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Defence of Position

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by davidpace, Jun 10, 2003.

  1. Jailminister

    Jailminister New Member

    Jun 10, 2003
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    After reading all this it appears to me that Sherrie is the one that needs to mature. She is the one that is having a problem with forgiveness. "Physician, heal thyself."
  2. davidpace

    davidpace New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Sherrie: Interesting how your post changed over the weekend. ;)

    You said that I was not attacked, but that I was the one that did the attacking. From your statement, I come to the following conclusions.

    1) You are a liar, and don't care that my Pastor and myself were blasted on this forum.
    2) You didn't read any of the replies to my posts.

    To give you the benefit of the doubt, I will go with #2 unless you prove differently. But as I said before, I am through with this discussion. Each person that falsely judged my Pastor will face God for it, and it is between them and God.

    However, my response to you telling me how to change, and that I need to grow up and mature is simply this:

    1 Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

    This is why certain women shouldn't be allowed to post on a message board such as this one. They enjoy jumping on the bandwagon with men and preachers, and then think that they have the God-given right to tell a man, and in this case a preacher, what he needs to do. You have no Biblical authority to do this. I tried to speak with you in a professional manner, and then you tell me that I need to grow up and mature. I will not sit back and let you speak to me in this manner. You need to understand that you have no Biblical right to teach me, tell me, or explain to me how to change my life. It doesn't matter if you agree or disagree, according to the Bible, you have no right and no option to speak to me the way you did. What this board and the moderators did was wrong, and you telling me that you don't agree isn't going to change my opinion about that. You comments were and are out of line! However, I am willing to forgive and forget. Mainly because I'm not sure that the role of a woman was ever explained to you. I took my stand, and have no regrets for what I said.

    I asked the board to forgive me for posting with the second username before you ever mentioned it. Don't you know how to forgive and forget?
  3. Jailminister

    Jailminister New Member

    Jun 10, 2003
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    Sounds about right to me. You nailed it, Brother.
  4. wizofoz

    wizofoz New Member

    Apr 19, 2003
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    Oh, this thread is just oozing with Christian love.
  5. davidpace

    davidpace New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Not everything has to be "sweet". Sometimes you spread the Love of Christ by taking a stand.
  6. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    I thought your stand was if I did not respond, you were going to drop it!

    As it was I saw many flaws in your statement.

  7. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Just certain Women? Well I am not certain women! I am one woman who is allowed to post on this board! And so you will hear me. At this point my friend, I am the only one who will talk to you! Are you not getting that picture?

    I find you to be radically immature! And I find you to be a whinner! In my house we have time out chairs for my 2 year old grandchild, perhaps you need to sit in a time out!

    You can bring all your little whinning buds you want to the board, but the facts remain the same!

    Maybe you also should go back and read your scripture some more! You will be amazed at what you read about women, forgiveness, forgetting, heaping coals, and about walking mature in the Lord.

    If I presented myself as a liar to you, then prove it! If you think by striking me you will bring out the big dogs you are nuts!

    I have handled myself quit nicely for the last some odd years of my life! And I walk firm in the Lord!

    I do not know what horse you rode in on, but threating me by using God will not work! There is a commandment....You shall not tempt the Lord your God! Go ahead read the scripture...its there! But then; Satan knows scripture too, doesn't he David!?

    Now I have had enough of your immature games! All you have left to talk to is your church member friend!

    If you are example of your church you speak highly of...I shake the dust from my feet!...and I have no more dealings with you...from this post on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    If you see edited on this post it is because I edited for spelling. You do not see that on my other post!

    [ June 16, 2003, 03:24 PM: Message edited by: Sherrie ]
  8. davidpace

    davidpace New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Responding can be editing one's post, or making a new post.
  9. Baptist Believer

    Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
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    Jun 20, 2002
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    Sounds like it is time for you to separate from this board since the role of women on the Baptist Board has been “explained” many times.

    Women are valued members of this faith community and they have to right to challenge any man regarding their views. (And you sir, are merely a man, even if you are a pastor.)

