It is quite sad to see that so many Christians have been deceived for so many years into thinking that just because someone gives lip service and says "I'm against abortion and I'm against gay marriage," they believe it and give their full support. All along, all they were after was your vote, so these greedy politicians could get into office and then open the door for corporations to take your money and your resources. Reagan promised that abortion would be illegal before he left office, yet the Roe decision still stands because Reagan, Bush I and Bush II refused to appoint justices to the Supreme Court who would stand up and overturn it. Instead, they call it the "settled law of the land," and ignore it. I think they don't want to end abortion because if they did, they wouldn't have the carrot to dangle in front of Christian voters. We've voted for politicians who have allowed insurance companies, prescription drug companies, oil companies and other big business to raise prices and profit at our expense, and make incredible amounts of money while cutting our benefits and stealing our paychecks. The fact that Christians have supported this evil, unbiblical, anti-Christian administration is a tragedy that has cost us our testimony. For the sin of allowing politics to be our idol, replacing the gospel of Jesus Christ in our churches and our lives, I pray that God forgives us, and that we can get back to our business of ministering the gospel.
It is time for Christians to stop whining about this, stop blaming "liberals" for their problems, get up off their hands and do something to reduce the number of abortions that are performed in this country each year. The politicians are NOT going to help with this, we will have to do it on our own. Instead of giving them money to run campaigns so that they can say, "Sorry, I never got around to doing anything about abortion," put that money to work. Start a ministry where you rescue those babies by helping the mothers with things they need to make the decision to keep the baby. Minister instead of being judgemental, angry and bitter.
If we would put the energy into ministry in this way that we do into politics, we would see a noticeable dent in the number of abortions.