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doctrines of grace

  1. Dave G

    What do you see?

    All, In another thread I asked a member who disagrees with what are commonly called "the doctrines of grace" ( or what is very often referred to as "Calvinism", TULIP, etc. ), but what I see as the truth in summary form, what they see when they read the Scriptures like I do... As a newspaper or...
  2. Rhetorician

    Dr. Roger D Duke (Rhetorician) web page just went live...

    Hello to all, In the New and Current Events forum, I have just gone live with my web page. You can find it at: https://www.drrogerdduke.com/ Please to there and give me some feedback and opinions. Be kind since I have really "thin skin." I would appreciate your giving it a look see. Thanks be...
  3. Rhetorician

    Has Fundamentalism Lost the Gospel?

    To all who have an ear: I am not an IFB so I probably should not be even posting at this thread. But, I was raised with a "Bob Jones pastor" and was a Bus Pastor for years and years. I also, in the early to mid 1970s, attended many bus clinics where John R. (as I affectionately call him) and...