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Face to Face

Discussion in 'Bible Versions & Translations' started by DeadMan, Feb 10, 2006.

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  1. DesiderioDomini

    DesiderioDomini New Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    if you are asking "are you saying HE (ie the Holy Spirit) cant lead you to use only the KJV, then I would say that is a rather silly question. No one here has said that, nor inplied that.

    Now, I KNOW the Holy Spirit has led me to use the NASB as my main bible, and to consult other translations in order to better grasp "the sense of the scriptures", which are some wise words written by the KJV translators.

    Are you willing to say that the Holy Spirit CANT lead me or others in the way I described? Would you mind showing me some evidence as to why?

    Just to recap, no one has a problem with ANYONE who uses the KJV exclusively. Obviously, if that lady had simply said "I just stick to the KJV", then the OP would prolly not have been bothered one bit. It was her attempt to pass her conviction on him, in direct contradiction to Romans 14 & I Corinthians 8-9. Am I right, DM?
  2. standingfirminChrist

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Make that 3 people!
  3. Linda64

    Linda64 New Member

    Jul 31, 2004
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    Make that 4 people!
  4. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Of course He can. The question is do you think the Holy Spirit can direct me to base my decision on the underlying texts and therefore use the NKJV? I am convinced that I have made my decision based on His direction.

    So four people say they hold a one version only view because the Holy Spirit told them to. Amen, and praise the Lord that you have His divine leadership. No one would question your choice.

    There is one answer to your question DeadMan. The lady you encountered surely felt that the Holy Spririt told her to the use the KJV.

    What I fail to see is that the Holy Spirit told her that YOU must use the KJV. I can find no Bible support for that. Is the Holy Spirit limited to one translation only? The question in the OP had nothing to do with the lady's choice to use the KJV; it dealt with her insistance that DeadMan use the same translation as she does. Does she have Bible grounds for that insistance?

    [ February 11, 2006, 05:37 AM: Message edited by: C4K ]
  5. DeadMan

    DeadMan New Member

    Nov 11, 2005
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    As He has led me to the ESV.

    You're right, there are some interesing answers!
  6. HankD

    HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    Many claim that the Spirit of God led them to a particular Bible and I believe that it is indeed possible for the Spirit to lead differently in the lives of different individuals.

    After all He is God and knows us better than we ourselves. He knows what will suit us best and no doubt condescends to our weak points and bolsters our strong points to move us on to higher ground. Each translation has its strong and weak points.

    John 16:12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.

    1 Corinthians 3:2 I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.

    As for me, He has led to a defined formal and a life long informal study of the Greek and Hebrew languages, cultures and history of the Bible.

    I am strongly KJV, NKJV, NASB, NIV in that order.

  7. Askjo

    Askjo New Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    Frank Logsdon and you disagree each other concerning the NASB. Click here: The Link
  8. Pastor KevinR

    Pastor KevinR New Member

    May 21, 2001
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    Frank Logsdon and you disagree each other concerning the NASB. Click here: The Link </font>[/QUOTE]Frank Logdson & the NASV thing is not true. Follow the appropriate link to the article: www.KingJamesOnly.org The article is by D. Kutilek, an article fair & balanced. It seems though at present the site is experiencing tech difficulties.
  9. HankD

    HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    The real issue IMO, is the textual family from which the version is translated, The Traditional (Byzantine type) or the Critical (Alexandrian type) text.

    There is papyri evidence that indicates both types go back to the 2nd century.

    On the other hand there are the few who wouldn't trust ANY modern translation whether based upon the Traditional or the Critical text.


    [ February 11, 2006, 04:20 PM: Message edited by: HankD ]
  10. Askjo

    Askjo New Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    Many Bible versions -- did God give you many versions that disagree each other or did He give you one Bible for your mother tongue? If He give you MANY versions, which one is most accurate translation? Which one did the Holy Spirit lead you to?

    Look at me: I was not TR man nor W/H man, but I was netural. I used some versions for reading and studying for many years. The Holy Spirit knew that. He taught me and commanded me to do something then I obeyed God. God saw my faith. I examined them and puzzled something wrong. I have 2 Bible colleges in my hometown: TR college and W/H college. During being naive and netural, I knew NOTHING about textual criticism because I was neither TR nor W/H. I looked for Bible colleges in yellow pages. I found them. I went by the Holy Spirit's leading to one of them Wait a minute! I was not student in any Bible coilleges. God sent me to a right college for meeting a staff there. I knew NOTHING about this college: TR or W/H because I was netural. A staff provided me information then I went home. I purchased a book and read it. I was STILL naive about TR and W/H. I still looked for more information. I bought some books and read them then I researched them. I thanked God for helping me to a good result. The Holy Spirit did a GREAT job to help me understand the result.


