It was terrible to vote for either of them, which is why I didn't.
When two godless and vile people are offered as the leaders of the nation, you don't vote for either.
Your straw man of TDS is showing. Using that foolish label shows your own ignorance and nothing else.
Be a man sometime and call evil, evil. Look at what Trump has done in his life and call it evil. He has treated women horribly. He has bullied employees mercilessly. He has been unfaithful and has broken God's laws without any remorse or repentance. Why do you not care about such immoral behavior? Be honest and explain why a modern day Ahab doesn't bother you.
Trump is the only President I have ever heard to publicly claim Jesus Christ is his Lord and Savior. Trump professes to be a born again believer in our Lord Jesus Christ. I don’t declare people are saved or unsaved, but I take him at his word. So should you and embrace him as a brother in Christ.
Be a man and admit your political bias is causing you to ignore all scripture that says once a person is born again, they are a new man, all sins are forgiven.
Frankly, I don’t need a lecture on ignoring “immoral behavior” from a man who refuses to condemn the grooming of kindergarteners in our schools for sexual exploitation via the trans propaganda.
Salty’s having fun with Fauci’s statement. Be a man and admit your TDS has destroyed your sense of humor, if you ever had one.
peace to you