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Prove all Things

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by Pioneer, May 30, 2003.

  1. Askjo

    Askjo New Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    We have 5,255 manuscripts. 5210 of 5255 manuscripts supported the KJV. That mean 99% manuscript evidence! 45 of 5255 MSS supported modern versions. That mean 1% manuscript evidence!
  2. Askjo

    Askjo New Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    Ok,the Bible(KJB)says that God will show us(at least the ones who are willing) the truth,lets look at John 16:13,Proverbs 22:17-21,and 1 Corinthians 2:9-13,also see Hebrews 5:14,1st Cor 12:10,1st Cor 2:14,and Romans 9:1.That is more than enough proof according to 2Tim 3:16!!</font>[/QUOTE]
    Not a single one of these verses says anything at all in support of your belief. You assume your superiority then claim these verses in support of your conclusion. This is nothing less than an abuse of scripture.

    Nowhere do these verses say that the KJV is the only Word of God in English or any other variation of KJVOnlyism. Nowhere do these verses point to YOU as being guided to a extra-biblical truth that the spiritually undiscerning cannot see. All that your citing of these verses reveals is that KJVOnlyism is based on human authority to the extent that some are even willing to distort what God said to make it agree with something they believe but He didn't say.
    Correct!!! If in doubt,read the above Scripture again.. </font>[/QUOTE]Where? Where is this elusive proof that the MSS evidence points to the KJV and the KJV alone as the preserved Word in English?
    </font>[/QUOTE]See my comment to Pioneer.
  3. Scott J

    Scott J Active Member
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    Apr 25, 2001
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    And your abuse of this scripture was already pointed out. Either prove it means that only the KJV is the Word of God in English or stop posting false information.
    Apply them in the way they were intended... ?
    Yes, through His Word He does. Which is why we continue to ask you to prove your position with scripture that shows what you believe to be true. So far all you have managed is to twist scripture to suit your purposes.
    No. But we aren't talking about what God said. We are talking about what KJVO's say... which is an entirely different matter.
    No. Not considering that what you are telling us is not true. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 seems to apply to your KJVOnlyism though.
  4. Baptist in Richmond

    Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    MV-Neverist writes:

    &gt;&gt;Why don't folks quit skirting the issue and
    &gt;&gt;just answer the original question;forget the I
    &gt;&gt;will if you will tripe,just answer the

    Well, let's analyize your rationale for KJV-Onlyism:

    (The following is taken from your posts in the thread "Use of the NKJV" that are logged at May 15, 2003 09:48 AM )

    &gt;&gt;The problem is that you'r [sic] so Biblical
    &gt;&gt;that you are un-Biblical!

    I'm sorry, perhaps I am misunderstanding you. I asked you to prove to me with Scripture that KJV-Onlyism is sound Biblical doctrine, and as a result, I am "so Biblical" that I am "un-Biblical?" Are you honestly saying that my demand that all doctrine come from Scripture is "un-Biblical?" I certainly hope that you don't honestly mean this.

    &gt;&gt;look at Ecc 8:4.The KJB was translated under
    &gt;&gt;the authority of a King; nothing since has been
    &gt;&gt;translated under the authority of a King!!

    Obviously, you share King James' belief in the divine right of kings ......
    Anyway, here is the verse you quote:
    "Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?"
    This verse has to do with keeping the "king's commandment" (check Verse 2). It does not refer to God's Word in any way, shape or form. I certainly hope that you are not trying to say that God's Holy Word has now become the word of King James.

    &gt;&gt;Not to mention Psalms 147:19.James is the
    &gt;&gt;English form of Jacob

    Ah, so this is a prophecy? Here is the verse:
    " He sheweth [H]is word to Jacob, [H]is statues and his judgments unto Israel ."
    Do you honestly believe that this is a prophecy about King James? If you really think this, then you have taken your love for King James to an alarmingly unhealthy level.

    All doctrine comes from Scripture, and nobody has shown me with Scripture that KJV-Onlyism is sound Biblical doctrine. As a result of this, the Scripture to support my complete rejection of KJV-Onlyism can be found in Chapter 5 of Galatians.
  5. Scott J

    Scott J Active Member
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    Apr 25, 2001
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    Nope. Only 6 have anything close to what the KJV reads at I John 5:7-8. That is .1% mss evidence.

    No MS reads like the KJV in the last 7 verses of Revelation. That is 0% mss evidence.

    In reality, no mss perfectly supports the KJV or any other translation or original language text. All of the 5255 mss you cite differ from each other so how can they be said to support the KJV to the exclusion of others? Answer: They can't.
  6. Baptist in Richmond

    Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    neal4Christ writes:
    &gt;&gt;I put forth that my ESV is the Word of God.
    &gt;&gt;Prove me wrong Scripturally.

    No, wait: I put forth that my 1599 Geneva Bible is the Word of God. Prove me wrong Scripturally.
  7. Archangel7

    Archangel7 New Member

    Feb 19, 2003
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    According to Scripture, both the Ethiopian eunuch (Ac. 8:27-35, cf. Isa. 53:7-8) and even Jesus himself (Lk. 4:16-21, cf. Isa. 61:1-2) used a different version of Isaiah. This fact, established from Scripture alone, proves conclusively that any form of "One-Version Onlyism" is unscriptural. If Jesus had no qualms about using a different version, why should we? [​IMG]
  8. TomVols

    TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    We're not getting anywhere. Let's wrap this up. Thread may be closed in at least 12 but not more than 24 hours. Probably shoulda been closed from the git-go.