    Remember that God is omniscient. He knows what is right and what is wrong.

    Why did the Holy Spirit not lead me to a W/H college for providing me more information?

    Why did the Holy Spirit lead me to consistently Christian method, not naturalistic method?

    Why did the Holy Spirit, not a professor of a Bible college nor textual scholars, teach me the difference between Bible versions?

    Why did I obey God instead of a professor of Bible coillege or a textual scholar?

    Why did the Holy Spirit lead me to the KJV, instead of catholicized modern versions that I used for 10 yrs?
  11. Askjo

    Askjo New Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    I read Kutilek's comment -- anything what he wrote -- Sorry, I disagree with him because he rejects the preservation of the Holy scriptures.
  12. Keith M

    Keith M New Member

    Dec 6, 2002
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    The conclusion that any single English Bible version is exclusively the word of God is in error, whether that version is the KJV, the ESV or any other Bible version. God has preserved His word for all generations, not just one generation. People who fall for any version of onlyism and the feeling that they must convert everyone else to their way of thinking are misled. No one should be able to determine the Bible of choice for another person. If someone was raised on the KJV and feels most comfortable with that version, then that is the version they should use- but that doesn't mean that is the single version that everyone should use.
  13. Keith M

    Keith M New Member

    Dec 6, 2002
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    Askjo said:

    That's great, Askjo! Praise the Lord! The Holy Spirit also did a GREAT job in showing some of us that we have no right to try to designate the Bible version that anyone else uses. This falls under the license of Christian liberty and is not mandated by Scripture. There are some things that are "set in stone" - the plan of salvation and the virgin birth of Jesus Christ just to name two. But there are certain other things that are left up to the individual through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the Bible version one reads or uses most is one of those things.
  14. NaasPreacher (C4K)

    NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Praise God for the great work that the Holy Spirit did for you Askjo, and I praise Him for the great work He did for me!
  15. DeclareHim

    DeclareHim New Member

    May 7, 2004
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    Why did the Holy Spirit not lead me to a W/H college for providing me more information?

    I guess it was God's will for you to use the KJV.

    Why did the Holy Spirit lead me to consistently Christian method, not naturalistic method?

    This is unfair. TC is just as Christian as choosing to claim the TR is inerrant.

    Why did I obey God instead of a professor of Bible coillege or a textual scholar?

    Because I think you know that you ought follow God rather than men.

    I choose also to follow the Holy Spirit and use the version he lays on my heart.
  16. DesiderioDomini

    DesiderioDomini New Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    I think you have made it clear that you feel the Holy Spirit has led you use the KJV.

    You have still yet to produce anything which would show how the Holy Spirit has not led me to use the NASB, along with other versions.

    Here is another question, what version were the people to use before 1611? Was there a standard version in English then, or in any other language, and did God decide that it no longer could do the task, and made another, namely the KJV? Would you mind discussing this for a bit, and explaining exactly what the rules were in 1610, and why they changed in 1611?
  17. Askjo

    Askjo New Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    Not my responsiblity. If you prefer NASB, Catholics and Baptists are happy for you. Do Catholic and Baptist agree when they use modern versions except the KJV?
    They used "TR" Bibles before 1611. I have a few "TR" Bibles prior to the KJV.
  18. Logos1560

    Logos1560 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 22, 2004
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  19. Logos1560

    Logos1560 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 22, 2004
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    Do you claim that the leading of the Holy Spirit makes you infallible in your understanding of the Scriptures?

    Did the Holy Spirit lead the translators of the Geneva Bible and the translators of the KJV to make 100% identical translations?

    Did the Holy Spirit lead the translators of the early English Bibles including the KJV translators in their clear rejection of the one-perfect-translation-only view of their day?
  20. DesiderioDomini

    DesiderioDomini New Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    Could I get you to address my point?

    I did not say that I prefered the NASB. I said the Holy Spirit led me to use it. Would you mind addressing that please, instead of purposefully avoiding it?

    If you feel this is impossible, then please, show us why. I would welcome that discussion, and I would take any evidence you have into consideration.
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