    Since you don’t like women daring to challenge your opinions, I’m sure you can figure out how to close your web browser and go somewhere else.
  10. Jailminister

    Jailminister New Member

    Jun 10, 2003
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    DP. I appreciate your stand. Sherrie is just being immature. Maybe it is her that needs a time out. [​IMG]
  11. davidpace

    davidpace New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Christian because you took that walk down the aisle one day. Being a Christian is an everyday sacrifice. When you assurp authority over any man, whether it is this board or elesewhere, you are in rebellion against the Scriptures. If you do not wish to believe the Bible on the role of a woman, then don't believe it. But don't tell me how I need to live my life if you don't want to follow the Bible. Anyone can follow certain parts of the Bible. I can forgive and forget my whole life, but there is more to being a Christian than this.

    "Just certain Women? Well I am not certain women! I am one woman who is allowed to post on this board! And so you will hear me."
    Here you say that "You will hear me." You are out of line, and have no Biblical authority to do this. This shows your rebellion against the Scriptures, and the same disrespect the feminist movement of today is promoting.
    "I find you to be radically immature! And I find you to be a whinner! In my house we have time out chairs for my 2 year old grandchild, perhaps you need to sit in a time out!"
    In this statement, you try to minimize my position as a preacher and as a man by comparing me to your two year old. Sherrie, name-calling will get you no where in life, and is anything but Christian.
    "Maybe you also should go back and read your scripture some more! You will be amazed at what you read about women, forgiveness, forgetting, heaping coals, and about walking mature in the Lord."
    I have read the Scriptures on this. I also know how unpopular the teachings of the role of the woman are. Once again, forgiving and forgetting are not the only traits of being a Christian. Sometimes you have to take a stand as a Christian. When taking a stand, sugar shouldn't be dripping of a Christian. Walking mature in the Lord? What about setting a Godly example of being a submissive, virtuous woman to your grandkids? Is that not in the Bible? Check this out:
    I Corinthians 14:35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
    Titus 2:3-4 The aged women likewise, that [they be] in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
    "If I presented myself as a liar to you, then prove it! If you think by striking me you will bring out the big dogs you are nuts!"
    I told you that I had come to 2 conclusions from your posts. You were "either" a liar or did not read the replies to my posts. I said this because you would have to lie to say that I was the one that attacked. This board attacked me. When I asked for the reasoning of this, I was attacked again. So you either lied about this, or didn't read the replies. As I said before, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and just conclude that you did not read the replies. Then you say that I striked you. If someone standing up to your rebellion of the Scriptures is striking, then I guess I did.
    "I do not know what horse you rode in on, but threating me by using God will not work! There is a commandment....You shall not tempt the Lord your God! Go ahead read the scripture...its there! But then; Satan knows scripture too, doesn't he David!?"
    I have not threatened you. I simply showed you the Scriptures, and explained to you how out of line that you were. I do agree with you on the second point. Satan does know Scriptures, and since women are emotional, they are to seek their husband or Pastor when they are learning the Scriptures. If not, Satan can confuse their minds.
    "Now I have had enough of your immature games! All you have left to talk to is your church member friend!"
    Once again, you show total disrespect. Your true colors really are shining now.
    "If you are example of your church you speak highly of...I shake the dust from my feet!...and I have no more dealings with you...from this post on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    I don't know if I'm an example or not. I try to be. But if you are an example of Christian women in our Baptist churches...well, we need more men of God behind the pulpits to preach on the role of women. Because that is where Satan is attacking our church and nation. In the home.
  12. davidpace

    davidpace New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    I never said that they didn't have the right. I did say, however, that they have no Biblical authority to do so. This goes for this forum, as well as any forum or church in the world. Of course, you can always rip that verse out of the Bible if you don't like it. I'm sure God would understand. ;)
  13. Baptist Believer

    Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
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    Jun 20, 2002
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    I never said that they didn't have the right. I did say, however, that they have no Biblical authority to do so. This goes for this forum, as well as any forum or church in the world. Of course, you can always rip that verse out of the Bible if you don't like it. I'm sure God would understand. ;) </font>[/QUOTE]No one here is challenging the scripture or God’s authority. We reject your alleged authority over the women in this fellowship and your toxic message of legalism and contempt for anyone who does not walk in lockstep with your views.

