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Headcovered Blessing...........

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by lvwisc, Jun 18, 2003.

  1. lvwisc

    lvwisc New Member

    May 19, 2003
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    The original title of this thread was "Headcoveredlady"

    You had asked in an earlier post if I had seen any blessings since I started covering during prayer, well, I am here to tell you that YES! I have seen two very major blessing come our way in the short time that I have been covering! At first I thought it was just coincidence, but I know better than that! With God there is no such thing as coincidence! One was that my husband finally got rid of his "box of shame". I had that talk with him that one night, and that was it. I started covering and praying that night, and about a week later he said to me "oh yea, Im taking that box over to ****'s house today". And sure enough, he did. Praise God!!(I'm sorry he didn't burn them, but at least they're out of our house!)I found it to be such a blessing that I prayed and waited on God to work, and work he did! The other big one came yesterday when, out of the blue, we got a notice from a debtor that the money we owed them (almost $3,000) was forgiven! They had said they were going to garnish my husband's paychecks, but never did it, and then we got that letter yesterday. I just sat down and cried. I can't believe it. I held the letter up to my husband and said "This had G-O-D written all over it!" Along with those two things, God has been just pouring the blessings down on us lately. What we did to deserve this, I'll never know, but my heart is so grateful, and I never miss a chance to thank Him for all the love and grace he has shown us. Thank you for helping to lead a sister down a path closer to God. I'll always be thankful to you too.
    Love, [​IMG]


    My sincerest apologies for breaking into your post, but as I was scanning the index page I noticed that you had used the name of a fellow member in the title of your thread. This is in violation of our posting rules. No harm done. I'm certain that she will find this thread anyway. [​IMG]

    Clint Kritzer

    [ June 18, 2003, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: Clint Kritzer ]
  2. Naomi

    Naomi New Member

    Jan 13, 2002
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    Greetings Ivwisc [​IMG]

    I read your post, and I rejoice with you in answered prayer [​IMG]
    Do you feel your prayer was answered because you covered? What if you did not cover?

    God Bless,
  3. lvwisc

    lvwisc New Member

    May 19, 2003
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    Naomi, that is a good question, and one that I have definately thought about myself. My only answer is that I will never know. Only God knows if by following what has been so heavy on my heart, (covering) led to our recent good fortune. [​IMG]
  4. Scarlett O.

    Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    I've read some of your other posts about your burden over the "box". I'm so glad it is out of your home.

    And to be forgiven a financial debt is a tremendous blessing for anyone who has been there and done that like you have. We've all been there.

    If you feel that God is blessing you for wearing a covering, then then praise Him and thank Him for it.

    But could He not also be blessing you for your sincere and diligent search for His will on your life?


    Scarlett O. [​IMG]
  5. Audrey

    Audrey <img src="http://www.churches.net/churches/fubc/Au

    Mar 27, 2002
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    What a blessing! God continues to prove that He is still at work! :D
  6. Headcoveredlady

    Headcoveredlady New Member

    Apr 24, 2002
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    Dear Kristine,
    Praise God! I am so happy to hear of His marvelous work in your life. How wonderful that your husband has removed, "the box," on his own. What a testimony to your living out 1 Peter 3.

    I hope the other person ends up getting rid of them entirely too though.

    Wow! $3,000 forgiven! Praise God for His generousity! You are making me cry.

    I am sure your husband does see God's hand in this blessing of your finances.

    Thank you so much for sharing this with me. You have made my day.

    I would like to add some of the blessings God has bestowed on me. One of the things I noticed right away when I began wearing the headship veiling was a change in myself.

    I noticed that the headship veiling was something that he could see not me. So, he was constantly reminded that I was saying in my heart, "I am going to submit." So, in the beginning it served as a reminder to me that I am submit.

    I have also seen God do amazing things when I have been made fun of for wearing it. I can tell you in pm about that one.
  7. hsmom3

    hsmom3 New Member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    What wonderful answers to prayer! God is a wonderful God and He always rewards obedience. I do not cover, but I am willing to, if the Lord so leads. It's not something Baptist churches normally teach, do they? [​IMG] I opened my Bible this morning to the passage and asked the Lord to please show me what He really means in His Word. It truly does seem to say that. I am looking further into it. I love the Lord and want to obey Him no matter what.

