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Search results

  1. HeartRockHills

    AI - The Creeping God?

    I took a class on AI...it's able to search the entire web in a nano second. I feel it's much like anything else...it's how you use it. The internet, social media, forums, drones, and the like can be used for good or bad, right or wrong. In the wrong hands anything can be pretty creepy. This is...
  2. HeartRockHills

    We have lost the art of creating disciples. We gather with friends and dig into the word in our...

    We have lost the art of creating disciples. We gather with friends and dig into the word in our home. We are growing through studying God's word. If you can't find a church family, gather with a friend or two and just begin to study his word. We also listen to Pastor Jack Hibbs...he is great if...
  3. HeartRockHills

    Hello...I am a newbie here.

    Thank you!
  4. HeartRockHills

    Hello...I am a newbie here.

    Hello, I am new here and wanted to pop in and share a little about myself. I am a wife to my awesome hubby, mother to 3 amazing kids, and Nana to 9 fantastical grandkiddos. I am a writer (Christian devotionals), singer/songwriter, and own my own Natural Bath & Body Skincare business. I joined...