    Your group seems to believe that you are enduring “persecution” for Christ’s sake, but you are mistaken. You are receiving rebuke because you have corrupted the gospel of Christ by your toxic religion of confrontation, grandstanding and additions to the gospel.

    No doubt you will have a snappy response alleging that I am somehow in rebellion against God or the scripture, but your works and words tell the story louder than I can.
  14. davidpace

    davidpace New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    I do not claim to have authority over the women on this forum. However, according to the Scriptures, Sherrie, nor any other lady on this forum, has the right or authority to assurp authority over a man. You do not have to agree with my views, but I have Scriptures to back up my beliefs. What about you? Anyone can name-call and blast someone else.

    Furthermore, we have not been rebuked. And we have not added anything to the Gospel. Your proplem is that you want to push every little dot and tittle until something interferes with your personal beliefs. Then, you claim that the Scripture I refer to was towards "the people of that time" or "such and such Church in the time that the Scriptures were written." Confrontations are nothing that we or anyone should like. But, they often happen when we take stands for Christ. We run into confrontations when we stand against abortion, homosexuality, ecumenacalism, the feminist movement, and evidently on Baptist forums. We simply state the Scriptures. Then we are confronted by the opposing view. Do I enjoy confrontations? Not in the least. But sometimes it is really tough taking a stand for Christ. Honestly, though, I would rather argue with a bunch of filthy Sodomites, than a bunch of Scripture bending Baptists. At least I know that the Sodomites are reprobates.
  15. Jailminister

    Jailminister New Member

    Jun 10, 2003
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    Baptist Believer, What did DP say that is so wrong? I have not seen anything wrong. Now with that said, what is wrong with his pastor? I am new to this board, but with what has been said, I hope you have some facts on what you and others have implied. I know the Bible says to not touch "His annoited, so are you saying that DP's pastor is not annoited?
  16. Baptist Believer

    Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
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    Jun 20, 2002
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    Yeah, whatever. :rolleyes:

    The more you talk, the more you are killing your credibility.

    I'm sure the moderator will come around eventually and shut down this love-fest.
  17. Baptist Believer

    Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
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    Jun 20, 2002
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    Yes, I am saying that his pastor, Mr. Otwell, is not a good representative of Christ. (For what it is worth, that scripture is completely misused by those who claim to speak for God. Those who speak for God are not above criticism, especially when they deviate from the Christian gospel or the character of Christian ministers.)

    I won't belabor the fine points, but you can do an internet search of Mr. Otwell and learn of his exploits in Fort Worth and Mount Enterprise. Furthermore, the words of his disciples like Mr. Pace here demonstrate the corrosive "faith" they preach.

    Their fruit is not of the Spirit but of the flesh in that they thrive on controversies and self-promotion.
  18. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Baptist Believer;

    Here is every where that davidplace posted:


    By reading each of these post it is clear and evident that davidplace came to attack Dr. Bob, and anyone else who stood in his way. I then came on and talked to him in the most christian and civilized way possible.

    It was then that davidplace said if no one responded to his thread he would not post.

    Yet he did along with his church co-heart. This is when they both plotted to go after me, thinking that Dr. Bob would then respond to their post, if for no other reason in defense of me.

    But this failed, when it was really clear they did not know me well enough, or they would not have made that assumption.

    But what is evident and clear the only response will be kicking their deceitful ways to the curb.

    If he were a true Pastor, he would know mud slinging, is not the way to conduct God's business!

    Sherrie a female child of God!
  19. Jailminister

    Jailminister New Member

    Jun 10, 2003
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    I will check it out, but I think after I read about him,then I will call Pastor otwell and ask him a few things. Believe me I know what lies and falsehoods can do. I learn a long time ago, to be very carefull what you say about someone, especially one of God's annoited. I will get back with you in a few days.
  20. Baptist Believer

    Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
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    Jun 20, 2002
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    Amen! It certainly attests that they are not representing the God of the scripture.