Take note this COVID stuff is just a cover for a greater spiritual problem facing the world (as end times comes) so that things can shift over to one-worldism. Now mind you, I'm not saying COVID is not real and that some have not died from it. But then that fact gave leverage for governments to become authoritarian and in short, this have become highly divisive and highly politically charged. So we all should be vaxed? What about smallpox? what about measles? Let's get morbid and state what about rabies which has virtually a 100% mortality rate? Those are worse but less contagious, some may say. And if one notices, the more things spread, the less severe they tend to be. For the COVID, what is the standard? Are we trying to prevent 1) overcrowded hospitalizations and death, or 2) from getting it at all (otherwise just a 'bad cold' or flu)? If it's the latter, then this is with us forever and won't stop until some megalomaniac who thinks he's God barks orders from Jerusalem to receive a mark "for our safety" of course, in order to participate in society, and oh, by the way worship him, too. And along that line, let's create the same environment for colds and flus, equally bad, that we lived with forever but "all of a sudden" we can't now for some reason.
This is why we are seeing the constitution chipped away for a long time now with Satan's lackeys who think they now have power in government. The spirit of Antichrist can't work with concepts like the constitution in the way. And all those who think they helped; all these crooked politicians who denied freedom; will one day be lined up against a wall thinking they are ready for rewards only to find them say, "Thanks for your help in establishing this new world order. TIme to all get shot now." That's the mentality of Satan (and answers why such a future government will only last 42 months before God intervenes lest we destroy ourselves).