windcatcher said:
Nothing "fair" about "Fairness Doctrine"......
Just another great example how evil is cloaked in words which sound good...... words which by definition impart a meaning opposite of their intended performance: Words intentionally used, deceptive tools of evil.
My 'fairness doctrine' is words should mean what they say and say what they mean. ....... This I believe although I may mis-use words as much as any.... but not intentional.... unless satire or sarcasism is intended.... Rare.
Example of other words used to fool the masses and gain acceptance of programs, agencies, or laws:
[Other examples.... 'planned parenthood' which main mission is not that of helping couples who want children, or helping bring children into the world..... but who's intended purpose is reduction of population, population control, government interference into parenting, and promoting 'free s@x' via contraceptive controls and/or premature and unnatural pregnancy termination.
"War against Cancer"....... and we've had substantially increases in cancer occurrence. Whether or not there is any correlation is not the point: In this war, pharmaceutical companies and university research and grants are based more on the treatment or extention of life rather than the irradication or reduction of disease: While the public still eats the food and drinks the water, and breathes the air......... more research dollars are dropped into development of new "treatments"........ and not on identifying the known alterations already apparrent in our most basic environment which differs from yesteryears when fewer people had cancer: Our food is largely 'designer' GMO, or picked pre-mature and suspended in ripening or then hastened to ripen once at market.... Our water is altered from naturally occurring minerals and purities found in nature: The flouride additive is a known pesticide.... not resembling the natural flouride in is a industrial waste product with no good use and a problem for safe disposal except and until the people are sold the misinformation that it is beneficial. Chlorine saves lives by extending the purity of water and controlling bacteria.... but its consumption over periods of time was not intended and did not occur in the nature which God originally provided to sustain life. But industry is protected: There is no independant research to prove levels of safety or establish whether or not nutrition is altered.... or the availability of nurtrients for sustaining of health. There is little to naught invested in identifying complexities of molecular processes advantageous to life or comparison of the natural with that which is altered by man's design and for his conveinence.
"War against drugs"....... and there seems to be more drugs than ever. One hears of small prosecutions based upon possession, use, or distributing, and occassional large shipments caught.... but very little ever occurs regarding the organized crime or conspiracy which keeps them available or intervention to destroy the hidden economy and the street price.
"Deregulation"....... which has little to do with policy and rules within businesses.... and more to do with reducing the competition and diversity presented by multiple providers and monopoly development. Banks consolidate.... and if business goes bad... the small banks survive but the big ones are overextended in a profit grab .....and when default...rewarded with bailouts and/or buy outs.... the smaller continuing w/o assistance because of good business practices. Utilities consolidate: Instead of competing for the purchase of the cheapest energy sources and passing the adjustments and savings to the custormers.... they are consolidated and then obligated to buy from sources which control both profit and access and options.
"Privatization of services" which sounds like services are offered and provided by a self sustaining business when it is still government monies (and tax revenue funded) but the employees no longer have civil-service protections from political involvements, or wage scales, or benefits, and contracts with the government promote individual profit taking under the cover of privatisation.
"Food and Drug Administration" which is the super enforcer and controller of consumer's access to alternative choices of treatments, natural supplements and 'traditional', cultural, or folk remedies....... but haven't the man power to prevent contaminated heperin from entering our markets; or allow beef which did not show 'downers' until time of slaughter (suggestive of disease, poor care, or mad-cow disease) to go to market; or take cyclamate off the market but allows aspertaine to receive high promotion with few cautions; or accepts the industries own lab reports and esperimental summaries, protects industries patents and piority information from revealation or independant investigations and inquiry into genetic modification of foods, or residues of chemicals in soil or absorbed into the food supply through plant and animal sources: or concerns itself with the lead paint which might be residual on used toys and furniture in a charity used store..... but can only warn of fish which may be grown in contaminate waters with lead or mercury.... and do not have insistant guidelines to the medical teams regarding the removal of lead bullets, shrapnel, or shot from people who've been at the wrong end of a gun..... some of whom have lived a long life with the lead still in them. (Don't mistake.... I think lead is extremely toxic... but I also think there is some room and arguement for common-sense consideration which should bring into proper proportion those extremes of fear which are preyed upon the public.)]