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Hall of Shame

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by TexasSky, Aug 9, 2005.

  1. TexasSky

    TexasSky Guest

  2. IAD

    IAD New Member

    Jun 30, 2005
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    Interesting, though I don't really like the way it's written.

    From the first paragraph... "the true leaders of righteousness"... I would've thought that the Author and Finisher of our faith would hold that title, not a guy running a website.

    Also, the second paragraph... "Moral failure is always preceded by the embracing of a sense of personal pride, in which an individual considers themselves to be superior to others, and/or favored by God to the extent that they are no longer accountable morally, because of the duties or works that they perform, which they believe elevate them to a superior standing." The writer seems to know an awful lot about what's going on in the hearts, minds and lives of these people, and it apparently sure that every one of them sinned as part of a premeditated scheme to elevate their will above God's. There's no room here for someone who had been struggling with private sin in their minds to finally have a lapse in judgment and act out on their thoughts. Mind you, I'm not saying that such a situation is any better or worse than premeditated sin. Not at all. Just that this author acts like he knows a LOT about what got the folks on this list where they are.

    I also see some names missing from his list. What about Amy Grant? Michael English? Bonnie Keen? Charles Stanley?
  3. webdog

    webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    More "christian" gossip. Does anyone remember "ye who is without sin cast the first stone"? Why wasn't Saul, David, Mary Magdalene, Paul on that list?
  4. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    TS, it's best to VERIFY if the accusations against certain of these parties is true. About the only thing that can be easily verified is a criminal conviction. Since we usually don't know the truth about someone's divorce, it's best to not hold that against someone. It could be that the celebrity's spouse was the one committing adultery, and both Scripturally & under USA law, adultery is grounds for divorce.

    As a staunch Freedom Reader, you know I hold Dr. Peter S. Ruckman in very low esteem. But that's because of what he SAYS & WRITES, not because of his divorces. I think his first 2 wives left him, and we don't know why, nor is it any of our business unless we're a close relative of any of the players involved. I would think the same of Ruckman had he never married, or if he'd had the same wife for 60 years.
  5. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    TexasSky, I'd never heard of many of those people but also notice most are listed for adultery, divorce and remarriage. [​IMG]

    Following the links off that link shows heretical beliefs of some, news stories or t.v. shows where their adultery was discussed, etc. Divorce and remarried equals adultery except in the most extreme case (continued unrepentent adultery on the part of the spouse; lifestyle of adultery or incest and then dessertion and divorce by that spouse) so a second marriage, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, etc.... is inexcusable in a Christian leader.
  6. patrick

    patrick New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Can all of these allagations be proved true? What was the cause of divorce? pre or post conversion.

    Is divorce the unpardonable sin of the Baptist church? Where does grace fit in?
  7. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    Do a search, Patrick. This has been discussed numerous times. You might look under 'husband of one wife', 'adultery', 'forgiveness', 'pastor versus preacher', etc.
  8. patrick

    patrick New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Define husband of one wife. What is that verse really saying. Was it talking about polgamy? I can show you many God honoring men who have been divorced. I agree with you on the subject.

    So Diane in your eyes Charles Stanley is a preacher and not a pastor? He has been divorced. Is he disqualified from his pulpit?

    When I do a search on a topic this board will one the last places I will look. The Bible would be my 1st place.
  9. mioque

    mioque New Member

    May 23, 2003
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    Is this the moment where I point out that that list can be made a lot longer?
  10. TexasSky

    TexasSky Guest


    Please look at Christ's own words regarding divorce, and then ask God what you think "one wife" means.

    Regarding why I posted the list, I think it serves as a very good reminder to us all that we need to follow God, not men.
  11. Jeffrey H

    Jeffrey H New Member

    Jul 3, 2003
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    Some folks on the list are well-documented, however....

    I was troubled that there was no reference (with a few exceptions) to any evidence about the accusations. This list sours the integrity of the website.
  12. patrick

    patrick New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    I know what it is saying Sky. I am just pointing out what others say. I feel divorce is not the answer 90% of the time. We have made it to convient in America.

