A Reddit user wrote a lengthy post to “The_Donald” subreddit on Wednesday detailing how she has “been secretly watching Trump and his speeches for the last few months and agreeing with what he says about Islam.”
“Until yesterday, I had not once removed my Hajib in my life while outside,” the author, a 19-year-old girl whose parents are Muslim immigrants, explained. “I tried to do it once when I was 10 years old, and my parents grounded me for a week.”
The author states, in her view, the idea of “moderate muslims… is xxxxxxx.”....
Finally, the author expressed outrage at the “liberals on campus apologizing for Muslims” and noted that “the Bernie girls going around wearing Hajibs ‘in solidarity’ … are officially a conquered people of the caliphate.”
“Only Trump is standing up to these animals. We don’t want a single one in our country. If Trump doesn’t win, I will happily die the last woman not covering her head. Liberals have no idea what Islam really is.”
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/03/30/t...trump-fan-ditches-her-religion/#ixzz44UFXURDs
Note: some foul language in article.
“Until yesterday, I had not once removed my Hajib in my life while outside,” the author, a 19-year-old girl whose parents are Muslim immigrants, explained. “I tried to do it once when I was 10 years old, and my parents grounded me for a week.”
The author states, in her view, the idea of “moderate muslims… is xxxxxxx.”....
Finally, the author expressed outrage at the “liberals on campus apologizing for Muslims” and noted that “the Bernie girls going around wearing Hajibs ‘in solidarity’ … are officially a conquered people of the caliphate.”
“Only Trump is standing up to these animals. We don’t want a single one in our country. If Trump doesn’t win, I will happily die the last woman not covering her head. Liberals have no idea what Islam really is.”
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/03/30/t...trump-fan-ditches-her-religion/#ixzz44UFXURDs
Note: some foul language in article.