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  1. Saved421

    ESV 2025 - Change notes

    That's true, it was translated Lord Jehovah in the GNV. Anyhow, the King James Bible is always right, and sidenote: Yahweh is not Jehovah. Take care, farewell Shawn
  2. Saved421

    ESV 2025 - Change notes

    Correction: Shouldn't have doubted, read the word, confirmed by God in Christ (refer to Gen 46; Psalm 105:10.) God confirmed the law to Jacob and said, go to Egypt and then his children would dwell in Egypt for 430 years. Alleuia! Shawn Edit: maybe not, 430 years may not be right accorfing...
  3. Saved421

    ESV 2025 - Change notes

    Dear Deacon, Thanks for sharing, I do have to admit the ESV is correct here as the word translated is indeed Lord not LORD as LORD = Jehovah. The Lord is Adonai which is how the ESV is translating it and other versions. Regarding Ex 12:40: the text saith they were sourjourning for 430 years...
  4. Saved421

    Granddaughter needs prayer

  5. Saved421

    Publick Apology

    Dear Community, I would like to apologize, it seemeth that my attitude is still very rude and not encouraging in my reponses on this fourm. As I was reading in the book of Job, I read how forceable are right words... I came to realize, even if its right, we can't force someone to believe, we...
  6. Saved421

    Peter’s Tomb desecration

    Thanks for the history lesson, I recall hearing hades was some amusment park in Assyrian mythology. Neverthless, I believe Hell is always hell in the Bible (A.V.) not Hades/Ghenna/etc. Hell is the core of the earth, it and death shall be thrown into the lake of fire. The fire therein burneth...
  7. Saved421

    Who was it, do you think, that Saved Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the Fiery Furnace?

    The Lord Jesus Christ, and don't forget, Jesus was appeared as an angel in the O.T. many other times. Son of God, not son of the gods, the three boys said our God not gods.
  8. Saved421

    Praising God Whilst Knowing Your Still Just A Sinner

    When we are saved, we are already forgiven past, current, future.
  9. Saved421

    Wonder around the world

    And I believe we live on a flat earth
  10. Saved421

    Regarding Sharp Rule

    Yes, the gospel is 1 Cori 15:1-5. Romans 3:25. Jesus is God manifested in the flesh, shed his blood on Calvary, died, rose again on 3rd day. Putting blood in the mercy seat in heaven. We are saved by grace through faith not by any works (tithing, giving up sin, church going...) in that...
  11. Saved421

    Peter’s Tomb desecration

    Oh wow, and I will believe no such thing.
  12. Saved421

    Modern use of the term Idolatry

    Yes, and that includes (saints, Mary...)
  13. Saved421

    Regarding Sharp Rule

    We should focus on gospel sharing!!!!
  14. Saved421

    Trump Ending Anti-Christian Government Activities

    No, Woman can't be pastors.
  15. Saved421

    United Methodists are now apostate

    Oh yes, we must pray for them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (not saints or Mary...) No, Jesus did not fall with the cross, except give verse? I think I seen this not jesus falling with cross in a Catholic version. Nothing wrong with taking up our cross, but note not for salvation. Shawn
  16. Saved421

    United Methodists are now apostate

    Dear Cathode, He was saying, it was for the apostles do those miracles like casting out the devils. Not for us, as Paul said signs for Jews, and faith for Gentiles. Shawn
  17. Saved421

    Regarding 'Archaic' English

    Ah yes, classical would be difficult to understand, it would be like reading Gothic English or anicent way of Chinese writting. Really brought up a good question, I will ponder about it. I have a lot to learn, need to learn to be more paitent, and also I feel grateful there is always a way to...
  18. Saved421

    Regarding 'Archaic' English

    Thanks for responding, there are people who believre the KJB is perfect and do wish to have foreign translators of it. Such as the holybiblefoundation and purebiblebiblepress. Maybe could assist them with a Japanesse translation? I am aware Gail one of the people who do believe KJB is perfect...