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Should Christians be boxers?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by OCC, Jul 16, 2005.

  1. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    Foreman couldn't read very well, but worked to improve his reading skill so he could read the Bible with more understanding.

    He held no title when he fought Morrison...they were fighting for the vacant WBO title.

    The man he beat for the title(1994) was Michael Moorer, who was well ahead on points when he got careless & Foreman starched him in the 10th round. Foreman won the WBA & IBF titles from Moorer.(The WBO title was considered "Minor-League".)

    Late in 1997, he lost to Shannon Briggs, Foreman's last fight.(Moorer last fought late last year, TKOing Vasily Jirov, winning two minor North American titles in the process. However, he needs some SERIOUS WORK before he can be considered a legitimate contender again. Briggs last fought this June, taking out previously-undefeated Abe Okine in the 3rd, LOOKING GOOD the whole fightBriggs is currently ranked # 24 hvywt in the world.)

    Should Christians box? Why not? Many a Christian has deliberately fought in a much-harder game...WAR...where the object is to help the enemy die for his country.
  2. OCC

    OCC Guest

    "Should Christians box? Why not? Many a Christian has deliberately fought in a much-harder game...WAR...where the object is to help the enemy die for his country."

    Exactly. [​IMG]
  3. Victory in Jesus

    Victory in Jesus New Member

    Mar 22, 2005
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    I'm almost to the point in this world that it'd be a sin NOT to learn self defense in every way you can get it, especially if you're a woman, or planning on being one.

    I would think the fighting Paul talks about is self-defense. If you look at the battles in the Bible, the ones who were on God's side were the underdogs or the challenged.

    I can't understand how boxing is legal in America, but cockfighting and dog fighting are not...and yet wearing your seatbelt is manditory in many states...if not all of them (it is in mine, anyway). My take is it's not the gummit's business whether we wear a seatbelt (the law was proposed by insurance companies so they can loophole their way out of paying claims to those not wearing one).

    I wear a seatbelt because my husband has always required it from our first date on. They make me carsick, so I bring my knees to my chest and wear it around my legs, but no one can say I don't have it on.

    Boxing, refusing seatbelts, smoking, drugs, basic self-abusive habits...as a Christian, I will do what I can to protect my temple (and my entire head), but if other Christians want to be knocked out by a boxing glove, it's their decision. Those kind of things help eliminate the idiots of the world so the wiser ones who have better things to do (like post on message boards) have more room to walk around and food to eat. I call it "survival of the smartest". :D Please put your stones away, people..I'm just having a little fun here. I don't always make the smartest choices in my life, either.

    Hey...has anyone heard of "Gorgeous George Grant"? He was a boxer long ago who dressed up like a woman and pranced around the ring before boxing.

    Supposedly, he came to our church as a boxer-turned-evangelist when I was a kid. I say "supposedly" because I'm not sure it was the same guy. Read on...

    "Gorgeous George" gave out an autographed picture to everyone in church (yeah, I know), so, I took it to school and showed it to one of my teachers whom I had invited to church to hear him speak. When I showed it to him he took one look at it and said it wasn't "Gorgeous George Grant". As a kid, I couldn't imagine a Christian would lie, so I challenged the teacher. But he got outright boisterous and claimed to have watched him all the time and even went to a few fights. He was a big fan and was adamant that this was not the same "gorgeous Goeorge". But, this teacher was truely against Christians and would have hated the idea that someone he looked up to had become one (if he indeed DID become a Christian and wasn't an imposter).

    Years later I heard through rumors that something "gorgeous george" said gave Pastor the impression that he really wasn't who he claimed to be, so he never asked him back to speak. [shrug]

    Has anyone else heard this guy speak? I heard him back in the late 70s...early 80s?

    [ July 17, 2005, 08:04 PM: Message edited by: Victory in Jesus ]
  4. Petrel

    Petrel New Member

    Jul 13, 2005
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    Now what does that mean? :eek: ;)

    I agree it's a good idea to learn self-defense. I'd like to take up karate or some other martial art again when I have the time and money.
  5. bruren777

    bruren777 New Member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    Yesterday I posted a message about attacking someones
    mother. I can't remember where exactly I saw the reference to someones mother. Anyway someone posted something(I wish I could remember,thats part of my disability)I can't remember things very well. I'm not looking for pity.
    Anyway a person responded to a post and made a derogatory comment about the other persons mother.
    I just have to leave people to their own problems.
    I'am sorry for stirring things up.
  6. Artimaeus

    Artimaeus Active Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    I would agree with the part about they're not trying to kill their opponent but would disagree about trying to hurt them. The ultimate goal in every boxing match is to inflict a brain injury called a brain concussion on the other boxer resulting in a knockout (KO). Next goal would be to inflict such injuries as to render the person incapable of continuing thus resulting in a technical knockout (TKO). Finally, if all else fails, then the person who has demonstrated the greatest skill at delivering punches and defensive moves, attempting to inflict the aforementioned injuries will be awarded the win based on a decision of the judges.
  7. emeraldctyangel

    emeraldctyangel New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
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    I know what it feels like to be punched in the face. I cannot imagine someone wanting to put their face out there to be punched on purpose.