    [ May 30, 2003, 09:56 PM: Message edited by: TomVols ]
  9. Haruo

    Haruo New Member

    Mar 15, 2003
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    This is a bit off-topic, but I'm curious to know what edition is God's preserved Word in Papiamentu, so I can compare it to the KJV and see if God is ever of two minds about anything.

  10. Arubian Baptist

    Arubian Baptist New Member

    Sep 28, 2002
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    As said else where by me, in the papiamento language there is no bible translation which I could recommend.

    Thank you for asking anyway

    By The way...did you know that papiamento and esperanto is very much alike?
  11. Pastor Larry

    Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    None of these verses identify the KJV as hte word of God. My NASB and NIV contain all of them. Therefore, the NASB and NIV must be the word of God based on your own argumentation.

    He actually told his disciples that in John 16:13 with reference to their writing of the NT. This is called "pre authentication" by theologians. It has nothing to do with the KJV. The verses on teh work of the Spirit have to do with illumination. They applied long before the KJV and have nothing to do with the KJV itself. They apply to the word of God no matter the translation.

    No, but we are not the ones arguing he did. We believe fully what he said. You have yet to show us where we disagree with God. You have yet to show even one place where the truth from God is what you teach. So far, it appears that you are not the one telling the truth.

    No becuase you are not telling the truth. As Titus says, there are many false teachers who must be reproved sharply because they are upsetting whole families teaching the Jewish myths and the commandments of men, having turned from the truth. KJVO is not a Jewish myth, but it most certainly is a myth. KJVO is the commandment of men, since men are the only ones who support it. You have shown this to be true by your consistent failure to show us that God is the one who commanded KJVOnlyism. In supporting KJVO, you have turned from the truth. Now, on the basis of Titus, we are to reprove your sharply so that you will be sound in doctrine and so that others will not be upset by your teaching.
  12. Pastor Larry

    Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    This is simply not true. over 5000 manuscripts also suppor the modern versions in 99 percent of places. Your small percentage (probably closer to 5% actually) refers to the difference. You are clearly misrepresenting the truth on this issue. The vast majority of those 5000+ manuscripts agree. There is a difference on about 5% or so. The MVs take into account the total amount of evidence. The KJV only takes into accoutn 95% or so. They have chosen to disregard 5% of what God has preserved for us. But KJV has, most interestingly, decided not to follow the majority of manuscripts in certain places and chosen not to translate the Greek text accurately in other places. Strange to say the least.
  13. Ransom

    Ransom Active Member

    Oct 3, 2000
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    MV-neverist said:

    Why don't folks quit skirting the issue and just answer the original question;forget the I will if you will tripe,just answer the QUESTION...

    I did answer the question. So far, none of the KJV-onlyists have refuted me.

    I submit that there is not a single instance of KJV-onlyism taught in Scripture, either explicitly or by necessary inference.

    All the KJV-onlyists have to do to prove me wrong, is find one, just one, piece of Scriptural evidence to the contrary.

    Since that is, presumably, the easier job, why have none of them tried yet?

    (Well, OK, we all know why, but you see my point . . .)
  14. Ransom

    Ransom Active Member

    Oct 3, 2000
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    JYD said:

    I already did with John 16:13

    Jesus tells the Apostles that after he has ascended, they will receive further revelation from the Holy Spirit.

    What does this have to do with one English Bible being the God-approved standard? Nothing. Strike one.

    Proverbs 22:17-21

    I see nothing about any one English Bible translation being the God-approved standard here. Perhaps I would see it if you were more competent in expositing this Scripture. I doubt it though. Strike two.

    1 Corinthians 2:9-13

    What does a passage about Paul testing the obedience of the Corinthians and passing up an opportunity to preach in Troas because he was worried about Titus, have to do with an English Bible translation being the God-approved standard? Nothing, as far as I can tell. Strike three.

    Now if you are a "Bible believer" as you claim you are,then what will you do with those verses?

    Why, I'm going to believe them, of course. By which I mean, I will believe what they actually say, and not whatever it is the KJV-onlyists claim they say.

    Well, you had your chance. Have a good one.
  15. Daniel David

    Daniel David New Member

    Jan 4, 2002
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    1. Do all KJVO ignore the Scripture as bad as you? Actually, I just repeated myself. Nevermind.

    2. This is hilarious. Since when has a KJVO ever wanted Scriptural proofs. [​IMG]

    3. Of course you can do that. I am sure it is the same quality of study that has led you into KJVO. [​IMG]

    4. It is unscriptural because no passage declares it. You try to argue from your own belief about preservation. That is another issue all together. A little honesty would go a long way.

    Btw, it is unscriptural also because it smacks inerrancy and inspiration.

    5. Since that is your conclusion, I don't expect to see you around anymore. Hopefully, the Lord will deliver you from the same lie that I believed for so many years.
  16. Arubian Baptist

    Arubian Baptist New Member

    Sep 28, 2002
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    Is it a lie that God said that He would preserve His word??

    Shame on you ;)