    We take this to it's conclusion, my thoughts are simple. I know pastors who are divorced. It wasn't of their own choosing and the churches kept them. We are talking conservitive SBC churches and they are still pastoring. I have a friend who wife divorced him. He was totaly faithful to her. His church wanted to keep him. Are they wrong?

    My thoughts are simple. I have had one wife and I am planning on keeping her till she realizes she got the short end of the stick.12 years ago was a great day in my life.

    So in eyes because of Charles Stanley's divorce, is he unfit to pastor?
  13. TexasSky

    TexasSky Guest


    First regarding Charles Stanley - I think he should have kept his promise to step down. Stanley used to teach divorce was wrong - until it hit him. He taught to a national audience on multiple occasions that if divorced, a minister should step down from the pulpit. When asked about his own marriage, he affirmed that applied to him as well. Then - when it DID apply to him, the rules changed. God's word didn't.

    So, you tell me, which was the correct teaching by Stanley?

    Second - Look at your own phrasing, "I am planning on keeping her till she realizes she got the short end of the stick."

    I know you said that in jest, but really look at it.

    That spirit of acceptance or inevitability or "I can't change my partner" is one reason the divorce rate is rising so quickly. People have a fatalistic, "I can't stop them," view point, so they don't try as hard to stop it.
  14. Salamander

    Salamander New Member

    Jul 2, 2005
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    Seems everyone forgets we are all made of the same flesh, but it doesn't go without saying, these men that are divorced and remarried are disqualified from the ministry, including those guilty of incest.

    Meanwhile, we little ol' cast-away preachers still stand and trust God to keep us from these same sins.

    Thank You LORD, for saving my soul, countless times from many sins.
  15. Salamander

    Salamander New Member

    Jul 2, 2005
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    Oh, and since when did God make an exception that results in adultery by the remarriage to have precedence over His Institution of marriage?

    Hint: He didn't.
  16. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    God says no divorce.

    Jesus said to forgive our brother 70 X's 7.

    It's quite clear to me that divorce is not an option ... and we've been married 35 years this Oct.
  17. mioque

    mioque New Member

    May 23, 2003
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    "these men that are divorced and remarried are disqualified from the ministry, including those guilty of incest."
    I'd say ESPECIALLY those guilty of incest, but that could be personal feeling more than Biblical orthodoxy.
  18. Ben W

    Ben W Active Member
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    Sep 16, 2002
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    Interesting Website Sky, What is sad is the names that could be added to it.

    I was not aware of what is written about Kathryn Kuhlman there though, I am going to have to do a little research on that one.
  19. patrick

    patrick New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    You look at the issue of divorce in America, it is scary. The national average is huge. in my former youth group 95% of all my kids came from single parent homes.

    Divorce is not answer!!! People need to realize, it is daeth to we part. Sky, my wife and myself decided early on in our relationship, we were in to the end.

    however to put someone on a website called hall of shame they better have concrete proof. I have done things in my life that I wished I could have done over.

    People are quick to point at others fault and not notice their own. Divorce is not the unpardonable sin. I feel, we need to look at from the perspective of grace. Should they still pastor? that is each to individual church. Ain't great to be Baptist
  20. patrick

    patrick New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    God says no divorce.

    Jesus said to forgive our brother 70 X's 7.

    It's quite clear to me that divorce is not an option ... and we've been married 35 years this Oct.

    I am anti divorce. I don't believe in it. I think it is one of blights on today's families. Jesus did say if adultry was involved then divorce was an option? Right.

    I think you have to look at why. One of my favourite teacher in Bible college was divorced. His wife left him at 20 years of marriage. She just grew tired of the life of a pastor's wife. He resigned, his pulpit. I resapect him from that.

    Diane the main point of my 1st reply was to make sure the info was relaible. The polgamy stuff old NOBTS arguments, I had to endure.

    Even if every word on the hall of shame web site is true, does that web site edify the Body. It gives us something to talk about. I have seen men's reputation ruined because of rumors and gossip and I hate to see others names run thru the mud. If all the info is verfied then it is a good warning. Some of those guys were dead. so does that help us today, in any way?