy of scripture; therfore you make the change and believe it is ok to interpret these words non-literally.

    Well, your have no reasoning for your position that holds water, you have to misquote scientists to make them say what they don't want to say, and everybody can see how you do the very thing you refuse me the right to do, right before our eyes, and as long as you keep on insisting on making that clear before everybody, I am content.
  15. BobRyan

    BobRyan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    The point remains - when atheist evolutionists give us "sunset and sunrise" times today - we seem to be ok with it.

    When God does it - you want to use it as an "excuse" to undercut the Word of God.

    When Einstein tells us that motion CAN legitimately be "described" in terms of the reference plain of the observer - we have no trouble at all with that. But when God does that very thing for mankind - you claim it is a chance to undercut His word.

    The point remains. The Creationist language of the Gen 1-2:3 text is "obvious".

    Even evolutionists here have admitted that.

    Wake up call!

    In Christ,

  16. Paul of Eugene

    Paul of Eugene New Member

    Oct 30, 2001
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    There you go again, BR, completely misrepresenting what I am saying in this post. I claim it is RIGHT to accept the old wording that people used to apply to a literal belief and still, today, apply them in a non-literal fashion.

    I join you in doing exactly that!


    But now in doing so, you and I are together breaking the rule you set for me regarding evolution. That is, the rule that we must never, never accept the findings of science when the literal teaching of the bible says something else. Because we are doing it right there.

    Well, Einstein did say one could in an unnatural, artificial way, declare the earth to be still and all the universe rotating around it. But he also said one could JUST AS LEGITMATELY say the earth rotates and the univers doesn't. This is enough to be in contradiction to the literal teaching.
    When the Astronouts looked up on the earth from the moon, they watched the earth rotate before their very eyes. Are you calling that an illusion?

    And here's the other part. The literal interpretation is, of course, six days of work followed by a day of rest.

    (By the way do you believe God was literally in need of rest?)

    We agree as to what the literal meaning of the words are.

    We disagree as to whether the ultimate meaning is to be interpreted literally, that's all.

    And, again, right in front of everybody, you show your are willing to go past the literal text concerning the rising of the sun and the pausing of the sun for Joshua and yet claim that this way of interpreting the Bible is not allowed when YOU don't accept the science involved. You break your own rule when it suits you and then object when anybody else does the same thing!
  17. BobRyan

    BobRyan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Non Baptist Christian
    There you go again, BR, completely misrepresenting what I am saying in this post. I claim it is RIGHT to accept the old wording that people used to apply to a literal belief and still, today, apply them in a non-literal fashion.

    I join you in doing exactly that!


    But now in doing so, you and I are together breaking the rule you set for me regarding evolution. That is, the rule that we must never, never accept the findings of science when the literal teaching of the bible says something else. Because we are doing it right there.
    </font>[/QUOTE]This is a perfect example of the bait and switch misdirection you are appealing to.

    Initially you "claim" that we are BOTH doing the same thing.

    In fact I SHOW that the Bible terms are VALID even today - in REAL life where Einstein AND our atheist evolutionists scientist STILL speak in the SAME terms of "local plane of reference" when it comes to the movement of the sun. "Sunrise and Sunset" etc.

    BUT THEN you claim that this term we USE TODAY is a "contradiction of science" as if RELATIVE motion is "A contradiction of science"!!

    Paul said -- That is, the rule that we must never, never accept the findings of science when the literal teaching of the bible says something else.

    Notice we could NEVER claim that the atheist evolutionist today that gives us "Sunrise and Sunset" times each day is rejecting findings of science by making that statment!!

    When Einstein tells us of the principle of relative motion described from the reference point of the observe (hence: Sunrise and Sunset) we do not charge HIM with rejecting findings of science !!

    But at the drop of the hat you will take that VERY example and charge God with rejecting findings of science in His WORD!!!

    You twist this dubious idea back on the scripture and claim "PRESTO! The Bible contradicts science!!".

    Why take such a flawed approach to scripture? Because "obviously" you "NEED" to do undermine the text to get by with your "creationism is wrong though God's Word promotes it" idea.

    And your proof? "Sunrise and Sunset"???!!!

    This "practice" is so opposed to both science and exegesis that it is impossible to understand how anyone could embrace it... yet I think you do find an audience for it.

    In Christ,

  18. BobRyan

    BobRyan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Clearly you are at a loss to form a response to the argument.

    #1 Einstein NEVER said "relative motion is an unnatural, artificial way to describe motion". IN fact velocity vectors can be calculated USING relative motion to get valid results. This is not "pretend science!".

    You are simply foundering here - trying to come up with something that resolves to "The Bible is still wrong EVEN If Einstein uses the SAME principle".

    Your difficulty is obvious here - I don't envy you this challenge of escaping and misdirecting this point.

    In Christ,

  19. BobRyan

    BobRyan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Non Baptist Christian
    quote:Bob said

    The point remains. The Creationist language of the Gen 1-2:3 text is "obvious".
    Even evolutionists here have admitted that.
    Wake up call!


    And by "literal meaning" we have "the Real" the "Exegetically SOUND" the "ONE The - real first order primary audience read" the one INTENDED by God and by the Author --

    (And this from the Christian EVOLUTIONISTS on this board).

    So no need to "pretend" that the real meaning is not the literal meaning.

    Classic! God SAID He rested on the Seventh-day and the evolutionist responds "REALLY? I doubt it!"

    Do you think "God REALLY became a little baby 2000 years ago?"

    Do you think God REALLY had a fish swallow Jonah?

    Do you think God REALLY raised Christ from the dead?

    Do you think God REALLY suffered and died for us on the Cross?

    Do you think God REALLY cursed snakes??!

    Do you think God REALLY said in His Word "For Adam was FIRST created and THEN EVE" and "Eve was first tempted and fell into sin - and then Adam"??

    Adam REAL? Eve REAL? The fall REAL? God "creating WITHOUT starvation, extinction, carnage?"" REALLY??

    Not according to Galation or Mercury or Atheist Evolutionists or Bible Believing Christian Creationists.

    We have ALL groups AGREEING that this is EXACTLY what God conveyed and that it was given as a creationist story on purpose - since the people of Bible cultures (by christian evolutionist standards) were too stupid to be told the truth.

    That is a FAR CRY from saying - God was teaching evolutionism but Bible Believing christians today are simply interpreting it wrong.

    You are running out of ways to misdirect as more and more of your own group admits to the obvious.

    In Christ,

  20. The Galatian

    The Galatian New Member

    Aug 18, 2001
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    Paul writes:
    We agree as to what the literal meaning of the words are.

    We disagree as to whether the ultisate meaning is to be interpreted literally, that's all.

    Leave the Barbarian out of it. He agrees with Paul. It's true, but not literal.