    I think sometimes we will all have convictions that others will not agree with or will not be "at that place" yet in their walk. A lot of our views among each brother or sister in the Lord will be debateable. I want to always have an open, teachable heart on matters. Whether I do or don't cover, I have the utmost respect for you and Headcoveredlady. I know you do it for Him. [​IMG]

    hsmom3 [​IMG]
  8. lvwisc

    lvwisc New Member

    May 19, 2003
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    Thanks for rejoicing with me. [​IMG] When you said that God could see the covering, not you, is that what it means in 1 Corinthians 11:10 where is says "For this reason a woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels"? I could not understand what the angels have to do with it, but if this is kind of what it means then Im all for it! I keep praying and asking God to let my husband let me cover full time, but for now in prayer is just fine. I want to tell you how much I appreciate your taking a stand on dresses only and headcoverings on this board. I have seen some of the debates you have found yourself in the middle of, and you have always held yourself to higher standards of speech and thoughtfulness to the other people, while at the same time getting your point across clearly. I have always wanted to jump in and offer my support, but I would just mess it up because my words don't come out on paper as well as they should. Just wanted to say thank you!

    I will pray that the Lord would lead you in your study of headship veiling. In another thread, headcoveredlady posted some very good links to articles and a tape ministry that explains the scripture very well. It was confusing for me at first too, but God laid it on my heart so heavy, that once I started to obey Him in this area, I felt so free! It felt wonderful to not follow my own understanding, but in His. My suggestion to you is what HCL said to me is to cover during prayer only. I cannot afford to buy a nice headcovering, but for now I went to Walmart and bought a handkerchief for about a dollar, and I use that. (Hopefully soon I'll be able to order one that actually looks like a prayer covering. [​IMG] ) Keep studying it, and if you feel convicted to do it, don't fight it. With obedience comes blessings.

    AuDzY, Scarlett O., and Naomi,
    Thank you for your support. I really appreciate fellowship with other Christian sisters. You all really made my day. [​IMG]

    Love Kristine
  9. Headcoveredlady

    Headcoveredlady New Member

    Apr 24, 2002
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    You have gotten your point across very well. You have explained in a meek and humble way and are an example to me. And your post yesterday was such a blessing. I enjoyed telling my husband about it. If you don't mind I will be sharing this with some friends when we meet for a Bible study.

    I saw some of those scarfs at Walmart yesterday, they are very nice. I hope in time your husband wil allow you to wear one full time.

    Yes, verse 10 was one of the verses that really jumped out at me as well. When I first studied it I thought that if God saw fit to tell us that angels were somehow involved this must be very important. I still don't understand all of that, but I know there is spiritual protection. And even for that reason alone I could not go back to being unveiled. I find myself in spiritual battles all of the time.

    I am so glad to hear that you are studying this. You will be blessed. Let us know how your studying goes.
  10. Karen

    Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    Dear HCL,
    This quote shows one of the things I wonder about.
    It seems to me that this movement is led by women who become individually convicted and then pray that their husbands will let them "cover".
    Why in your understanding of husband/wife relationships, would it not be the husband asking his wife to do this after he first comes under conviction?

  11. Headcoveredlady

    Headcoveredlady New Member

    Apr 24, 2002
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    I am so glad that you asked me that question because I was pondering the exact same thing this morning.

    In my life there is an issue that has come up that if it happens will result in a very big change for my family. The Lord has been showing me that I need to pray about this change. I have often felt that I wanted to tell my husband he needed to make this change. But, instead I kept on praying and my husband never made mention of this change.

    Until last night he came to me and told me that he was considering making this change. As I was pondering this morning I feel that the Lord had me to learn of this first so that I might prepare my own heart for it and pray.

    Do we always handle it correctly when we are convicted ahead of our husbands, probably not. Does that mean that the Lord does not show us something before our husbands, no. If we are walking in the Spirit we will be able to follow the Lord when He calls.

    Sometimes our husbands may not be walking in the Spirit, then we are to be an example through following the teachings of 1 Peter3.
  12. Margie Kritzer

    Margie Kritzer <img src =/Margie.gif>

    Oct 21, 2001
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    I like where this thread is going.

    I think it's very difficult to keep quiet about issues that require change on the part of a spouse. Experience can teach us that the harder we push, the harder they resist.

    I believe in the power of prayer, and I am so inspired by testimonies like these. It reminds me that patience is a virtue. It also helps to explain why/how men and women can differ in their timing about convictions...and that God's timing is perfect, no matter how frustrating the differences can be.

