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Harry Potter...

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by BrotherJesse, Jun 8, 2003.

  1. FearNot

    FearNot New Member

    Jun 23, 2002
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    I am not defending or reccomending the books/movie. I have not read any of the books. I have not watched the movie. I also do not plan on doing either one. Actually, I object to many uses of witchcraft in a positive manner. I feel that way because Hollywood in many cases, glamorizes it.

    The only reason I even said anything was because I read something that was used incorrectly. Here is a recommendation for all involved. We as believers must use Scripture accurately. If we try to evangelize someone with totally wrong interpretation of Scripture, we just may drive them further away from God.

    I have known people who claimed to be wiccans, I know the danger of belief in witchcraft, which is hell. Although I do not support things, sometimes it is good to be educated about it. You can not dispute something well, without being informed.
  2. wizofoz

    wizofoz New Member

    Apr 19, 2003
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    I agree. One reason people lash out at or condemn something right off the bat is because they either don't understand it or don't really know much if anything about it.

    I have sat through two HP movies with my kids (two and a half hours each movie!! Ouch!) I enjoyed them somewhat; thought they were enjoyable fantasies. The kids liked them, too, but I don't see them running around now trying to cast spells or anything like that.
    If you're going to attack something, you need to be informed about it. As they say in the military, "Know your enemy".....
  3. hsmom3

    hsmom3 New Member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    I have not read any of the Harry Potter books or seen the movies. I am very afraid of introducing my children to witchcraft. It's just my gut feeling as a mom. [​IMG] I feel very much like you do, HCL.

    One thing that I'm afraid of is starting demonic activity in my home. I know there was a child in the Bible that was demon-possessed. I have always wondered how on earth that could have happened. That's why I'm so cautious.

    For a long time, I would not allow the kids to see Wizard of Oz or some Disney movies. Later on, I felt like I was being too cautious. I think the main thing is whether or not the whole movie is based upon magic and witchcraft. I love I Dream of Jeanie reruns, but feel convicted about Bewitched. I guess it's like a double-standard?

    We've not read Chronicles of Narnia yet, although I have several of the books. I know there is some debate about them too.

    I have known great Christians on both sides of the debate, so I do not judge anyone who does like HP. [​IMG]

    hsmom3 [​IMG]
  4. Baptist in Richmond

    Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Debate over the Chronicles of Narnia???
    Because this thread is about Harry Potter, I will start a new thread for this, along with The Lord of the Rings.
    Please continue this discussion in the new thread.....
  5. Bible-boy

    Bible-boy Active Member

    Sep 1, 2002
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    Bibleboy, you can't hardly argue with the above statement as it is scripture.

    "And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith; for whatever is not of faith is sin."
    Romans 14:23

    </font>[/QUOTE]Hi Sue,

    I must point back to context. Context, context, context... The passge you are referencing is fully explained by the previous verses (which neither you nor Brother Ricky referenced). The passage in Romans 14:14-23 makes it clear that if a Christian believes something to be a sin and goes ahead and does it away then he really does commit a sin because he acts in a manner contrary to his own faith.

    You can't just throw out part of a verse of Scripture (Romans 14:23b in this case) in an attempt to support a stance without taking the biblical context into consideration. This is the same point that I was trying to make with respect to Brother Ricky's reference to 2 Kings 4:40 partial verse quote in my earlier post. We have to be honest with the biblical text and not seek to use it to support something that it (the biblical text as inspried by the Holy Spirit) never intended. I am sure that most everyone who posts here knows that if we do not allow the biblical context to guide us, and we fail to use solid hermeneutical principles and sound exegesis, we can make the Bible say just about whatever we want it to say.
  6. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    BB: With all due respect, I see what you are saying, but I still don't see how I took that verse out of context concerning this particular discussion.

    The whole chapter deals with:
    1) The Christian and debatable things.
    2) The principle of individual responsibility.
    3) The principle of a neighbor's good.
    4) The principle of God's Glory.

    The whole point was Christians using a questionable book to witness to the lost.

    "We, then, that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves.
    Let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification."
    Romans 15: 1,2.

    We may be strong enough to understand that the book also contains sorcery, witchcraft, etc., but should we not defer to our weaker brothers? They may feel that if this book was used as a salvation tool, then it, as well as other books like it, are all right for THEM and that could be a big stumbling block for many people.

    We have the Bible, the best soulwinning book in the world. If we already have the best; why even mess with the rest?

    I still maintain that it is never right to do wrong to do right.

  7. Bible-boy

    Bible-boy Active Member

    Sep 1, 2002
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    Hello Sue,

    I agree with everything you stated in your last post. I was not attempting to justify the use of Harry Potter books as a witnessing tool. If one were to do that it would mean that you would have to start from the witchcraft angle, then show the people that the Bible says that witchcraft is a sin. That does not seem to be an effective way to share the gospel to me, because after you show them what the Bible has to say about witchcraft you will have to prove to them the reliability and authority of the Bible. That could result in a never ending debate that never leads to a clear presentation of the gospel message that Christ lived, suffered, died to pay the penalty for our sins, and rose again to give us eternal life, and that to be saved all one has to do is repent from sin and confess Jesus is Lord.

    The point that I was attempting to make was that the argument, as presented in the post I quoted, was not a clear and well formed logical argument. It left wiggle room and also room for confusion.

    Likewise, you are correct in your summary of the entire Romans passage. However, the context makes it clear that the concluding verse is speaking to "the weaker brother" and that if he believes that something is a sin and he goes ahead and does it anyway he really has sinned because he acts contrary to his own faith. We cannot use that verse to condemn all believers of sinning simply because they are doing something that we, the weaker brothers, believe to be a sin. However, you are correct in that the more mature Christian ought to abstain from exercising his freedom if by doing so he will cause the weaker brother to sin.

    [ June 13, 2003, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: BibleboyII ]