I read that entire letter, then I watched the first 20 minutes of that video. Your outrage seems very misplaced. Yes, these guys admitted to crimes of war. But yet you've taken their testimony, which has nothing to do with the cause of war or the justness of war, and twisted it to your own machinations to say that the war itself is unjust.
I am not going to debate here about whether the war was just or unjust. But I am going to cry out against your tactics of emotional manipulation, especially in the area of using these former troops' admissions of guilt to your own agenda of outrage against the war.
Your last line says, "And to top it all off you have the audacity to say you support the troops." Yet, you aren't showing the troops any support here. You are using them and what they said to accomplish your own designs. This is clearly shown in your statement that our support of madmen starting illegal wars is causing veterans to commit suicide. Again, you don't care about the troops (at least not in this post), you only care about using them to further your own agenda.
Now, these men admitted to war crimes. So they should be punished. Even if it were proven without a doubt that the war was unjust, that does not excuse their actions. They, and any command that sanctioned these actions, need to be punished. Period.
I've made it through 24 months of combat. 12 in Iraq, and 12 in Afghanistan. At one point in my tour in Afghanistan, I got so low mentally that I scared myself. I was not contemplating suicide, but I talked to my squad leader about me giving him the bolt to my weapon while in garrison so that if I ever did contemplate suicide, I'd have no way to follow through. In the end, he told me that since I was going to take measures to prevent myself from killing myself, he believed that I wouldn't kill myself. Fortunately, I never did sink so low as to think about killing myself.
While we were deployed, I had soldiers (my soldiers) get hurt. Luckily, none were killed. But I had a soldier lose a leg. I had a soldier break his femur. I had a soldier get multiple TBIs. Sad to say, I allowed this to pull me from God for a time. I hated the terrorists. I hated Afghanistan. I hated the war. But one thing I never did was to even think about drawing down on a child. Even though the children were thieving liars. Literally. They would steal our food off the side of the trucks as we drove through, because they know we wouldn't run them over or shoot them. There was one mission where we went 5 days without a hot meal, because the kids stole our (can't remember the acronym right now, like an MRE, only for about 15 people) food that cooked itself. Doesn't sound like much, but try being out there, knowing you could have cooked food while spreading peanut butter out of a tube onto a cracker.
Basically, I said all that to say this: Poncho, you have no clue what you're talking about when it comes to the troops. Maybe you have some insight into the government and it's policies. But when it comes to the troops, you're clueless. You just like to hop on board with anything bad that happens, yell "I told you so", then twist it to fit your agenda.