    I'm glad that you ladies have shared your experience.
  13. ByGrace3

    ByGrace3 New Member

    May 15, 2003
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    I've had similar things happen in my life, and have found that praying for my husband has brought far more and much better results than my nagging ever could have.

    One easy trap to fall into is thinking that I don't like something about my husband, so I'll just "sic God on him." I have to always remind myself to pray with the right motives!

    The best prayer for a husband I've ever heard was for the Lord to give my husband a new wife - and let it be me!

  14. Headcoveredlady

    Headcoveredlady New Member

    Apr 24, 2002
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    I like the way this thread is going as well. I am very thankful that Kristine started it.

    I agree with you Susan that we are to change ourselves first and then watch God work from there. I noticed when I first started submitting about three years ago my husband seemed suspicious.

    It seemed that I had been so bossy for so long he was not sure if he could trust me. I think he knows now that I try to do what he asks to the best of my abiblity and feels he can count on me. But, I know I still have left over rebellion and pride.

    "The Power of a Praying Wife," and "Me? Obey Him" have both been very helpful to me in understanding my position as a submitted wife. I like what Stormie says in the first chapter of Praying Wife that we are to pray for us to change first.

    I would also like to ask the other ladies who have been considering veiling what verse from 1 Cor 11 made them think that it was for today. For me it was verse six. I kept reading it over and over and even showed a friend. That was almost four years ago. She said the hair was the covering and I left it at that for about a year, but God began to convict me. And I could not get around verse six.

    And then verse 10 about the angels also made me realize there is something extremely important if the angels were involved with this.

    I have friends here who were recently convicted to cover their heads and it is interesting to hear how God used different means for each of them. So, I am interested in hearing from you all.
  15. Spirit Seeker

    Spirit Seeker New Member

    Mar 28, 2003
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    Would someone please direct me to the posts about the box? I really, really need some direction, and it sounds like that was a very good thread. Thank you.
  16. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I think you'll find it under prayer requests or the private women's forum.

    Diane Tavegia
  17. Headcoveredlady

    Headcoveredlady New Member

    Apr 24, 2002
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    Spirit Seeker,
    Praying for you today.
  18. Headcoveredlady

    Headcoveredlady New Member

    Apr 24, 2002
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    I wanted to share two more recent blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon me I believe that are related to the wearing of the veiling.

    1) Our unsaved neighbor asked me straight out why I wear it. I told her it was in the Bible then she wanted to know what it said and what it meant. She admitted to not reading the Bible, but I think it perked her interest in the Bible.

    2) We has some family visit our home for a few days. These are two unsaved ladies who have resisted Jesus for many years. My husband has been witnessing to them for over thirteen years.

    During their time here they asked why I wear it and alot of other questions. My husband got out the Bible and read to them 1 Cor 11 and explained it's meaning in relation to Ephesians 5. He also explained many other verses. This was the first time in 13 years that they listened to my husbands witness. I know that there were other factors involved in them finally having an open heart to listen, but I do want to praise the Lord in an open way.
  19. MissAbbyIFBaptist

    MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    Praise the Lord for His work in ya'lls life! I know when I fought the Lord about wearing only dresses, when I finaly submitted, I had such peace.
    Would you ladies tell me the specific verses on head coverings? I've really not heard much about this. Does anyone have any information on it?
    ~Miss Abby [​IMG]
  20. LAWC

    LAWC New Member

    May 7, 2002
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    I Cor 11:5-16. Basically it states that headcoverings were CUSTOMARY in Corinth to distinguish between male/female. v. 5 "But every woman who prays or prohesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, for that is one and the same were her head unshaved." This is saying that when a woman prays/prophecies it should be done in proper church order, she should make her self distinct from men who have the headship. The latter part of the verse says "it is the same as her head being shaved", which in that times only a feminist would shave her head.

    From this verse we can discern that it is important that women and men are distinct from one another and that women follow church order when they do pray OUTLOUD in church.

    Later in verse 15, it says her HAIR IS HER COVERING. And Paul once again references customs...

    "In the culture of Corinth, a woman's covered head while ministering or worshiping was a symbol to signify a subordinate relationship to her husband. The apostle is not laying down an absolute law for women to wear veils or coverings in all churches for all time,but is declaring that the symbols of the divinly-established male and femal roles are to be geniounly honored in every culture. As in the case of meat offered to idols (chaps. 8,9) there is nothing spiritual about wearing or not wearing a covering." John McArthur.