    I went to one boxing match (the military holds matches called "smokers") and it amazed me to see the violence rise up to the backs of everyone's throat. People that I had always seen as peaceful and kind were screaming things like "knock his head off!"

    You can box if you want to, but come near me...youre going to get pepper sprayed.
  8. Rachel

    Rachel New Member

    Oct 3, 2004
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    LOL Kinda like football and really any sport, nascar too, people waiting for wrecks. Lots of people enjoy all these, including me. I 'talk' to the tv all the time when watching sports. :D
    So I think if a Christian wants to box, go for it. :cool:
  9. James_Newman

    James_Newman New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    1 Timothy 3:2-3
    2 A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
    3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;
  10. Servent

    Servent Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    George is a nice guy he, lives about 5 miles from me, I have not met him but my daughter has she goes to school with his kids, He has been to the school several times to speak to the kids.
  11. Hardsheller

    Hardsheller Active Member
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    Jun 21, 2002
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    Couple of Boxing Notes:

    I have a deacon in my church who coaches boxers. He travels to NYC to attend fights in Madison Square Garden every time one of his fighters has a match there.

    I met a man on a mission trip this past year who knocked out Mohammed Ali before Ali turned pro. This guy is a Southern Baptist from Louisiana and was in the service at Ft. Campbell, KY at the time. Mohammed Ali was then Cassius Clay and 16 years old. This man was in his early 20's. He said he gave up boxing when he got up one morning after a fight and even his hair was hurting.
  12. OCC

    OCC Guest

    Wow, that is pretty bad if even his hair was hurting. lol
  13. OCC

    OCC Guest

    Artimaeus, thank you for clarifying. It seems wierd to me that two people bent on knocking each other out would high five after the fight.

    emeraldcityangel...no I don't want to box. lol I just asked a question. Niether do I want your pepper spray. lol
  14. av1611jim

    av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Paul used Greco-Roman wrestling illustration because that is what people would be familiar with, NOT because God approves of fighting. That is what the "sport" of boxing IS...FIGHTING.

    Show me some Scripture which condones FIGHTING for "sport." You can't.

    Brother Newman HAS shown you all Scripture which refutes your position yet you ignore it to your own peril. He who ignores Scripture to justify his own carnal wishes is in great peril.

    2Co 5:10
    For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
    2Co 5:11
    Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.

    To they who say it is ok to box or participate as a spectator I say: Good luck at THAT day when you must give account of yourself.

    In HIS service;
  15. OCC

    OCC Guest

    Thanks but I don't believe in luck. [​IMG]

    By the way...I never said I was a 100% supporter of boxing. I only asked a question.

    You make good points about the violence, etc. Now...can you show me some Scripture which condones Christians fighting in wars in the New Testament? I don't think you can. Can you show me some Scripture which tells man to put his country and government ahead of his allegiance to Christ and allow himself to be conscripted to fight in an unjust war? You can't.
  16. emeraldctyangel

    emeraldctyangel New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
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    Interesting Kingjames, you are goading Americans into perverting the Bible. Sounds a lot like Al queda and the Taliban with the quoran.

    Nothing in the Bible tells any Christian to put aside his or her faith in order to be completely true to our country. Our country never asked us to do that. Might want to actually live here and enjoy the freedoms before you try and understand them.
  17. av1611jim

    av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Ro 13:1
    ¶ Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
    Ro 13:2
    Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
    Ro 13:3
    For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:
    Ro 13:4
    For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
    Ro 13:5
    Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.
    Ro 13:6
    For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.
    Ro 13:7
    ¶ Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.

    This Scripture speaks for itself concerning our allegiance to our country. Nobody ever said our allegiance to our country should supercede our allegiance to Christ. But I may point out to you that Christ himself addressed soldiers on how they ought to conduct themselves. See Matt 5-8. He never told them to quit the military, nor did he condemn them for being soldiers. And BTW; He was speaking to Roman soldiers.

    In HIS service;
  18. OCC

    OCC Guest

    What are you talking about?
  19. OCC

    OCC Guest

    Jim, nothing wrong with being in the military. People here are saying that if you don't join the military when there is a draft then you are a coward. I say that is not true. That is an attempt by communists to force someone to fight an unjust war, and in the process, putting their country before their Lord. I stand by what I said.

    Jesus NEVER commanded one to obey their government when they go against God and an unjust war goes against God. 'nuff said.
  20. OCC

    OCC Guest

    Ro 13:6
    For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.
    Ro 13:7
    ¶ Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.

    By the way, when I used these very verses to tell an American that they should obey their government this person said they ARE the government. That those passages don't apply to Americans. [​IMG] One of you is wrong.