Let us conduct a very simple thought experiment. Let's consider a one pound rock present on earth at the time of Adam.
It will have a given amount of energy in total, given by the equation e=mc^2.
Now let us lock the rock up in some safe place where it can neither gain nor lose any energy. Lay it in a cave somewhere, lock it up in some bigger rock at a constant temperature, Rocks are notorious for staying inert without doing things in a very energetic fashion, so this isn't going to be so hard to do. We keep it safe until today and take it out. It weighs one pound. It has the same amount of energy.
Hello. M is the same. E is the same. E = m c^2. Therefore c is the same.
Well, no doubt these simple absolutes have been bugging Barry Setterfield, so he's decided Einstein's theory is ... ummmm .... misunderstood.
All that time spent learning how to take scriptures and make them mean what you want are not wasted. He goes and finds words that sound like science to say that sometimes mass isn't mass!
Here is a direct quote from his web site:
"It is becoming apparent that masses measured macroscopically via inertia are showing different results than when measured atomically. This appears to be a consistent trend over the last 70 years or so."
Please, somebody, enlighten me where this is becoming so "apparant" . . .I've not been seeing anything like this anywhere except in the musings of Setterfield.
Now it remains perfectly true that, for example, you can smash together a couple of nuetrons and protons and the result will somehow weigh . . . less. Same number of protons and neutrons, there they are, weighing less.
Does that happen to mean that energy doesn't equal mc^2 after all? On the contrary, the missing mass is RELEASED as energy and that is the reason why we have the hydrogen bomb.
Barry's discussion about "mass" seems to depend on taking a change in mass between different states of elementary particles as proof that we can somehow forget e=mc^2, but without any discussion at all on the possibility - the ignored possibility - that energy came and went according to the change in mass.
Let's not ignore the Hydrogen Bomb. It works because e=mc^2.
e=mc^2 remains a basic problem for Setterfield change of light speed theory. You can have one or the other, you can't have both.